(Patrick Howley) The globalist Rothschild banking family’s investment group in Chicago recently increased its indirect position in Bitcoin by almost four times in the second quarter, according to the July 19 Rothschild Investment Corp second-quarter SEC filing. The Rothschild firm, still run by the infamous family that founded it in 1908, now owns 141,405 shares in Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, having added 103,059 shares since last quarter. Bitcoin has established itself as a strong alternative currency amid worldwide financial instability marked by currency inflation, gas shortages, Coronavirus-inspired supply chain disruptions, and potential food shortages.
“The Financial Story of the Century Continues to be Ignored” The SEC’s Case with Crypto Innovator Ripple Labs Heats Up
(Joe Hoft) The crypto wars continue.
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There Are Currently At Least 80 Central Banks Around the World Looking at Digital Currencies
(Joe Hoft) There are at least 80 countries around the world looking at digital currencies.
Crypto Carnage Sends Bitcoin Into Red For 2021
(Tyler Durden) Well that de-escalated quickly. Having dropped into the red for the year (briefly), a wave of crypto dip-buyers have sent Bitcoin back above $32k and into the green for the day…
Bitcoin, Russian TV, and Devaluing the Dollar
(Jon N. Hall) The confluence of the pandemic, gargantuan deficits, Democrat rule, and frenzied money creation by the Federal Reserve has gotten a lot of economic types and investors worried. There’s talk of inflation, hyperinflation, a stock market crash, and even the devaluation of the USD: i.e. the U.S. Dollar. I mydamnself thought the yogurt would finally hit the fan two years ago. That’s when the 10-year T-notes sold during our first trillion-dollar deficits (2009-2012) started coming due. But we’re still chugging along, so what do I know? Perhaps these gloom-and-doom sorts that one sees nowadays are alarmists or have something to sell.
Economist Rips Up Paper Money On TV, Declares ‘He Who Has The Bitcoin Makes The Laws’
(Patrick Howley) Economist Max Keiser ripped up paper money on a CNBC broadcast and declared “He who has the bitcoin makes the laws” after a television media person warned him that ripping up paper money is allegedly illegal. Keiser is best known for his campaign to “Crash JP Morgan-Buy Silver,” which he broadcast on The Alex Jones Show. Alternative currency is under intense scrutiny, with fed Janet Yellen determined to try to shut down cryptocurrency.
A JPMorgan Icon Quits, And Has Some Parting Words About Cryptocurrencies
(Tyler Durden) For the better part of the past decade, Wall Street traders would end their week with at least a casual glance at JPMorgan’s closely-followed cross-asset report written every week by the bank’s top x-asset strategist, John Normand. But not any more: as Normand wrote in his May 21 note published last Friday, “this is my last research note and video, as I am moving on after 24 years.” In his note, Normand discusses lessons “learned in over two decades with JPM Research, covering cross-asset strategy/asset allocation, Currencies, Commodities and Fixed Income” a period “which covers four business cycles, three US/global recessions and four financial crises (that didn’t cause US recessions), plus hundreds of weekly reports and client meetings.”
BEGINNER’S GUIDE: Your Cheat Sheet To Getting Into Bitcoin (and $10 in Free Bitcion, yes really!)
(We Love Trump) No, this is not a paid ad. It’s also not financial advice. It’s just me, Noah, and I’m writing this article because I can’t respond to the (literally) hundreds of people asking me about bitcoin.
Does Bitcoin Use “Too Much” Electricity?
(Allan Stevo) In doing so, she makes a judgment about the “correct” amount of electricity use. But it raises the question of who is entitled to make such a judgment.
After Being Declared ‘Dead’ For the 414th Time, Crypto Markets Are Roaring Back
(Tyler Durden) The ripples created by the cryptocurrency market crash which saw $1.1 trillion eviscerate from the global market cap in a matter of days continued to reverberate on Wednesday, as a majority of coins experienced notable rebounds.
Bitcoin Is Officially Here – Coinbase IPO Direct Listing Today Estimated to be Valued at $100 Billion or More
(Joe Hoft) Coinbase is going public today on the NASDAQ in an IPO estimated to be valued at $100 Billion or more. Coinbase is the latest Silicon Valley “unicorn”, defined as a market value of $1 Billion or more. Coinbase, which will trade under the symbol [COIN], is a cryptocurrency market exchange and trading platform, providing a well-financed (and hopefully secure) platform for the trading of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin [BTC] that rose to a new high yesterday, surpassing the $62,000 level.
Veteran Investor Says Governments Are Planning to Totally Outlaw Bitcoin
(Paul Joseph Watson) Veteran investor Ray Dalio warns that governments across the globe are planning to outlaw Bitcoin because the financial elite cannot tolerate something that they don’t have monopoly control over.
‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Warns Central Governments Could Squash Bitcoin
(Joe Martino) You might remember the famed hedge fund manager Michael Burry from the film ‘Big Short,’ his character was played by Christian Bale. He is best known for forecasting the 2008 financial crisis, and he made billions from that bet. In a recent tweet, Burry has suggested that governments could “squash” Bitcoin (BTC) in a coming inflationary crisis due to further pandemic stimulus.
Bitcoin Uses More Energy Than All of Argentina
(Edward Morgan) Bitcoin is a huge energy hog. And Tesla’s recent announcement that it had bought $1.5 billion bitcoin — and will soon accept the cryptocurrency as payment for its cars — will only encourage more energy usage.
Tesla Buys $1.5 Billion in Bitcoin, Sends Price to Highest Level Ever
(CQ Livingston) Elon Musk has been pushing cryptocurrency for a while. Now, he’s putting his company’s money where his Twitter is.