(Kyle Becker) President Joe Biden is “rattled” by his sinking approval ratings, amidst a plague of crises that his presidency seems totally unprepared to manage. An NBC News report citing unnamed sources inside the White House paint a picture of a collapsing presidency.
Biden Approval Statistics
The Honeymoon Is over for Biden as Approval Numbers Drop, Disapproval Numbers Spike
(Sophie Mann) As his term progresses, Biden’s approval rating continues trending down at a rate significantly faster than that of his Democrat predecessors.
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As YouTube Covers Up for Biden, New Website Tracks ACTUAL Biden Approval Statistics…They Are Brutal
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) We previously reported on the fact that no one was watching Biden’s videos. We showed that the viewership, dislikes, and performance during Biden’s own eerie inauguration were so poor that the Whitehouse actually hid their own complete inauguration video from search engine.