(Benjamin Fulford) The massive so-called attack by Hamas against Israel last week proves the Khazarian Mafia just don’t get it. Like the boy who cried wolf, they have lost the ability to fool and manipulate the world with staged incidents.
benjamin fulford
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — October 2nd 2023: Khazarian Mafia takedown intensifies despite 45 day US budget truce
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
This probably explains the following description by an Indian diplomat of Justin Castrudeau’s behavior while he was in India in September:
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Benjamin Fulford — October 2nd 2023: Khazarian Mafia takedown intensifies despite 45 day US budget truce
(Benjamin Fulford) The undeclared civil war in the West is intensifying despite a 45-day budget truce that keeps the US Corporation in business for now. The important point to note is that no money is being sent to Ukraine; meaning the Khazarian mafia has no political bribe money from that source.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 25th 2023: It really will be a Red October this year
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Meanwhile, at Baltimore City Public Schools -the country’s fourth most funded school system-: “40% of Baltimore City high schools, where the state exam was given, did not have any students score proficient in math. Not one student.”
Benjamin Fulford — September 25th 2023: It really will be a Red October this year
(Benjamin Fulford) Something fundamental has changed at the highest levels of power in the West. The signs are everywhere. The US government is being shut down. The traitor Mark Milley is resigning as head of the Pentagon at the end of this week. The Pentagon will do some major housecleaning when General Charles Q Brown takes over on October 1st, CIA sources say. The mass murdering Russian Chabad agent Vladimir Zelensky left Washington empty-handed. Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg are resigning, and much more.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 18th 2023: The world is heading for a showdown at the UN corral.
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
There is also outright theft. In the video below a Maui resident says –
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Benjamin Fulford — September 18th 2023: The world is heading for a showdown at the UN corral.
(Benjamin Fulford) The world is headed for some sort of showdown as the failed UN gathers this week for another irrelevant General Assembly meeting. The only so-called leader of the 5 permanent members of the Security Council to attend will be the fake US “President” Joe Biden. The UN failed to achieve its year 2000 goals of ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction and it is failing to meet the same goals after moving the goal post to 2030. To understand what the UN really represents, take a look at their 666 building in West Africa.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 11th 2023: Desperate KM try to seduce Bharat with ethnic Indian UK Prime Minister, US President
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Trump does not say who did “not allow him” to fire Fauci. However, if he was really Commander in Chief of the US military then surely he could have sent special forces to execute the mass murderer Fauci. While they were at it, they could have also gone after other mass murderers like Bill Gates, the WHOs’ Tedros and Klaus Schwab of the WEF. Trump promises this time it will be different. If he is serious, he needs to go after him and other mass murderers like him.
Benjamin Fulford — September 11th 2023: Desperate KM try to seduce Bharat with ethnic Indian UK Prime Minister, US President
(Benjamin Fulford) The Khazarian Mafia is trying desperately to seduce the Prime Minister of Bharat, Narendra Modi, by promising Kamala Harris, an ethnic Indian as US President to go along with ethnic Indian UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. In other words, the two leading Anglo countries would be headed by members of the small Indian minority in their countries. The problem is Modi is not being fooled. He knows the KM always tells people what they want to hear before stabbing them in the back. He also remembers these same people used to ban him from visiting the US.
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Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — September 4th 2023: End game approaches as $500 billion dollar Rockefeller bribe attempt fails
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
In a sign of just how absurd things have become, Bill Gates has invested in a project to chop down 70 million acres of forests mostly in the US. The cut trees will then be buried. “Scientists” on the rich parasites’ payroll falsely claim that burying the trees can reduce (the fake) global warming.
Benjamin Fulford — September 4th 2023: End game approaches as $500 billion dollar Rockefeller bribe attempt fails
(Benjamin Fulford) Reporting on world events once a week these days is like taking still-motion pictures of an ongoing train wreck. During the past week, a lot of damage has taken place at an accelerating pace. Revolution, civil war, permanent slavery or anarchy for Americans and the West could happen as early as October, multiple sources agree.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — August 28th 2023: The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
The KM is aware of this impending collapse. In a sign this might come right after the September 30th US Corporate fiscal year-end, FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall. Messages will be sent to all TVs, radios and cell phones.
Benjamin Fulford — August 28th 2023: The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss
(Benjamin Fulford) The Khazarian mafia-controlled West is about to fall over a cliff despite frantic attempts by its leadership to scare us back into submission with fire, plague, war, alien invasion etc. What is interesting is that the collapse could include the government of Xi Jinping in China and not just the West. That is why Jews are fleeing Israel and 11,000 Chinese millionaires are fleeing China.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — August 21st 2023: Russia will not negotiate peace with current US regime
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Not only that, new anti-KM military/economic campaigns are about to start or have already started in Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Syria, the former Yugoslavia, Argentina and elsewhere.
Benjamin Fulford — August 21st 2023: Russia will not negotiate peace with current US regime
(Benjamin Fulford) The US and Western authorities are trying to start peace negotiations with Russia over Ukraine and elsewhere. The Russians -for good reason- do not trust the current Western leadership. “The problem, however, is that the United States has no intention of ending the conflict,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explains, noting that “their officially declared objective is to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia.”