(Jeff Poor) Monday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he was working with lawmakers to dissolve Biden’s so-called Disinformation Governance Board.
NBC News Says ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ is a ‘Right-Wing Anti-Biden Slur’
(Cassandra Fairbanks) After Joe Biden was trolled by an Oregon dad while taking NORAD Santa tracker calls, NBC News referred to the phrase “Let’s Go, Brandon” as a “right-wing anti-Biden slur.”
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Anti-Biden Anthem Tops Apple Music Charts, Beating Out Adele
(Colton Salaz) The conservative rapper Bryson Gray’s version of the song “Let’s Go Brandon” topped the number one spot, followed by Loza Alexander’s iteration. The number three spot went to Adele’s “Easy on Me.”
New anti-Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Song Censored on Social Media, Hits #1 on iTunes
(Natalia Mittelstadt) A new anti-Biden “Let’s Go Brandon” song by rapper Bryson Gray has been censored by both YouTube and Instagram, but still reached #1 on iTunes.
MASSIVE “F-Joe Biden” Rally In Howell, MI…Over 1,500 Protesters Line The Roads To Show Their Support For Trump [VIDEO]
(Leisa Audette) Joe Biden is in Trump country today to push his boondoggle bills.
President Biden Gets Booed at Baseball Game, While ‘F*** Joe Biden’ Chants Go Nationwide
(Kyle Becker) President Joe Biden made an appearance at the Congressional baseball game on Wednesday night, which was held at the Washington Nationals’ stadium. As Biden appeared to near the Republicans’ dugout, he was soundly booed.
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Crowd Chants ‘We Love Trump’ And ‘F*** Joe Biden’ At Holyfield Boxing Match
(Carmine Sabia) The 20th anniversary was a day of mourning for America, but there was some love that was also shown on that day.
Biden Supporters are Nowhere to Be Found, As He Gets Blasted at New Jersey Stop for ‘Leaving Americans Behind’
(Kyle Becker) There were no Biden supporters to be found in New Jersey on Tuesday, as the president toured the devastation wrought by Hurricane Ida. Much like during the 2020 election campaign, Biden’s theoretical supporters were invisible as he got lambasted by citizens angry at the Commander-in-Chief for “leaving Americans behind.”
Diner Turns Heads With Sign Banning Biden Voters
(Leisa Audette) A DeBary Diner in Florida has many customers who are veterans and the restaurant owner felt there was one thing she could do to make her voice heard about her anger at Biden.
Crowd Cheers as Trump Hero Steals the Show…Anti-Biden Trend Picks Up Steam [Video]
(Leisa Audette) There is a trend of pro-Trump and anti-Biden displays at college events that should give every Trump supporter hope for the younger generation. Last weekend, crowds at several football games chanted (see video below), “F*** Joe Biden!”
FL Governor Ron DeSantis Threatens Lawsuit Against Biden Regime Over Order Banning Cruises
(Patty McMurray) Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is threatening to file suit against the Biden administration over a lingering order preventing cruise ships from sailing.