(Noah) The feud between DirecTV and OANN continues to escalate.
America Responds To AT&T’s Decision To Drop OANN From Direct TV
(Adam Wilson) In a speech last week, President Joe Biden, who has failed to address the Covid-19 pandemic despite it being one of his core campaign promises, has now turned to coercing social media companies in to engaging in even stricter censorship. “I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets — please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows. It has to stop,” said Biden. Just days after the speech, social media companies and cable providers have already answered the call. This week, DirecTV announced that it would not renew its contract with One America News Network, or OANN. CBS News Reports–
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Goodwill Employee Terminated For Raising Concerns Over Anti-White CRT Staff Training Pushed By Walmart, AT&T, Delta
(Alicia Powe) In addition to facing job loss for non-compliance with vaccine mandates, employees across the nation who dare oppose critical race theory risk being terminated as liberal business executives coerce their staff to undergo anti-white “equity and inclusion” training.
AT&T’s ‘Racial Re-Education Program’ Asserts “White People, You Are the Problem”
(Paul Joseph Watson) Demands employees promote trans activism, defund the police movements.
ATT “Helped Undermine National Security…Prioritized Foreign Interests Over American Interests,” Owns CNN, Lobbied for CCP China Telecom Amidst Human Rights Abuses
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) Previously, 100PercentFedUp.com reported on massive human rights abuses in China, including live organ harvesting and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sanctioned genocide.
AT&T Doubles Down On Working With CCP, Confirms Everything Tucker Carlson, National File Reported
(Tom Pappert) AT&T doubles down on working with a CCP-controlled company that assists with the genocide of the Uyghur ethnic minority.
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It’s Not the Same RV! Official Narrative of Nashville “Suicide Bomber” Melts Away as Rv Supposedly Used in the Bombing Found to Have Different Stripe Accents
(Mike Adams) The joke of the day is that after analyzing the DNA of the “human remains” found at the scene of the Nashville bomb, the FBI has just declared the bomber “died of covid.”
AT&T Building That Was Bombed In Nashville Has Connections To Dominion
(Anthony T) The rabbit hole connected with Dominion Voting Systems got a little deeper.
The END of BIG MEDIA as AT&T Looking to SELL CNN and Fox News Shares PLUMMET! (Video)
The END of BIG MEDIA as AT&T Looking to SELL CNN and Fox News Shares PLUMMET! (Video)
Report: “Internet Bill of Rights” Concept Gains Traction as Trump Gets Alerted to Big Tech’s Censorship
(JD Heyes) A concept first introduced by communications giant AT&T — calls for Congress to pass an “Internet Bill of Rights” (IBOR) — is gaining new converts as well as traction since it was first reported by Infowars in January. Related Google Now Waging All-Out Censorship War Against Conservative Websites Through “Fact Checking” That’s No More Than Biased […]
Before its News: NSA Charging You to Spy on You
Source Thank you to friend from Facebook for brining this to my attention. I knew the NSA was spying on us but now they want to charge for it!! lol – Justin NSA Charging You to Spy on You Imagine the agroance of seeing a $0.23 charge on your phone bill and discovering that it’s […]