(Jeff Dornik) Area 51 is one of those extremely entertaining topics for conspiracy theory enthusiasts. Due to the extreme secrecy regarding this top secret military base, the theories about what’s going on there range from a secret military weapons testing site to the wildly popular UFO and aliens research center. While the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, during this episode of Freedom One-On-One, Carl Crew explains why he believes that Area 51 has deep ties to the occult and demonic activity.
Area 51
Navy Seal Recruited as CIA Assassin Guarded Flying Saucers at S-4 Area 51
(Dr. Michael Salla) What follows is my two part series of articles originally published on July 16 and July 19, 2009, on Examiner.com concerning the revelations of an alleged Navy Seal who spent time at the S-4 facility at Area 51, which he described as a museum for flying saucers and aliens. The former Seal claimed that guard duty at S-4 was used as a means of “cooling down” assassins used by the CIA to permanently silence government critics and/or remove national security threats.
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Where 2020 Presidential Candidates Stand on UFOs, Declassification
(Tom Porter) As the 2020 presidential race heated up, the candidates came ever-closer scrutiny for their policies on the key issues facing the US. Related NASA Officials ‘Baffled’ After Space Cameras Catch UFO Following ISS for Over 20 Minutes Source – Business Insider by Tom Porter, March 8th, 2020 But some reporters have made it their […]
The Dulce Papers – Chapter 5b – Report from a Japanese Television Crew
(Orbman) “…AREA 51 is located in the northeastern corner of a vast, desolate stretch of land known as the Nevada Test Site [a large portion of which includes the Nellis Air Force Test Range] but has practically nothing to do with underground nuclear testing. It is located approximately 125 miles north-northwest of Las Vegas and consists of Groom Lake and the Papoose Lake Complexes. The presently expanding eastern portion of the latter complexes is known as the S-4 site.
Area 51 Physicist Michael Wolfe, The Man Who Let The World Know About Aliens
Area 51 Physicist Michael Wolfe, The Man Who Let The World Know About Aliens
Does Body Language Prove Bob Lazar Actually Worked On Alien Spacecraft At Area 51?
Does Body Language Prove Bob Lazar Actually Worked On Alien Spacecraft At Area 51?
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US Military Threatened to Bomb “Millennials” Who Storm Area 51
(Elias Marat) Thankfully, it didn’t come to that.
Alien Hunter Reveals Alleged UFO At Area 51 On Google Earth
(Joe Martino) Back in the late 80’s Bob Lazar hit the mainstream news via an interview with journalist George Knapp. In the interview, he claimed to have worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4, near the Area 51 facility. Lazar also mentioned information regarding extraterrestrials and the fact that there are multiple groups of them, some of which have been in contact with several global governments.
Area 51 Raid in Pictures: The Best Photos from the Storm Area 51 Raid – as Presented by Mainstream Media
(Sebastian Kettley) THE AREA 51 raid has failed to storm the US Air Force base but hundreds of revellers managed to party just outside its front gate. Here are the best pictures from the Area 51 raid on Friday.
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Something Huge Seems to Have Happened Around Area 51 Over the Weekend
(Zero Hedge) It looks as though something big was taking place around Area 51 over the weekend, according to “fragmented reports from various sources” compiled by The Drive.
Number of UFO Sleuths Vowing to ‘Storm Area 51’ in Search of Alien Secrets Nears 1 Million
(Tom Ozimek) More than 850,000 people have now signed up to the “Storm Area 51” event as interest mounts in what appears to be a satirical ploy to raid the secretive military facility and “see them aliens.”
Mongoose: Full Disclosure is Inevitable — Upgrading Storming of Area 51 (and Federal Reserve) to Possible UPDATE 4 — To Be Discussed at August Disclosure Conference
(Robert David Steele) There are jokes and then there are travesties. The joke is that 750,000 people are going to over-run Area 51. Not anytime soon, there are electromagnetic defenses that fry people who go beyond a certain point — up to that point they simply puke and lose consciousness.
Deep State Says NO! Feds warn UFO enthusiasts against storming Area 51: The military ‘stands ready’
(Aris Folley) The Air Force gave a word of caution to the thousands of people planning to storm Area 51 in Nevada later this year, warning the UFO enthusiasts that the military “stands ready to protect America and its assets.”
Disclosure Activism? 650,000 People Are Planning to Storm Area 51 to Jailbreak the Aliens Inside
(S.M. Gibson) Thousands of alien enthusiasts appear to be planning to storm the infamous Area 51 in Nevada in a desperate attempt to force their way in.
Documentary BOB LAZAR: AREA 51 & FLYING SAUCERS Promises the Truth is Out There
(Josh Millican) We want to believe.