(Benjamin Fulford)The failure of a Khazarian mafia coup attempt in China means the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is not going to be able to escape bankruptcy this time, multiple sources say.
benjamin fulford
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — October 3rd 2022: Shoot to kill orders issued for Khazarian mafia bosses
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To illustrate, watch mass murderer Bill Gates say “We have no chance of getting back to normal without 7 Billion people being vaxxed.”
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Benjamin Fulford — October 3rd 2022: Shoot to kill orders issued for Khazarian mafia bosses
(Benjamin Fulford) Worldwide shoot-to-kill orders have been issued against all Khazarian Mafia members until they surrender unconditionally, according to an agreement made between MI6, the CIA, Mossad, the Russian FSB and other military/intelligence agencies worldwide. This is legal because the KM are actively trying to kill 90% of humanity. If they surrender, they will face Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals. If they don’t, they face death.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 26th 2022: World revolution looms as the people of the planet wake up
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
This meant they were referring to King Charles I, who was executed after which England briefly became a Republic.
Benjamin Fulford — September 26th 2022: World revolution looms as the people of the planet wake up
(Benjamin Fulford) There are signs in multiple countries that some sort of world revolution is underway. These include a power struggle in China, riots in Iran, military mobilization by Russia, a declaration of war by Texas, royal unrest in the UK and much more. What all this points to is some sort of historical worldwide black swan event, possibly in October.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 19th 2022: China spurns fake pope while Russian demands abolition of Federal Reserve Board
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The US military is in no position to resist because it is so short of funds that active duty soldiers need food stamps in order to feed themselves and their families.
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Benjamin Fulford — September 19th 2022: China spurns fake pope while Russian demands abolition of Federal Reserve Board
(Benjamin Fulford) The Khazarian Mafia and their slave countries are secretly trying to negotiate peace with the planetary liberation alliance but their offers are being spurned, White Dragon Society sources say. Instead, Russia is demanding the abolition of the Federal Reserve Board while China is preparing to invade Taiwan, Russian FSB and Asian secret society sources say.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 12th 2022: October Revolution looms in West as Queen Elizabeth II moves on
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Also, the entity we knew of as Queen Elizabeth II was responsible for negotiating an agreement with Asian royal families for a better way to manage this planet we all share. It was her, for example, who let the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative go ahead, resulting in trillions of dollars in infrastructure development around the planet. She also left this realm secure in the knowledge that an East/West consensus had been reached to start to do everything possible to increase the amount and variety of life on earth, including human earth. In other words, she left this world safe in the knowledge that future generations will benefit greatly from her words and actions.
Benjamin Fulford — September 12th 2022: October Revolution looms in West as Queen Elizabeth II moves on
(Benjamin Fulford) The death of Queen Elizabeth II is one of many signs some sort of mega black swan event is coming to the West this October. What remains to be seen is if this will be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition.
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Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 5th 2022: Entire leadership of NATO fired as interregnum begins
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To understand this leadership vacuum, let us take a closer look at why the intrigue at the Knights of Malta is so important. We can start by remembering the entire fake pandemic and attempt to turn the planet into a giant animal farm began with the Wuhan Biotech Company whose Knights of Malta logo is the same as the Umbrella Biotech Company logo from the Resident Evil series (see our February 3, 2020 report for details).
Benjamin Fulford — September 5th 2022: Entire leadership of NATO fired as interregnum begins
(Benjamin Fulford) The removal of the top ranks of the Knights of Malta by the Vatican means the entire leadership of NATO has been fired, P3 Freemason sources say. There is also a purge going on inside Vatican city as “Zionist cabal” members are being removed, the sources say. This is causing a leadership vacuum in the G7 group of countries as their entire economic/social system collapses.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — August 29th 2022: Something big coming as summer deadlock ends
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What people need to realize though is that the Taiwan, China situation affects the whole world. The Kuomintang Chinese government in China was one of the victors of World War II. As such it was given control over Japan. That means Japan is still secretly ruled by Taiwan. So, any deal to reunify China involves Japan and the Korean peninsula.
Benjamin Fulford — August 29th 2022: Something big coming as summer deadlock ends
(Benjamin Fulford) The summer deadlock in the ongoing, but undeclared, World War 3 is about to end, multiple sources agree. This is because the collective West is about to face a catastrophic systems failure if events continue on their present course.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — August 22nd 2022: Is someone trying to overthrow the US, the EU AND communist China?
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
What people need to realize though is that the Taiwan, China situation affects the whole world. The Kuomintang Chinese government in China was one of the victors of World War II. As such it was given control over Japan. That means Japan is still secretly ruled by Taiwan. So, any deal to reunify China involves Japan and the Korean peninsula.
Benjamin Fulford — August 22nd 2022: Is someone trying to overthrow the US, the EU AND communist China?
(Benjamin Fulford) (Benjamin Fulford) Is someone trying to overthrow the EU, the US and communist China at the same time? There is certainly evidence the rulers of all three regions all work for the same people. This was proven by the coordinated vaccine and lock-down response to a fake pandemic. The moves made by the Chinese communist government to create social credit scores and constantly monitor the population in great detail also, for sure, fits in with the World Economic Forum plans. The EU and the fake US administration of Joe Biden tried to do the same but ran into stronger resistance.