This is a video post. See the video below. Related Joe Biden Quotes Chinese Communist Dictator and Mass Murderer Mao Tse Tung During Fundraiser Related Truth in Media With Ben Swann, Episode 37: Why Face Masks Don’t Work, According to Science Book Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite [Biden Family Exposed] Stillness in […]
Dems are Turning on Each Other: AOC: ‘Let’s Talk About Joe Biden’s Sexual Assault Claim’
(Zero Hedge) Update (1348ET): AOC has suddenly appeared on The View – telling her progressive base that the ‘stakes are too high’ not to support Joe Biden against President Donald Trump. Damage control at its finest.
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Woman Advocates “Eating Babies” to Solve Climate Change, AOC Nods Her Head
(Paul Joseph Watson) Yes, this actually happened.
Greta and AOC | 4 Critical Climate Numbers They Don’t Know
Greta and AOC | 4 Critical Climate Numbers They Don’t Know
Viral Video | 4D Chess CONFIRMED? — Leftist Media Think They Exposed Trump But STILL Get played For Fools
Viral Video | 4D Chess CONFIRMED? — Leftist Media Think They Exposed Trump But STILL Get played For Fools
Democrats PANIC After Poll Shows Ocasio-Cortez Is So Detested She Can Cost Them The Election
Democrats PANIC After Poll Shows Ocasio-Cortez Is So Detested She Can Cost Them The Election
AOC and the Dems Are Crying about Children at the Border, but They Couldn’t Care Less about China Mass-harvesting Organs from Millions of People
(Ethan Huff) By now, you’ve probably heard about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) infamous border stunt, in which she stood next to a fence surrounding an empty parking lot, donned in her designer outfit and $1,000 watch, and had the media take pictures of her pretending to cry about the nonexistent migrant children on the other side being held in invisible detention cages. But where is AOC in lamenting the real-life fate of the many thousands of religious and political prisoners in China who are right now having their organs forcibly extracted from their bodies as part of the communist country’s illicit organ harvesting racket?
FAKE Concentration Camp AOC Images EXPOSED: New Photo Of Ocasio-Cortez “PR Stunt” Exposes What She Was Really Sad About
FAKE Concentration Camp AOC Images EXPOSED: New Photo Of Ocasio-Cortez “PR Stunt” Exposes What She Was Really Sad About
Is the Deep State About to Sacrifice AOC and the Green New Deal to Win Back the Left for the 2020 Election?
(Justin Deschamps) During the 2018 midterm elections, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) rose to political stardom when she won the house seat for New York State. Since then, she’s been pushed by the mockingbird media as a savior of humanity—a fresh face capable of taking on the evil orange man, a messiah of climate change, here to save the planet with the Green New Deal. This past week, that bill came to a vote in the US Senate, yet not a single senator voted in favor of it. Will she and the radical agenda be sacrificed for the 2020 election?
5 Ways the Green New Deal Exactly Mirrors Agenda 2030
(Makia Freeman) The Green New Deal, submitted by new US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is more like a green fantasy wish-list than a political bill. This so-called Green New Deal, which can be read here, promotes a broad, utopian-like future where magically everyone gets all their energy from non-polluting sources, everyone has a high-paying job with paid vacation, everyone has high-quality health care and everyone has retirement security.