(Kelen McBreen) A video uploaded to YouTube on September 20, 2019 is going viral after predictions made in the post ended up coming true over the next couple of years.
bill gates
Queen Welcomes John Kerry, Bill Gates and Others to Windsor Castle for a Very Lavish Reception
(Joe Hoft) The Queen of England met with billionaires and others at Windsor Castle for a lavish reception. Bill Gates, John Kerry and others were all smiles when meeting the Queen at the event.
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How Bill Gates’ ‘Generosity’ Benefits … Bill Gates
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) After years of building a reputation as a “ruthless tech monopolizer,” Bill Gates 2.0 was launched with the creation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. With this foundation, he reinvented and rebranded himself as one of the world’s most generous philanthropists.
Awaken India Exposes Billionaire Cartel Controlling India’s COVID-19 Task Force
(Brian Shilhavy) This week I was contacted by a long-time Health Impact News subscriber in India, Yohan Tengra, who is part of the Awaken India Movement website.
Bill Gates and UNICEF Aligned With Terrorist Taliban Involving U.S. Taxpayer Dollars
(JD Heyes) The CIA is well-known for getting in bed with terrorists and tyrannical regimes if those particular governments align with U.S. national security and foreign policy interests at the time.
THEY’RE SCARED: Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates Claims Leaked Chucri Tapes are “ELECTIONS MISINFORMATION” that “Spreads Like Wildfire”
(Jordan Conradson) After The Gateway Pundit leaked audio recordings of Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri bashing his colleagues for not supporting an audit and saying their audit was “pretty bullshit” the recordings are spreading like wildfire.
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Bill Gates Squirms as Interviewer Presses Him on Connection to Jeffrey Epstein: ‘He’s Dead, So…’
(Jack Davis) Displaying all the aplomb of a first-grader in the principal’s office, Bill Gates grew defensive in a recent interview when asked about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
“Those Meetings Were a Mistake,” Says a Flustered Bill Gates During Grilling About Jeffrey Epstein
(Sophie Mann) When asked if he’d learned a lesson, Gates responded, “Well, he’s dead, so …”
Bill Gates to Further Expand Influence by Launching His Own News Publication
(Jack Davis) A Bill Gates-backed advocacy organization is now going to tell the world everything climate change alarmists want us to know.
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MUST SEE: New documentary Film “TrustWHO” Exposes Bill Gates for Bankrolling Global Genocide Programs
(Ethan Huff) Lilian Franck has put out a new documentary film called “TrustWHO” that exposes billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates as the world’s number-one financier of terrorism and genocide.
Fear-based Pandemic Goal: Create “Novel” Viruses, Then Reduce World’s Population by Several Billion by Scaring Everyone into Taking Deadly Vaccines
(S.D. Wells) “The Covid-19 virus was an animal virus that was manipulated by human beings to become infectious to human beings, and then its lethality was augmented for it to be more destructive to human lung tissue,” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Md. informs us all. Well, not too many people know this (plus YouTube deleted it forever), but Bill Gates proclaimed in 2010, at one of those global elitist TED talks, that the world’s population needs to be reduced by a few billion people, and in the next sentence said that can be done if we do a “really great job on new vaccines,” so what exactly did he mean?
Why Is The Gates Foundation Funding The UK’s Medicines Regulator?
(Nick Corbishley) On August 13, the UK government published a response to a freedom of information request in relation to the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) — the UK’s equivalent of the FDA. It was in response to a question asking whether or not the agency had received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The answer was yes:
WEIRD: Bill Gates Smiles When Suggesting the Nonvaccinated Should Be Withheld Their Social Security Benefits
(Joe Hoft) Wow was this weird. Bill Gates acts like he is some sort of COVID king and smiles when it’s suggested that the elderly should be withheld their social security checks if they refuse to get vaccinated.
Bombshell: Bill Gates Partnered with CCP Group to Conduct Coronavirus Gain-of-function Research
(Ethan Huff) For the past five years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) via the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) of China has maintained a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that involves conducting scientific research into, you guessed it: bat coronaviruses.
Bill Gates: “I Stopped Trump from Investigating Vaccines”
(noah) The #1 question I get from people is “what’s up with President Trump and the vaccine?”