(Mike Adams) A top vaccine scientist named Geert Vanden Bossche, who has worked with numerous vaccine corporations and organizations including GAVI, is sounding the alarm over the mass vaccination of populations around the world with covid-19 vaccines.
Coronavirus Masks Are Killing People, Dentists Warn
(Ethan Huff) There is a new pandemic sweeping the country and its cause is persistent mask wearing.
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COVID TORTURE: Canadian Medical Group Wants to Imprison Young Children Who Might Have Been Exposed to Coronavirus
(Ethan Huff) In the event that a child is sent home from school because a classmate tests “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Peel Health of Canada wants that child to be isolated in solitary confinement away from friends and even family members for a full two weeks.
Fertility Warning: 34 Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriage and Stillbirth Reported after Experimental Mrna Vaccines
(Lance D Johnson) In the rush to vaccinate every man, woman and child against a year-old coronavirus strain, sacrifices are being made. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is now reporting thirty-four cases of miscarriage and stillbirth associated with the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations. The initial guidelines warn pregnant women not to partake in these real-world vaccine trials, but the experiment is taking place regardless, as healthcare workers are pressured to take the shots, pregnant or not.
Horrific: mRNA Vaccines for the Wuhan Coronavirus Caused Blood Disorder in at Least 36 People
(Ramon Tomey) The messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines developed to fight the Wuhan coronavirus may have caused at least 36 individuals to develop a rare blood disorder. Either Moderna’s mRNA-1273 jab or the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine may have caused thrombocytopenia – which affects blood clotting – in these individuals. Both vaccines had reported more than 90 percent efficacy rates and had received emergency use authorization in the U.S.
MEDICAL CANNIBALISM: Aborted Fetal Tissue is Routinely Used in Coronavirus Vaccines to “Code” Spike Proteins
(Ethan Huff) LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen sat down with vaccine researcher Pamela Acker the other day to discuss the contents of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, not the least of which include ingredients derived from aborted human babies.
Celebrity Dermatologist Warns of “Maskitis” Rash Caused by Wearing Masks
(Ramon Tomey) A celebrity dermatologist warned of a skin condition that stems from wearing face masks all day. Skin expert Dr. Dennis Gross said the condition called maskitis manifests as a dry and flaky rash. Gross added that maskitis is often mistaken with maskne, but he noted that symptoms and treatments for the two are different. Maskitis can spread across the face if it is left unchecked and not immediately addressed, he warned.
IT’S WAR: Communist China Successfully Infiltrated Vaccine Giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of “Unrestricted Warfare” To Defeat the US Military and Conquer North America
(Mike Adams) We now have confirmation from multiple sources that the newly-leaked database of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) loyalists includes the names and details of 123 individuals who have successfully infiltrated the vaccine industry, attaining employment at vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline — corporations that are manufacturing coronavirus vaccines for U.S. civilian and military use.