Acclaimed astrologer Laura Walker of the Oracle Report has posted her new moon audio report for the Leo cycle. In it, she discusses the fall of the Deep State, possibilities of NESARA and economic changes, the accelerating mass awakening and what might be in store for the Libra cycle that spans across both September and […]
The MAJOR Astrological Transformation Happening This Weekend
Revered astrologer Laura Walker had an impromptu and urgent astrological message to share with the world for what is happening this weekend. She went on Patriot Intel Report as her and Phoenix discussed the continuing fall of the cabal, the intensity of this weekend and the deep healing it can bring for people as well […]
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New Moon In Cancer: The Coming Gold Standard, Justice and Fall of the Deep State
Acclaimed and accurate astrologer Laura Walker of the Oracle Report is back with another report on July 20th’s new moon in Cancer. The astrologer has long deciphered the moves of the deep state as they relate to astrology and has successfully foreshadowed many events. The new moon in Cancer on Monday July 20th, 2020 is […]
‘As Above, So Below’ – Are Cosmic Forces at Work on Earth?
(Gary Lachman) When we think of wars, revolutions, populist uprisings, outbreaks of mass hysteria and other sudden social and political eruptions – even a popstar’s popularity or the latest fashion trend – we usually believe that at bottom there is some logical, rational explanation for them, even if we do not yet possess it. We […]
Using This Eclipse Cycle and Solstice To Quicken Human Consciousness
(Parisse Deza) Replacing Tension, Fear And Ignorance With Calm, Natural Awareness
The Astrology of Qanon
(Astrologer Salvador Russo) Q is the seventeenth letter in the English alphabet and you’d be surprised and perhaps shocked at how often the number 17 shows itself through Q astrology. The mysterious and powerful Qanon movement was born beneath a Scorpio stellium on October 28th, 2017. In astrology “stellium” is a word that means four or more astrological forces concentrated in the same sign within close proximity to one another. Anything branded with stellium energy is super concentrated and focused, like a high-powered laser, towards a specific mission and spiritual destiny. For the record, the Qanon birth stellium consisted of the following: Apollo, the Averter of Evil, at 1° Scorpio; Jupiter, the Great Benefic, at 3° Scorpio; the Invincible Sun at 5° Scorpio; Poseidon, the Master of Magic, at 12° Scorpio and Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, at 17° Scorpio. Mercury is most famously known for being the planet of communication and when Qanon was born it was communicating mysteriously and anonymously from the Q degree of Scorpio.
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Green-Tinged Comet Swan With 11 Million-Mile Tail Visible From Earth This Weekend
(John Vibes) This weekend, much of the world will be able to witness a rare cosmological event, the passing of the “Comet Swan.” The Comet Swan and its 11 million mile long tail will be visible in the night sky for the next few days and will be visible to the naked eye. It was first discovered back in April by Australian astronomer Michael Mattiazzo. The comet has already passed the earth, but it will continue to get brighter as it approaches the sun.
An Ancient Herald of Change: Bright Comet Last Seen by Ancient Egyptians Could Grace Our Skies Just as Coronavirus Peaks
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Comets and celestial events have been regarded as heralds of change since the dawn of history. The powers that be take celestial events very seriously, planning their agenda around the movement of the stars and planets. Given this, what significance does the return of this comet mean in relation to […]
Massive Secrets Unveiled and Global Changes to Begin, This Week, According to Astrological Alignments
(Mystic Magpie) A successful astrologer guides us through major global shifts, massive secrets being unveiled and how all of this applies to you and your internal world. You won’t want to miss this.
Will the Alliance Attack the Deep State with False Flags? — Understanding the Deep State False Flag Agenda
by Justin Deschamps, False flags have been a regular part of human life for a very long time. More recently, this weaponized use of media has become more well known. Unlike in past years, this season of sacrifice, as it is known to some researchers, might be a big surprise to all of us, as […]
In 2020 We’ll See 6 Eclipses, 3 Supermoons And A Rare ‘Great Solstice Appulse’
(Mayukh Saha) The year 2020 has a lot of celestial events lined up. Let’s see what major celestial events are going to rock this year.
Laura Eisenhower: Justin Deschamps on Consciousness Liberation Update and The Psychology of Soul Growth
Laura Eisenhower: Justin Deschamps Consciousness Liberation Update and The Psychology of Soul Growth
Astrotheology: The Sun of God — Christmas and the Risen Savior
(Lynn Hayes) The fact that our Judeo-Christian mythos is a derivation of earlier religions and legends has moved into the mainstream, and the idea that the divinity of Jesus has parallels with other gods is no longer a shocking idea.
Upcoming Celestial Event Has the Power to Reshape the World: The Most Important Synchronized Meditation Opportunity?
(Justin Deschamps) According to respected researchers and historians, the powers that be are well aware of the collective consciousness of humanity, using various methods to manipulate it for their own purposes. Through the use of astrotheology, a map of celestial alignments can be drawn that highlight specific windows wherein ritualistic manipulation can take place. This is why false flag attacks tend to happen on occult holidays with astrological significance. For what might be the first time, a coordinated mass mediation event will take place on an upcoming day of astrological significance. But instead of an intention of malevolence being generated, through some Deep State engineered event, synchronized mediators will place a positive intention over the earth grid and beyond.
Laura Eisenhower: Galactic Astrology and the Inner Work
Laura Eisenhower: Galactic Astrology and the Inner Work