(Dr. Michael Salla) On January 23, Emmy award winning journalist, Linda Moulton Howe, released the video testimony of a new whistleblower discussing his highly classified mission to a large buried structure found in Antarctica. The whistleblower claims that in a classified mission conducted in 2003, he entered inside a very large octagon-shaped structure located near the Beardmore Glacier that extended down deep into the glacier’s icy interior.
Antarctica: What Bizarre Technology is Melting the Ice From Within? With Dr. Michael Salla
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoE4D6hG2V8 Related 11:11 Quake is Retribution to Deep State for Paradise Fires | Interview with Dr. Michael Salla Buy Book Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? by Jim Marrs Buy Book Anunnaki Legacy of the Gods (Anunnaki Gods No More) Buy Book Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence Books by […]
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The Latest Deep State Take Down and Pole Shift Updates — Dr. Michael Salla Interview
The Latest Deep State Take Down and Pole Shift Updates — Dr. Michael Salla Interview
Flash Frozen Ancient Civilization of Pyramid Builders That Once Thrived in Antarctica
Flash Frozen Ancient Civilization of Pyramid Buliilders That Once Thrived in Antarctica
Hidden Radioactive Heat Source is Melting East Antarctica from Below, Scientists Claim
(Adam Goldberg) Measuring the rising and falling tides of ice at the poles of our planet is a much more difficult task than one might expect. When it comes to measuring ice growth or loss, and trying to figure out what might happen next, it is said that scientists need as much data as they can get.
China Boosts Antarctic Presence With Planned Permanent Airbase, Cites “Strategic Needs”
(Zero Hedge) China is set to significantly expand its presence in Antarctica as it takes the crucial step of establishing its first permanent airport and large landing strip close to its small research outpost, Zhongshan station. After nearly a decade of planning construction of the airport is set to begin in November, which state media and officials are calling a “permanent” base.
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“LASER CUT” Iceberg In Antarctica DOESN’T Look Natural
“LASER CUT” Iceberg In Antarctica DOESN’T Look Natural
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Antarctica
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Antarctica
Bizarre Cosmic Rays Are Shooting Out of Antarctica and Physicists Can’t Explain It
(Emma Fiala) Just over ten years ago, NASA-affiliated researchers set out to observe cosmic rays showering down on Earth from above. During the experiments in Antarctica, physicists found something unexplainable, something that could change everything we think we know about physics.
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Hidden History of the European Dark Ages — The Search for Ancient Atlantean Evidence
(Robert Sepehr) The swastika (卐) was used as the cross of the Manicheans, a religious movement started in the latter half of the third century. that was founded by the Iranian prophet Mani in the Sasanian Empire. Manichaeism taught an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness. Its beliefs were based on Mesopotamian religious philosophy, Buddhism, Tantra, and Christian Gnosticism.
Scientists Release Most Accurate, High-Res Map of Antarctica Revealing Never-Before-Seen Features
(Ivan) In Brief: This is Antarctica as you’ve never seen it before. Scientists have recently released what is considered right now the most accurate, high-resolution terrain map of the icy continent ever released.
Exposing Antarctica: Secret Space Program, Underground Bases, Reptilians, Nordics
(Julie Alexander) In Dr Michael Salla’s latest book “Antarctica’s Hidden History” we learn about the Thule Society, the German Secret Space Programme, the Reptilians, the Nordics and so much more. A brief summary of his book is below.
Researcher Identifies Huge Anomaly coming from Antarctica: Natural Disaster Season?
(Mr Robot) A video was recently published that claims to identify a huge anomaly coming from Antarctica on a form of radar, and also a multi-wave pattern type thing over the Caribbean Sea. The video seems to have a suspicion that a “natural disaster season” may occur this fall (or spring for the Southern Hemisphere), and like last August and September, natural disasters may strike at this time.
UFO’s in Antarctica: Declassified British UFO Files Reveal Stunning Details of UFO Encounter
(Ivan) UFO hunters consider this as official, decisive, unquestionable proof that a UFO was sighted on the Deception Island on July 2, 1965, flying in strange, mysterious patterns across the sky.
DEEP STATE Wants Antarctica ALIENS to be Your New God | Dr. Michael Salla 2018 (Video)
DEEP STATE Wants Antarctica ALIENS to be Your New God | Dr. Michael Salla 2018 (Video)