(Tom Pappert) Florida state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, now a candidate for the U.S. House, is laying blame at mainstream media outlets after a uniformed Antifa “domestic terrorist” attempted to bomb a Florida January 6 rally where he was the keynote speaker.
Antifa Is a One Note Sally and Its Message is Wearing Thin
(Larry Johnson) Antifa is losing its punch and becoming more desperate and deranged. What I find most interesting is that they are espousing the same crap regardless of where they are in the world. Take a look at the following video. If I did not tell you it was Australia you might suspect this was taking place in Portland or Los Angeles.
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BREAKING: Stew Peters Unveils Alleged Antifa ‘Hit List’ Targeting President Trump, High-Profile Republicans
(Andrew White) A self-described infiltrator of an Antifa group in Germany provided radio host Stew Peters with what appears to be an assassination “hit list” targeting President Donald Trump, prominent conservatives, and high-profile individuals.
Wow. FBI Admits They Don’t Track Violence Of Radical Left Antifa (VIDEO)
(Mike LaChance) During the spring and summer of 2020, the radical left rioted in multiple cities across the country.
CNN Host Don Lemon Claims That Riots Destroying Americans’ Businesses Not as Bad as the Capitol Riot
(Steve Straub) Most people by now know that CNN host Don Lemon is a flaming leftist who is also a cheerleader for anything the Biden administration or the left wants to do.
Antifa Terrorist Shoots Health Freedom Activist in Broad Daylight
(Ethan Huff) A domestic terrorist who calls himself an “antifascist” (antifa) shot a man over the weekend after infiltrating a health freedom protest that was held in the Washington state capitol in Olympia.
Family of Trump Supporter Murdered By Antifa Militant Files Lawsuit Against Portland City, Mayor, and DA
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The estate of Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson, who was murdered by Antifa militant Michael Reinoehl following a pro-Trump rally, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Portland, the mayor and the county district attorney for negligence.
Reuters Is Now Functioning As the Public Relations Arm for Antifa, All While Attacking and Defaming Heroic U.S. Doctors Who Tell the Truth About Vaccines and Ivermectin
(Ethan Huff) The fake news cesspool known as Reuters published a bizarre piece the other day glorifying the rag-tag bunch of pasty-white domestic terrorists known as Antifa (“antifascists”) for their “militant activism” against the “extremist right” in America. At the very same time, Reuters continues to attack and vilify doctors who prescribe healing ivermectin rather than “vaccines” to their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients.
Democrat Arrested For Attacking Police On 1/6 Seeks Lighter Sentence Because He Posed As A Trump Supporter
(Andrew White) Robert Maurice Reeder, a registered Democrat who was arrested for being inside the US Capitol and attacking police on January 6, is now pleading to the court for a lighter sentence because he was posing as a Trump supporter during the time of his alleged crimes.
“F*ck Antifa!” – Police Intervene as Antifa Goons Get Their Butts Kicked in Modesto, CA (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Modesto, California – Police intervened as a group of Antifa dressed in black bloc got their asses beat by a group of conservatives.
Proud Boys and Antifa Clash in Portland: Smoke Bombs and Fireworks Launched – Antifa Goons Run Away Like Cowards (VIDEOS)
(Cristina Laila) Proud Boys gathered for a ‘Summer of Love’ event on Sunday afternoon at an abandoned Kmart in Portland, Oregon.
Antifa Establishes Autonomous Zone On Portland Waterfront, Attack Media
(Brock Simmons) Antifa militants in Portland are once again attempting to establish an autonomous zone, this time along the city’s waterfront. Taking advantage of the absence of police in the aftermath of what was supposed to be a large “right-wing” rally in the area that attracted hundreds of left-wing terrorists, Antifa stole a series of roadblocks and roadsigns and set them up around the waterfront. The area is being mocked as SSPAZ: Salmon Springs Park Autonomous Zone.
CNN Runs From Pete Santilli – Possible ANTIFA Infiltrators Have Conradson REMOVED From CYBER SYMPOSIUM
(Jordan Conradson) Colonel Waldron: In addition, the Red Team started receiving credible threats about two weeks ago… We detected disruptors inside trying to have people ejected. really radical folks outside trying to penetrate. We got folks exchanging badges in the parking lot, press badges. We’ve identified those agitators and provocateurs by photo imagery, validated by their social media platforms… The big end game is to discredit all of the legislators who are here to listen… They are obviously trying to ruin the message that Mike is trying to get out. So this is typical insurrection activities. This is part of the Color Revolution.
Vernon Jones Calls Out BLM “Cowards”: What About This Woman? “Say Her Name Dammit! Say It!!!”
(B.K. House) Say her name… “Ella French” you cowards!
War Room Witness: Demonic Antifa Was Hurling Stun Grenades, Fireworks, Rotten Eggs at Christian Women, Children, Babies in Portland Park (Video)
(Jim Hoft) Antifa terrorists attacked a Christian prayer gathering in Portland Park on Saturday.