(Adam Sanchez) How can we best use this eclipse energy for both power and pleasure?
Anima and Animus: How to Balance Divine Feminine/Masculine
(Aletheia Luna) As poet Walt Whitman once wrote: “I am large, I contain multitudes.”
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Divine Masculine: The Truth about Masculinity, Alpha Vs Beta & Becoming the Conscious Creator (Part 1)
(Nicole Frolick) We hear a lot about the divine feminine throughout the spiritual community and with good reason. The DF represents the abstract, unknown parts of our shadow selves and currently this world is going through an upheaval of chaos to bring what needs to be healed to the surface. But we also have it’s counterpart energy, the divine masculine. And we aren’t hearing as much information about the DM. In fact, I receive a lot of emails and comments from men who want to understand their masculine energies, but don’t know where to start.