(Adam Wilson) After some people started using Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19 symptoms, the media and government engaged in a vicious campaign to discredit the treatment and attack people who used it. Now, research funded by Bill and Melinda Gates found that Ivermectin causes no significant negative side effects. The Gateway Pundit Reports–
bill gates
THEY LIED. Watch Fauci, Joe Biden, Dr. Walensky and Bill Gates Ensure You the Vaccine will Stop Transmission Elites — Until They Changed Their Talking Points (VIDEO)
THEY LIED. Watch Fauci, Joe Biden, Dr. Walensky and Bill Gates Ensure You the Vaccine will Stop Transmission Elites — Until They Changed Their Talking Points (VIDEO)
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Top Harvard Professor Found Guilty of Receiving Payments From China
(Kevin Hughes) A top Harvard University professor has been found guilty of lying about payments received from China.
Why Is Bill Gates So Focused on Abortion and Contraception? It Started With His Father
(Jonathon Van Maren) In 2003, American journalist Bill Moyers asked Bill Gates a question. Why, Moyers wanted to know, are you so passionate about reproductive issues? Gates considered. “But did you come to reproductive issues as an intellectual, philosophical pursuit?” Moyers pressed. “Or was there something that happened? [W]as there a revelation?”
Bill Gates Is ‘Optimistic’ About 2022: We Should Be Too, but for Entirely Different Reasons
(Ashley Sadler) It’s almost the end of 2021, and that means it’s time to look at where we came from and where we’re going.
Is CVS About To Turn Over Millions of Vaccine Records to Bill Gates? Microsoft Partnership Raises HUGE Questions and Medical Privacy and Corporate Exploitation of Vaccine Mandates
(Ethan Huff) CVS Health is partnering with Microsoft to develop a “data-driven, personalized, privacy-compliant customer experience,” which sounds a whole lot like Bill Gates getting his grubby, blood-stained hands into patients’ vaccine records.
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Lawsuit Filed in India’s High Court Against Bill Gates and Others Over COVID-19 Vaccine Death
(Cassie B.) A lawsuit has been filed with a high court in India in a case involving a 23-year-old man who died shortly after getting the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID Propaganda Roundup: Bill Gates, Inc. Rolls Out Latest Viral Terror Threat (Weaponized Smallpox)
(Ben Bartee) The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
Bill Gates Has Sent Millions to China Throughout Covid, This Was in His ‘Thank You’ Note from Xi Jinping
(Kyle Becker) Bill Gates has been sending tens of millions of dollars to China throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, even as the Communist-run country likely knew about the pandemic in May 2019 and intentionally fueled it to spread it around the globe.
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Indians DROP DEAD from Starvation Thanks to Bill Gates’ Food Rationing Biometrics System
(Ethan Huff) Few people know this but back in 2017, rural India implemented a digital biometrics food rationing system called Aadhaar that was thrust upon the country by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates. And many Indians have since died because of this genocidal tool.
Fauci, Gates Admit COVID Vaccines Don’t Work as Advertised
(Jeremy Loffredo) In interviews just days apart, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted COVID vaccines aren’t effective, but both suggested the solution is to give more boosters to more people.
Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets
(NWO Report) Up until his recent messy divorce, Bill Gates enjoyed something of a free pass in corporate media. Generally presented as a kindly nerd who wants to save the world, the Microsoft co-founder was even unironically christened “Saint Bill” by The Guardian.
Bill Gates’ Pro-vaccine, Pro-abortion Plan to Stop Population Growth
(David Solway) In a 2020 Ted Talk, Bill Gates famously argued that world population is approaching an unsustainable level of 9 billion, a looming catastrophe that needed to be addressed by finding ways to significantly reduce population growth. The route to this end, apparently, is to make people healthier. The solution he proposed included a three-part plan, which he described as “doing a really great job on Vaccines, Health Care and Reproductive Health Services,” which could “lower [world population] by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” Many have accused Gates of proposing genocide. In my estimation, that is plainly a bridge too far, but it usefully highlights the dark underbelly of much of his acclaimed philanthropy and his undoubted globalist intiatives.
Bill Gates Says Governments Must PUNISH People for Questioning Mask and Vaccine Mandates Online
(Lance D Johnson) In a recent interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, Bill Gates said that governments around the world must begin to PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online. It’s not enough that social media companies have gone the way of the Chinese Communist Party, targeting information that exposes crimes against humanity and blacklisting critical information that would help people make an informed decision. Now, Bill Gates wants not only to silence those who disagree with him, but he also wants to turn governments against their own people when those people dare speak out of line against Bill Gate’s global agendas, surveillance systems, economic controls, genetic engineering and medical mandates.
Bill Gates Finally Admits to Failure of COVID Vaccines He Fought So Hard to Prop Up (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) In an interview last week with Policy Exchange, creepy Bill Gates finally admitted the dangerous COVID vaccines were not working as advertised.