(Activist Post) This summer, power grids worldwide won’t produce enough electricity to meet the soaring demand, threatening more than one billion people with rolling blackouts. Grids are stretched thin by fossil fuel shortages, drought and heatwaves, commodity disruptions and soaring prices due to the war in Ukraine, and the failed green energy transition where grid operators retired too many fossil fuel generation plants. Combine this all together, and a perfect storm of blackouts threatens much of the Northern Hemisphere.
UK Braces For Internet “Blackouts” Due To Coming “Wave Of Bankruptcies”
(Activist Post) Internet “blackouts” as a result of a “wave of bankruptcies” in broadband networks could be on their way.
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More ‘Green’ Insanity: Swiss Firms Told To Brace for Wave of Power Grid Blackouts As Government Tells Citizens To Cut Back on Electricity
(JD Heyes) The European continent not only managed to survive two world wars over the past century, but to emerge from the ashes as a thriving, modern beacon of prosperity and innovation.
Gov. Abbott Temporarily Bans Energy Companies from Billing Texans after Some Got Charged Thousands of Dollars for a Few Days of Power
(Ethan Huff) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has issued a temporary moratorium on all electricity billing throughout the Lone Star State after some customers were charged thousands of dollars for just a few days of power.
Why Culture Matters in a Collapse: Texans Show How Civilized Society Functions, Even When the Power Grid Doesn’t
(Ethan Huff) The events of the past several weeks really highlight a difference in the way Texans respond to disaster compared to, say, the residents of inner-city Atlanta, Detroit or Minneapolis. Even though millions were left without power for days on end, there has not been even one report of rioting or looting anywhere in the Lone Star State.
Government Agency Warns of MAJOR Blackout via Retweet, Suggests We Need to Prepare
(Ryan DeLarme) The Twitter Account for “Ready.gov” a division of the Department of Homeland Security, warned Wednesday to “Be prepared for a power outage” and was then retweeted by the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) Twitter.
DISPUTED: Massive Blackout in Vatican Following Release of Affidavit Revealing Italian Interference in US Election
(Travis) As news of an international conspiracy involving the Italian government to remove President Donald Trump picks up steam, a massive blackout just hit the Vatican.
Insurers Tell California Citizens to Drop Dead: Fire Coverage Yanked from 350,000 Residents in Response to PGE Power Blackouts and ‘Fire Risk’
(JD Heyes) Why Americans continue to elect Democrats, whose policies are tyrannical and economically destructive, is a mystery.
California Faces “Biggest Blackout Ever” As 2.5 Million PG&E Customers May Have No Power For Days
(Zero Hedge) Earlier this week we joked that with PG&E now scrambling to enforce intentional blackouts every time there are powerful winds for fears the bankrupt company’s aged infrastructure could cause a new fire, “every time the wind blows California will become Venezuela.”
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PG&E May Sporadically Cut Power To Californians For A DECADE
(Zero Hedge) Californians trying to justify living in the Golden State might be updating their pro/con list by occasional candlelight for up to a decade, according to PG&E.