(Brian Shilhavy) You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me…
Dr. Robert Malone Says He’s Been “Multi-Dimensionally Red-Pilled” on COVID, Great Reset, Big Tech Censorship and More
(Ethan Huff) Ever since getting banned from Twitter, Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S., the inventor of mRNA (messenger RNA) technology, has been on a journey of truth discovery that he describes as being “multi-dimensionally red-pilled.”
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Federal Agent Who Intimidated and Coerced Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower is a Trump-Hating Biden Supporter
(Cristina Laila) Project Veritas Tuesday night released a video with USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins asserting that he did not recant his allegations of election fraud, a lie that was published by the Washington Post.
It’s Happening: MIT Scientist Offers President Trump Proof that Computer Algorithm Likely Transferred 69,000 Votes from Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan
(Jim Hoft) The Gateway Pundit has reported on numerous events in the 2020 election which are being referred to as system ‘glitches’ in the media.
Winning The War On Consciousness – Humanity’s Grand Awakening From Deep State
(Juliet Tang) 2020 is the year many in this world find themselves in an ultimate spiritual war of good and evil.
Winning the War on Consciousness – Humanity’s Grand Awakening from Deep State
(Juliet Tang) 2020 is the year many in this world find themselves in an ultimate spiritual war of good and evil.
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11 New Symptoms of the Collective Awakening
(Dylan Charles) During the run up to 2012 the world was fascinated by the idea of the shift, that is, an awakening that first takes place within the individual, then radiates outward into our communities and societies at large, changing the world for the better.
The Great Awakening: Our Future Will Be One of Liberty, Freedom, and Peace
(Mac Slavo) There’s a lot of tyrannical nonsense being propagated by the mainstream media on behalf of the ruling class and the elitists of the world, However, there are a lot of people awakening to the fact that they have lived as slaves and want to be free.
The Storm Is Here! On the 7th Birthday of Stillness in the Storm, Let’s Bring the Stillness
(Justin Deschamps) Today is Stillness in the Storm’s 7th birthday. It also happens to be the Ides of March, as well as National Day of Prayer, as declared by Trump.
HUGE Human Trafficking Busts, While You Were ‘Sleeping…’
(Shem) Child trafficking busts are quickly becoming the new American mainstay for Super Bowl Sunday. It used to be only the game and halftime show that drew the attention of audiences. However, now, that norm appears to be changing. Both in 2019 and here in 2020, large pedophilia busts have taken place in parallel with the Big Game and are quickly painting a new picture of what this sporting event entails.
There Are 12 Types Of Lightworkers That Transform The Human Spirit!
(Melanie Beckler) Serving humanity doesn’t have to be in the limelight, on the stage, you don’t have to be a spiritual teacher to have an enlightening impact on others. No matter where you are: in a normal looking environment, working in a corporate job, playing in the mainstream area of reality… wherever you are, you’re able to walk your Lightworker’s path.
5 Powerful Books For Spiritual Awakening, Mysticism and Magic
(Luke Miller) The world is rapidly changing, and that which seemed like mysticism just a few short decades ago is now becoming reality. Speaking to someone face to face while they are on the other side of the planet may seem normal now through our “smart devices”, but if you had presented this the not so distant past, people would have revered you as a magician with mystical powers.
Tricia McCannon: Near Death Experiences, ET Contact, Higher Dimensional Beings, and more
Tricia McCannon: Near Death Experiences, ET Contact, Higher Dimensional Beings, and more
A CEO Who Writes 9,200 Employee Birthday Cards a Year Explains the Value of Gratitude
(Erin Elizabeth) Sheldon Yellen is the CEO of BELFOR Holdings, Inc., a disaster-relief and property-restoration company. And since 1985, long before Yellen was chief executive, he has written a birthday card to every employee of the company every single year.
How to Awaken Spiritually Fast: The Most Unusually Powerful Technique
Would you like to know how to awaken spiritually without spending years chasing wrong paths that produce minimal results? Learn the surprising key to blasting open the doors which will allow spiritual awakening to unfold much faster in your life.