(Mickey Megistus) As the world watches, the coronavirus pandemic (“plan”demic) has completely changed life as we know it. Many are panicking. Some believe it’s part of the long-planned NWO take over. But for those brave enough to look past paranoia and fear, there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests the fall of the Cabal was predestined. Testimony from an ex-Navy Seal suggests that—despite their best efforts—the Deep State will be defeated. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. And now, more and more signs suggest the liberation of humanity is likely just around the corner.
Stellar and Planetary Evolution: RS Theory of Solar Flash, Mininova, Earth’s Catastrophe Cycle | At the Earth’s Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution
(Justin Deschamps) The following is a paper developed by Reciprocal Systems (RS) theory researchers who posit that stellar evolution is backward with respect to mainstream astrophysics. Instead of stars slowly dying after losing fuel, they accumulate matter and energy they travel through the galaxy. This agrees with the idea that the whole of our universe is connected via energetic entrainment.
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[Solar Flash] Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension | The Daniel Papers
Daniel: “This interpretation explains the chemtrails, HAARP, geoengineering, underground cities, genetic engineering and even explains the timelines and the upcoming ascension to a higher density.”
Peter Maxwell Slattery | The Evolution of Consciousness & the Journey Within [Part 1/2] (Video)
Peter Maxwell Slattery | The Evolution of Consciousness & the Journey Within [Part 1/2] (Video)
Time is an Illusion | Peter Maxwell Slattery | #38 Excerpt (Video)
Time is an Illusion | Peter Maxwell Slattery | #38 Excerpt (Video)
Laura Eisenhower: Galactic Astrology and the Inner Work
Laura Eisenhower: Galactic Astrology and the Inner Work
David Wilcock Groundbreaking Lecture On Consciousness Geometry and Ascension
David Wilcock Groundbreaking Lecture On Consciousness Geometry and Ascension
Tricia McCannon: Near Death Experiences, ET Contact, Higher Dimensional Beings, and more
Tricia McCannon: Near Death Experiences, ET Contact, Higher Dimensional Beings, and more
David Wilcock Preparing For The HUGE Event That Is Coming in The Next Decade
David Wilcock Preparing For The HUGE Event That Is Coming in The Next Decade
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David Wilcock, Dimensions of Disclosure 2019 Presentation Notes: Part 5
David Wilcock, Dimensions of Disclosure 2019 Presentation Notes: Part 5
David Wilcock, Dimensions of Disclosure 2019 Presentation Notes: Part 4
David Wilcock, Dimensions of Disclosure 2019 Presentation Notes: Part 4
David Wilcock, Dimensions of Disclosure 2019 Presentation Notes: Part 3
David Wilcock, Dimensions of Disclosure 2019 Presentation Notes: Part 3
David Wilcock, Dimensions of Disclosure 2019 Presentation Notes: Part 1 of 3
(Joan Wheaton) DAVID WILCOCK Workshop at ‘Dimensions of Disclosure’ Sunday, August 25, 2019 ~ (due to a few words here that could set off the AI, I have changed their spelling slightly)…
What is Ascension, Divine Feminine, & Breaking Dark Force’s Grip – Laura Eisenhower [Part 1]
What is Ascension, Divine Feminine, & Breaking Dark Force’s Grip – Laura Eisenhower [Part 1]
David Wilcock on Ascension Mysteries: 4.5 Hours of New YouTube Videos!
(David Wilcock) Remarkable events are taking place in the world that verify many of the prognostications and insider disclosures David has gotten over the last 23 years.