(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if this story is authentic or not. It was provided to Linda Moultan Howe and summarized as is by The Seven Tales news outlet. As always, discernment is advisable. – Justin Source – The Seven Tales by Staff Writer, February 21st 2016 On January 2nd, 2015 the […]
Operation Highjump Photographs: Spacecraft and Bases in Antarctica
(Stillness in the Storm editor) Update – The second article’s images were not displaying properly. I have manually uploaded each one to this site to prevent tampering. Operation Highjump was a US invasionary force sent to Antarctica during the late 1940’s after the war had ended. US intelligence reports at the time suggested that there was […]
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The Nazi Antarctic Fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump
Do you believe that the Nazis had the ability and means to construct secret bases around the globe? Among them Base 211 on Antarctica? Image Source Source – Ancient Code by Ivan During the Second World War, the Nazi’s carried out a number of strange experiments with alleged technologies unknown to the rest of the world […]
Brexit – Britain Challenges Covert Fourth Reich & its Secret Space Program
Source – Exopolitics by Dr. Michael Salla From June 17, 1940 to June 22, 1941, Great Britain stood alone against the Nazi Third Reich which had blitzed mainland Europe and forged an alliance of convenience with the Soviet Union in splitting Poland asunder. Now, 75 years later, with the June 23 decision to leave the […]
Science Confirms: Giant “Wetlands” Exist Beneath the Ice in Antartica – A Good Location for ET or Secret Military Bases?
Two research papers published by Geology and the journal Earth and Planetary Sciences suggest that beneath the ice of the southernmost continent of Antarctica exist wetland-like ecosystems. This is hardly new information, however, as the story first broke in 2012. These studies corroborate the claims of several whistleblowers who suggest that the military industrial complex, and in […]