(Atlantean Gardens) Having once been a privileged and favored people, the Atlanteans became corrupt and degraded, according to Plato, by interbreeding with mortals and diluting their noble seed which allegedly descended from the gods. So what did Plato mean by mortal admixture, when he said that the Atlantean divine portion began to fade away and became too diluted, too often, by the mortal admixture?
Lost History of the Empire of Atlantis (Video)
(Atlantean Gardens) When people talk about Atlantis, they are usually referring to the writings of Plato, the Athenian philosopher who lived during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. According to Plato, massive cataclysms ended a powerful civilization 11,500 years ago , which incidentally is the same date anthropologists recognize as the end of the Pleistocene and start of our current Holocene age. Plato concedes that he learnt the legend of Atlantis from Solon who, in turn, got it from Egyptian priests that had preserved the tale on stone hieroglyphs. That said, there are other ancient sources which speak to a similar scenario.
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America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilisation | Graham Hancock and Forbidden Archeology
(Frank Joseph) As the former editor-in-chief (1993 to 2007) and ongoing writer for Ancient American – a US magazine examining Old World impact on the New World before 1492 – recently released materials regarding pre-Columbian possibilities often come my way. I was surprised, however, to find that Graham Hancock’s latest tome, America Before, compares remarkably with Before Atlantis (2013), my own book, published six years earlier, in more than title.
Atlantis and the Lost Tribes
(Robert Sepehr) Global sea levels were 400 feet lower during the late Pleistocene, or Ice Age, when Atlantis was said to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean. The glaciers melted in several spurts, with a major cataclysm taking place 11,500 years ago, or 9500 BC, the date given by Plato for the destruction of Atlantis, which perfectly matches the geological record.
Atlantis: The Richat Structure and Other Evidence
(Grant Ouellette) I add to the name game of Souss ‘Massa’: The state of Massachusetts was named after the Massachusetts Indian tribe that lived in the Great Blue Hill region near Massachusetts Bay. The word Massachusetts is an Algonquin Indian word which roughly translates to “large hill place” or “at the great hill.” The center of Atlantis could be considered the great hill.
Ancient Atlantis Research: Carmen Boulte (Video)
Ancient Atlantis Research: Carmen Boulte (Video)
A Description of the Lost Land of Atlantis & The Reason For Its Downfall – According To Plato
(Arjun Walia) Advanced ancient civilizations are a big topic of interest among researchers, historians, archaeologists, and scientists. Every single year we are gifted with a mysterious find that has us questioning the origins of the human race and imagining the cultures which roamed our planet before us. We have found much evidence to suggest that there may have been civilizations in existence before us which were intellectually, and even technologically superior.
Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis [Part 2] — Ancient Mysteries — Edge of Wonder
Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis [Part 2] — Ancient Mysteries — Edge of Wonder
Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis [Part 1] — Ancient Mysteries — Edge of Wonder
Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis [Part 1] — Ancient Mysteries — Edge of Wonder
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Lost Civilizations Beyond the Ends of the Earth
(Robert Sepehr) The idea that our planet consists of a hollow, or honeycombed, interior is not new. Some of the oldest cultures speak of civilizations inside of vast cavern-cities, within the bowels of the earth.
Infomentary: The Book of Thoth Offering Unlimited Knowledge from Other Realms
Infomentary: The Book of Thoth Offering Unlimited Knowledge from Other Realms
Shirley MacLaine: I Can Remember A Past Life In Atlantis
Shirley MacLaine: I Can Remember A Past Life In Atlantis
Antarctic Ice Core Records Resolve Competing Pole Shift Theories
(Dr. Michael Salla) A declassified CIA document called The Adam and Eve Story has generated much controversy over predictions of an upcoming pole shift (aka crustal displacement) and catastrophic events that may sweep the planet in the not distant future. The 57-page document is based on a book authored by Chan Thomas in 1963. In it, Thomas proposed a pole shift scenario that differed in significant ways with what Charles Hapgood had earlier proposed in his pioneering 1958 book, The Earth’s Shifting Crust.
David Wilcock: Antarctic Atlantis and Secret Space Program 2019
David Wilcock: Antarctic Atlantis and Secret Space Program 2019
The Lords of Ancient Anatolia
(Atlantean Gardens) The Hittites established an empire centered on Hattusa in north-central Anatolia around 1600 BC. In the Amarna tablets, which have been dated to the 14th century BC, the Hittites were clearly regarded by the Egyptians as a major power. In antiquity, the swastika (卐) was used extensively by the Hittites, sometimes as a geometrical motif, other times as a religious symbol.