(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden continued to blame others for his failures Thursday evening in remarks to Democrat National Committee members at their winter meeting at the Washington Hilton.
Senior Ex-Deutsche Bank Exec Linked To Millions In Donald Trump Loans Commits Suicide
(Zero Hedge) During the past few years we extensively covered a bizarre surge in banker suicides, pointing out the various conspiracy theories linking various high-level bank executives and inside scandals at the very highest levels across financial institutions, and no bank had more high profile suicides than Deutsche Bank.
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New World Order In Meltdown — Developments Confirm the Deep State is Losing
(Jon Hellevig) Last week was full of portentous events. Only somebody who has not been awake for the last few years will fail to realize how these at first sight unconnected events are part of the same matrix.
Scarcity vs. Abundance: How Globalists Enslave Humanity by Creating Artificial Scarcity in Everything: Money, Health, Knowledge, Energy and More
(Mike Adams) How do evil globalists control the world and enslave humanity? By creating artificial scarcity in everything from energy to money to food.
The World’s Central Banks Are Buying Gold At The FASTEST PACE In 6 years!
(Mac Slavo) The central banks of the world have been buying up gold at the fastest rate in 6 years. This is flashing warning signs for the future of the United States dollar.
WikiLeaks Tweets Army Manual Detailing How US Weaponized Banking Cartel to Take Down Nations
(Whitney Webb) In a leaked military manual on “unconventional warfare” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, the U.S. Army states that major global financial institutions — such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — are used as unconventional, financial “weapons in times of conflict up to and including large-scale general war,” as well as in leveraging “the policies and cooperation of state governments.”
Yellow Vest Movement Starts a New Form of Protest – Burning Banknotes
(Jamie Redman) For well over two months, the Yellow Vest movement in France has continued to keep itself illuminated with fervent protests against taxes, the banking system, and the region’s bureaucrats. On Feb. 1, a group of Gilets Jaunes working at the bill printing factory explained their plan to show the world they mean business by burning pallets of bills, starting with Israeli banknotes.
Federal Reserve Confesses Sole Responsibility For All Recessions
(David Haggith) In a surprisingly candid admission, two former Federal Reserve chairs have stated that the Federal Reserve alone is responsible for creating all recessions in the United States.
Bush Legacy: CIA Postmodernism and the Postmodern Imperium – Jay Dyer
(Jay Dyer) In this video I review and analyze the geopolitical work of former Soviet and U.N. advisor Eric Walberg.
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Illuminati Insider | Chapter One: An Overview of The Illuminati
(Svali) In order to understand Illuminati cult programming, it is first necessary to understand a bit about the structure and philosophy of the organization. The Illuminati are a group of people who follow a philosophy known as “Illuminism” or “enlightenment”. Related Illuminati Insider Reveals Inner Workings and European Origins of the Global Elite Source – Svali Speaks by […]
Global Banking Stocks Are Crashing Hard – Just Like They Did In 2008
(Michael Snyder) Global stocks are falling precipitously once again, and banking stocks are leading the way. If this reminds you of 2008, it should, because that is precisely what we witnessed back then.
The German Bankers Who Helped Spain Conquer the Americas and Poison the Poor
(Markab Algedi) From the late 1400’s to the early 1600’s, a German banking family influenced world events and quietly ruled over an extremely influential role in history. The Fuggers of Augsburg were among Europe’s leading merchant-bankers as they were called, combining financial services with long distance trade.All kinds of offices and agencies related to money, loans brokered with Tyrolean and Hungarian copper and silver in return for loans provided to the rulers of mining areas, popped up in cities such as Venice, Lisbon, Seville, and Antwerp.
BANK OF AMERICA: When Black Nobility Banks Took Over America
(The Millennium Report) You will not find the secret history posted below (under the title Banca d’Amerigo) about the true origins of Bank of America on Wikipedia…or anywhere else on the Internet.
Deceased and Still in Debt: The Student Loans that Don’t Get Forgiven
(The Guardian) A report published by the Brookings Institution analyzed data on the $1.3tn of US student loan debt and found that nearly 40% of borrowers could default on their student loans by 2023. Photograph: Seth Wenig/AP
IOU Money: The Greatest SCAM Never Told — You Need to See This (Video)
IOU Money: The Greatest SCAM Never Told — You Need to See This (Video)