(Daniel Nuccio) In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Marian Keech, a Midwestern housewife, prepared for the end of the world. For some time Marian had been dabbling in the practice of automatic writing, communicating with otherworldly beings. They told her of life on other planets. They warned her of coming times of battle, plague, and devastation. They promised enlightenment and happiness. All Marian needed to do was believe.
Fauci Says If You Are Concerned About Covid Vaccine Blood Clots, Heart Attacks and Deaths, You’re Most Likely an Insurrectionist Who Hates Authority
(S.D. Wells) Recalcitrant means having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward discipline or authority. Anthony Fauci claims the only reason 70 million Americans are NOT getting Covid vaccinated is that we’re all a bunch of recalcitrant, political dissidents who don’t respect authority. What he forgets to mention are the now common side effects from the Covid vaccines, namely deadly blood clots, loss of specific motor functions and myocarditis. Almost everyone already knows someone who is currently suffering from SPS – Spike Protein Syndrome.
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FBI Arrests 69-Year-Old LA Woman for Entering US Capitol “Without Lawful Authority” But Post Photo in Her Case Packet of Capitol Police Holding the Door for Her
(Jim Hoft) The Stasi FBI tracked down, staked out and arrested a 69-year-old woman and Los Angeles County employee on Monday morning for walking into the US Capitol 5 months ago.
Global Anger Builds As Elites Worldwide Break Quarantine Rules
(Zero Hedge) “One rule for me, and another for thee” appears to be the politically-prone mantra rapidly spreading around the world.
How Gun Control Laws for “Mentally Ill” Could Disarm Those Who Question Authority
(John Vibes) To prevent mentally ill people from owning firearms is a severe form of “ableist” discrimination, and also opens the door for nearly anyone to be classified as mentally ill.
Keepers of Mystical Knowledge (Abracadabra) | The High Priest (Magoi, Magus) – Name of Priest Class throughout history and the world
This is an interesting post revealing priest classes and roles throughout history. – Justin Source – Gnostic Warrior The word magic comes from the Greek: μάγοι, magoi, or magus, and mag in ancient Persian language which means “priest.” The High Priest is the chief Judge or Interpreter of sacred mysteries and or arcane knowledge of […]