(Nolan Barton) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund a study that aims to record a patient’s vaccination history by injecting dye under the skin.
bill gates
George Soros and Bill Gates Just Bought A COVID-19 Testing Company
(Anthony T) This is definitely raising red flags.
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Bloomberg, Cooper and Von Furstenberg Enjoy Penultimate Day of Sun Valley ‘Billionaire Summer Camp’ | Daily Mail Online
(Harriet Alexander) Bill Gates on Friday told his fellow billionaires that more needed to be done to combat climate change during an address at the annual Sun Valley conference in Idaho.
Bill Gates Was Known For Hosting Nude Pool Parties…He’s Also A Light-Weight When It Comes To Consuming Alcohol
(B.K. House) Bill Gates liked to party. In the ’80s and ’90s during Microsoft’s infancy, the nerdy computer wiz was known as a partier. Hard to imagine but apparently true, according to James Wallace who wrote two biographies on Gates.
World Economic Forum’s ‘Concept 2021’ Deals with Attacks to Supply Chains – This Is Eerily Similar to Bill Gates Sponsored Pandemic Simulation in 2019
(Joe Hoft) In 2019 the World Economic Forum held a simulation about reactions to a world pandemic sponsored by Bill Gates. This year ‘Concept 2021’ focuses on Internet supply chain failures.
We Now Know Why Creepy Bill Gates Invested in All of That US Farmland
(Jim Hoft) Bill Gates wants the world to take the COVID vaccine maybe multiple times and now he’s buying up farmland across the US. In fact, Bill Gates owns more farmland than anyone else in America today.
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Proof That the Pandemic Was Planned with a Purpose
(News Editors) Thousands of medical doctors say the pandemic was planned
The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein
(Whitney Webb) While more revelations about the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship have begun trickling out following the Gates’s divorce announcement, the strong evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades prior to 2011 continues to be covered up by the media—not necessarily to protect Bill but to protect Microsoft.
Bill Gates Linked Org. Sends Pretty French Honeypot to US in Effort to Take Down Gateway Pundit — But She Failed Miserably and Flew Back Home
(Jim Hoft) The Gateway Pundit is a top threat to the globalist left.
Fauci And Gates Are Both In A Downward Spiral As Their Misdeeds Come To Light
(Patrick Howley) Lab Funding Revelations And A Messy Divorce
Bill Gates – Buying the Press to Hide His True Nature
(Natural News) It has long been known behind the facade of the upstanding media that Bill Gates was not exactly the quiet nerd. The information surrounding his arrest has been scrubbed, so all that remains is the fact that he was arrested for a traffic violation with no other details. It is not likely he was arrested for just speeding. Gates has been hiding out in California for perhaps the last three months. That makes him a resident, and he should be hit with California state income taxes since they need so much money these days.
Bill Gates Urged to Give Evidence to Ghislaine Maxwell Investigators about Ties to Jeffrey Epstein by Victims’ Lawyer
(Emma Parry) BILL Gates has been urged to come forward and give evidence about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein – as it’s revealed he bought homes near the disgraced financier and one of his billionaire pals.
Report: Bill Gates Was Removed From Microsoft Board For Alleged Affair With Employee
(Martin Walsh) Microsoft founder Bill Gates, one of the world’s richest men, made headlines last week when he announced his impending divorce from his wife Melinda Gates after 27 years of marriage.
Jeffrey Epstein ‘Gave Marital Advice to Bill Gates’ as Pair Laughed about His ‘Toxic’ Relationship
(Bevan Hurley) Jeffrey Epstein suggested Bill Gates should leave his wife Melinda during dozens of meetings at the convicted pedophile’s $77million Manhattan townhouse, according to a person who attended the ‘men’s club’-style get-togethers.
Bill Gates Didn’t Kill Himself
(Vox Day) One of the things that becomes clear about the success of Bill Gates with Microsoft is that it was by no means assured at many steps along the way. This is well-chronicled in In Search of Stupidity. The number of sheer coincidences and terrible decisions by competitors that were required for Bill Gates to become so massively successful with someone else’s software on someone else’s hardware platform were astonishing.