United Nations ‘Anti-Human Push’ to De-Carbonize the World
biblioteca pleyades
Why Isn’t The CFR In History Books?
(Biblioteca Pleyades) Hardly one person in 1000 ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
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CIA and Drug Trafficking
(Douglas Valentine) Special Report: The corrupt connections between U.S. intelligence and drug enforcement go back more than seven decades as American spies and drug investigators routinely crossed paths and collaborated – with the interests of average citizens never high on the agenda, as author Douglas Valentine describes.
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
(Steve Kangas) The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA. (1)
A CIA Trojan Horse – The National Endowment for Democracy
(William Blum) How many Americans could identify the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)?
The Trilateral Commission – A Council on Foreign Relations Front Organization
(Biblioteca Pleyades) Monday, March 15, 1999, an AP article titled “Trilateral Commission reaches out to others,” was published on the Tampa Bay Tribune website. The article is about the Council on Foreign Relations — the real story is hidden between the lines.
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The Jefferson Letter 1994
(Biblioteca Pleyades) A paper, titled Use The Sun, was submitted to the Florida Solar Energy Commission for presentation at a symposium called Hydrogen ’94.
The Council on Foreign Relations is a Branch of an International Group of Co-Conspirators Called the Round Table Group
(Biblioteca Pleyades) Council on Foreign Relations members control both Government agency, and “private-industry” news sources. Round Table Group members in different nations control the news sources in their countries. The Council on Foreign Relations propaganda machine manipulates American Citizens to accept the particular climate of opinion the Round Table Groups are seeking to achieve in the world. Council on Foreign Relations members working in an ad hoc committee called the “Special Group” and through a vast intragovernmental undercover infrastructure called the “Secret Team” formulate this opinion in the United States.
The Council on Foreign Relations and Mein Kampf
(Biblioteca Pleyades) In 1941 General William Donovan’s covert psywar responsibilities included covert psychological warfare within the uniformed Office of Strategic Services (OSS). [1] In 1943 the OSS released a top secret psychological report written on Adolph Hitler. The psychologist leading the study was Dr. Walter Langer. Dr. Walter Langer’s brother was William L. Langer, Special Branch Chief of the Office of Strategic Services. William L. Langer was also one of the editors of the first English version of Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf. The English version of Mein Kampf appeared in 1939. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in 1923. Members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations were reading English Translations of Mein Kampf many years before they presented it to the American public. One of William L. Langer’s co-editors was George N. Shuster. Langer and Shuster were Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies’ Peace Aims Group members from 1941-1945. Another member of this group was Arthur Sweetser, the Deputy director of the Office of War Information. Sweetser and Langer also worked together as members of the Political Group with John Foster Dulles. Another member of the Peace and Aims Group was Allen W. Dulles, John’s brother. General Donovan and Allen Dulles made a career of trying to have the Director of Central Intelligence assigned to the Office of the President.[2]
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The CFR & the Center for Strategic and International Studies
(Biblioteca Pleyades) The following was found on the website for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) [http://www.csis.org/]. The website tells us.