(Mike Adams) The decarbonization terraforming of planet Earth is now under way. A new project has already been launched that will install mega machines across five U.S. states to harvest “life molecules” out of the atmosphere in an effort to shut down photosynthesis and unleash global food crop failures that destroy human civilization.
Playing God: Us Government Funds Geoengineering, a Controversial and Deadly “Backup Plan” To Alter Earth’s Atmosphere in the Name of “Climate Science”
(Cassie B.) As climate change alarmists continue to insist that we need to cool the planet’s temperatures in order to save it, one approach that is being touted is geoengineering. Some researchers have been supporting the idea of the deliberate mass manipulation of our climate as a “backup plan” if the world does not succeed in reducing carbon emissions by 2 degrees, and now the U.S. government is throwing money behind the plans.
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Real-World Outdoor Experiment Destroys Global Warming Narrative: As CO2 Naturally Rises From 0.1% to 75%, Surface Temperatures Drop 10°C
(Kenneth Richard) At an outdoor test site in Italy CO2 concentrations vacillating between 1,000 and 750,000 ppm have no more or less an effect on local temperatures than a nearby site with stable, ambient (<400 ppm) CO2 concentrations.
STEVE Just Got a Little Bit Weirder
(Strange Sounds) Unlike the infamous Southern and Northern Lights, STEVE appears as a purplish-white ribbon of light that slashes diagonally toward the horizon, stretching hundreds of miles through the atmosphere.
Geoengineering Watch: Our First Ever High Altitude Atmospheric Testing
(Humans Are Free) The Geoengineering Watch team carried out multiple sample gathering flights in the high altitude haze layer being emitted by large jet carriers.
Earth’s Atmosphere Rings Like a Bell Confirming Theories Developed by Scientists Over the Last Two Centuries
(Strange Sounds) A ringing bell vibrates simultaneously at a low-pitched fundamental tone and at many higher-pitched overtones, producing a pleasant musical sound.