(Arsenio Toledo) Police officers in Seattle are organizing themselves to fight against city officials who want them to comply with a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate.
A New “Medical Hitler” – Biden Declares Himself Medical Dictator, Threatens to Nullify States’ Rights and Coerce the Entire Population into Taking Deadly Vaccine Jabs Against Their Will
(Mike Adams) Ripping a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s playbook, fake president Joe Biden last night declared himself a medical dictator over America, claiming he alone has absolute power to bypass states’ rights, nullify state governors and force the American people to take deadly, experimental “vaccines” that are actually biological weapons designed to exterminate human life.
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Pharma-Controlled Media Begins Pushing “Mu Variant” Hysteria in Preparation for New Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates
(Ethan Huff) The “Delta variant” is so last week. The latest “strain” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to infect the mainstream media is the “Mu variant,” which is supposedly “beginning to rise in America” just as the government is gearing up to reintroduce another round of lockdowns.
ACLU Abandons Its Own Founding Principles, Claims Forcing Experimental Medical Injections Into People Somehow Supports “Civil Liberties”
(Ethan Huff) American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) staffers David Cole and Daniel Mach have penned an opinion piece for The New York Times that claims Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates are a major victory for “civil liberties.”
Dr. David Martin Drops Bombshell: The FDA Has Only Approved a Covid-19 Vaccine That Does Not Exist in the U.S. Marketplace
(Nolan Barton) Dr. David Martin warned the public that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine that does not exist.
Is Graphene Oxide What Caused Japanese Authorities to Suspend Moderna’s “Contaminated” Covid Vaccines?
(Ethan Huff) At least 1.63 million doses of Moderna’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” have been suspended in Japan after it was discovered that the vials contain “contamination” in the form of “foreign materials.”
Why Did Canada, Population 37 Million, Just Order 293 Million Covid Vaccine Doses?
(Ethan Huff) In a strange turn of events, the Canadian government just placed an order for 293 million additional doses of Wuhan coronavirus vaccine, despite the entire country having a population of just 37 million people.
Democrats Want to Destroy the California Economy, make Life a Living Hell for the “Unvaccinated”
(Ethan Huff) Leftists in the California legislature are trying to secretly enact a new law that would require everyone in the Golden State to show proof of “vaccination” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to do pretty much anything.
Door-to-door Medical Kidnappings Begin in Australia As Covid Fascism Escalates
(Ethan Huff) An Australian man clearly in good health was abducted from his home by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) first responders and taken away to a quarantine camp after testing “positive” for the Chinese Virus.
PCR Tests Once Again Proven Fraudulent
(Ethan Huff) Rice University in Houston is reverting back to remote learning less than two weeks into the fall semester after fraudulent PCR tests for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) generated multiple false positives.
Vax Fraud: CDC Listing Fully Vaccinated Covid-19 Deaths As Unvaccinated If They Die Within 14 Days of Second Dose
(Arsenio Toledo) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is listing people who die from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) as unvaccinated if they die within 14 days of getting the second vaccine dose.
CDC and FDA Despise Safe Remedies for Covid-19, but Ohio Judge Orders Highly Effective Anti-parasitic Drug Intervention Despite All the Regulatory Agency Lies and Suppression
(S.D. Wells) Judge Gregory Howard of Butler County, Ohio just showed the entire world there is sometimes still justice in medicine. Despite the CDC’s dire warnings about the anti-parasite drug that’s often used for animals, Judge Howard has decided to save Jeffrey Smith’s life, a man in the ICU at the West Chester Hospital who’s nearly lost the battle against Covid-19. After nearly choking to death on a respirator for three weeks, which only worsens the breathing passageway inflammation and the doctor’s all know it, Jeffrey Smith’s body was shutting down.
Massive Fraud in Reporting Vaccine Injuries; Withheld Data, Pretense of “Safe and Effective”
(News Editors) ONE: A bombshell. Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter, August 6: “Covid vaccine maker Moderna received 300,000 reports of side effects after vaccinations over a three-month period following the launch of its shot, according to an internal report from a company that helps Moderna manage the reports.”
New Interviews with Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Chris Shaw and Reiner Fuellmich Reveal Astonishing Information about Vaccine Crimes Against Humanity
(Mike Adams) This past week, we posted three information-packed interviews with thought leaders on the subject of vaccines, neurological damage and international tribunals against the vaccine “war crimes” perpetrators.
CDC Panicking over Covid Vaccine Failure, Pushes Third “Booster” Shot Even as Public Grows Wise to the Scam
(Ethan Huff) The federal government is pitching a fit over the latest data showing that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are failing big time.