(Paul Joseph Watson) Systemic racism?
Biden Says He’ll Give Cash Rewards to Doctors Who Adopt Anti-White Policies
(Ethan Huff) The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has developed new rules in an attempt to make American healthcare less “white,” and the Biden regime is offering cash rewards to doctors who choose to implement them.
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New Hampshire Establishes System to Report Anti-White Discrimination from Teachers
(Jack Hadfield) The New Hampshire Department of Education has launched a system for parents to report cases of racist anti-white discrimination against their children from teachers and schools.
Goodwill Employee Terminated For Raising Concerns Over Anti-White CRT Staff Training Pushed By Walmart, AT&T, Delta
(Alicia Powe) In addition to facing job loss for non-compliance with vaccine mandates, employees across the nation who dare oppose critical race theory risk being terminated as liberal business executives coerce their staff to undergo anti-white “equity and inclusion” training.
VIDEO: Virginia Teacher RESIGNS In Protest Of Radical Anti-White, Anti-Woman Critical Race Theory
(Cullen Mccue) A public school teacher in Loudoun County, Virginia resigned at the district’s most recent school board meeting over critical race theory-themed curriculum. “Within the last year, I was told in one of my so-called equity trainings that white, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools, and that ‘this has to change,’” said teacher Laura Morris during Tuesday’s Loudoun County School Board meeting. “Clearly, you’ve made your point,” Morris continued. “You no longer value me or many other teachers you’ve employed in this county. So since my contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudoun County Public Schools, I thought it necessary to resign in front of you.”
CRT Takedown: Victims of Woke Discrimination Join Forces, Launching Multiple Lawsuits
(Lance D. Johnson) Critical race theory is like a metastatic cancer that’s infesting every institution with its poisonous grievance-mongering.
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Armed Black Panthers Mobilize In Indianapolis, Chant ‘Black Power’ And ‘Death To White Supremacy’
(Patrick Howley) Armed members of the New Black Panther movement descended upon downtown Indianapolis, Indiana Saturday as racial tensions continue to skyrocket in the fragmenting United States of America.
Raytheon Anti-White Racism Program EXPOSED: Whites Encouraged To Reject ‘Equality’ And Work To ‘Defund The Police’
(Andrew White) Christopher Rufo has exposed the anti-white racism perpetuated by America’s second-largest defense contractor.
GAB VIDEO: Angry Dad Confronts School Board Over Anti-White CRT, ‘The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken, Remove This Garbage’
(Gabriel Keane) In a video posted to free speech video-sharing platform Gab TV this week, an irate father confronted the board of the Lake Washington School District in Redmond, Washington over the teaching of anti-white propaganda and radical gender theory to elementary school students.
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Admiral Wants Every Sailor to Read Racist Book, Ignores Author’s Shocking Anti-White Statements When Confronted
(Elizabeth Stauffer) Suddenly, critical race theory — the idea that American racism has shaped every institution and norm in our lives — is finding its way into every aspect of our lives. White people are the oppressors and have led lives of privilege, and minorities are the oppressed who have always operated from a point of disadvantage in America.
Virginia Public School Teachers Form Doxxing Groups to Destroy the Lives of Parents Who Oppose Anti-White Curriculum
(Shane Trejo) A group of public school teachers and other far-left extremists in Loudoun County, Virginia have created a doxxing group on social media targeting parents who oppose an anti-white curriculum.
Anti-white “Diversity Officer” Among “Fastest-Growing Careers,” Says Linkedin
(Ethan Huff) Networking and employment platform LinkedIn published a “Jobs on the Rise” update about 15 opportunities that are “in demand and hiring now,” and one of the most sought-after is the position of “diversity officer.”
REVEALED: Big Think, A Koch-Funded Company, Is Behind Racist ‘Be Less White’ LinkedIn Training Offered By Coca Cola
(Jack Hadfield) The company was founded as “YouTube for intellectuals”
Coca-Cola Denies Forcing Employees to Take ‘Be Less White’ Lesson, Admits Buying Access to Hateful Screed
(Jack Hadfiled) In a statement, Coca-Cola said the images “are not part of the company’s learning curriculum.”
Hidden Cam Footage Reveals Warnock Staff Tricking Voters over ‘Defund Police’, Anti-white Hatred
(Staff Writer) A new video from Project Veritas reveals Senate candidate Reverend Raphael Warnock’s staff admitting to deceiving voters of the candidate’s intention to defund the police.