(Jim Hoft) In June Utah state Rep. Steve Christiansen visited the Arizona forensic audit center in Phoenix, Arizona. Christiansen was in Arizona on the basis of preserving election integrity in Utah.
Photoshopped Ballots? AZ Auditors Say ‘Verified and Approved’ Stamp Mysteriously Present Behind Signature Blocks
(Michael Austin) There were many shocking revelations forwarded on Friday during the Arizona Senate Republicans’ hearing on the Maricopa County 2020 election audit results.
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GOP Congressman Triggers House Dems by Wearing ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Mask to Floor Vote
(Kyle Becker) Florida’s Surgeon General, Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD, went off on an epic rant against the “climate of dishonesty” that has surrounded the mainstream media’s Covid pandemic coverage since the very beginning.
“Don’t touch me”…Kyrsten Sinema Ambushed in Airport by Climate Activist [Video]
(Leisa Audette) A climate activist ambushed Senator Kyrsten Sinema at the airport, telling her it’s getting “hotter and hotter” in Arizona.
WATCH: MAGA Rapper Bryson Gray Performs “LET’S GO BRANDON” – LIVE In Scottsdale, Arizona At Free Political Prisoners Rally
(Jordan Conradson) On Sunday night, Arizona Patriots held a rally to free political prisoners in Scottsdale, Arizona, and MAGA rappers turned it up.
AZ GOP Chair Kelli Ward Calls For Forensic Audit Of Pima County Over 86% Mail-In Ballot Return Rate
(Andrew White) Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward broke down the new analysis of mail-in ballots from the 2020 Presidential in Pima County, Arizona and found alarming anomalies.
AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers Continues Decertification Push With Nationwide Effort
(Nwo Report) Arizona GOP State Senator Wendy Rogers continues to push for accountability for the 2020 election steal across the nation. Today she announced 138 legislators from 38 states had signed a letter calling for a 50-state audit, decertification where appropriate, and a possible convening of the US House of Representatives.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich: Facebook Admits to Aiding Human Smuggling
(Jordan Conradson) Arizona Attorney General requested that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland investigate Facebook for their facilitation of human smuggling at the Arizona southern border.
138 Legislators From 38 States Sign “New Declaration Of Independence” – AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers
(Jordan Conradson) Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers drafted a “New Declaration of Independence” calling for nationwide full forensic audits, decertification where appropriate, and a possible U.S. House Session to address the fraudulent election.
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Maricopa County Is At It Again! Arizona Residents Are Receiving The WRONG Mail-In Ballot For Local 2021 Election
(Jordan Conradson) “Something ain’t right” with the Maricopa County November 2, 2021 local elections.
THE BIG LIE: In a Blatant Disregard for the Truth, Far-Left and Mainstream Media Claim No Election ‘Irregularities’ in Arizona
(Joe Hoft) Garbage far-left and Mainstream Media claim there were no ‘irregularities’ found in the audit of the 2020 Election results from Maricopa County. These claims are simply not true.
AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem Speaks At Trump Rally In Des Moines: “34,000 Or 35,000 Fictitious Voters – We Believe We Found Them.”
(Jordan Conradson) Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem just spoke at President Trump’s Save America rally in De Moines, Iowa.
AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers TWO WEEKS LATER: “I Am About To Go SCORCHED EARTH If I Don’t See Progress From The Arizona AG SOON.”
(Jordan Conradson) It has now been two weeks since the Arizona audit presentation exposed massive amounts of fraud and elections law violations.
Watch: Arizona Official *Loses It* After Maricopa County Admits They *Deleted* Election Data Before the Arizona Audit
(Kyle Becker) A U.S. House Committee for Oversight and Reform hearing on the Arizona election review exploded into fireworks after a Maricopa County election official admitted that the county officials effectively deleted election data from materials turned over to auditors after receiving a legal subpoena from the Arizona Senate.
Dr. Shiva Will Testify before House Oversight Committee in Hearing Organized by Democrats to Attack Arizona Forensic Audit
(Jordan Conradson) The House Committee on Oversight and Reform will hold a hearing Thursday to attack the Arizona audit and label it a “hyper-partisan” election subversion effort that “failed to find any fraud.”.