(Cassie B.) Climate change alarmists love to point to ice melting in Antarctica as proof that humans are destroying the planet, but research shows that this may not have the link to man-made climate change that they would like to have us believe.
Antarctica Has Been Rocked by 30,000 Quakes in Just 3 Months
(End Time Headlines) More than 30,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since the end of August, according to the University of Chile, a spike in seismic activity that has intrigued researchers who study the remote, snowbound continent.
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DEBUNKING GLOBAL WARMING: Antarctica Sea Ice Is Greater NOW Than in 1980
(Strange Sounds) Sea ice extent now is 700,000 sq km (270,272 sq miles) greater than in 1980.
Trump Orders U.S. to Develop Polar Ice-Breaking Fleet for Arctic, Antarctic
(Dave Boyer) “To help protect our national interests in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and to retain a strong Arctic security presence alongside our allies and partners, the United States requires a ready, capable, and available fleet of polar security icebreakers that is operationally tested and fully deployable by fiscal year 2029,” Mr. Trump said in the order.
The World’s Deepest Land Canyon Was Just Discovered Underneath Antarctic Ice
(Carly Cassella) Antarctica’s ice sheet is the largest single mass of ice found anywhere on Earth, but what lies beneath is still largely a mystery.
Antarctica Mystery: Chilean Military Plane Goes Missing
(Justin Deschamps) A Chilean military plane mysteriously went missing yesterday, on its way to Antarctica, home to nine different bases.
Antarctica Anomalies Investigated Amazing Findings Made By Leading Researchers
Antarctica Anomalies Investigated Amazing Findings Made By Leading Researchers
Antarctica Shock: How NASA Was Stunned by ‘Unexpected Creature’ 600 Feet Below Ice
(Callum Hoare) NASA was left stunned after scientists captured snaps of an “unexpected creature” 600 feet below the ice, resurfaced footage from 2010 shows.
Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis [Part 2] — Ancient Mysteries — Edge of Wonder
Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis [Part 2] — Ancient Mysteries — Edge of Wonder
Alien Archaeology Beneath the Thick Antarctica Ice
Alien Archaeology Beneath the Thick Antarctica Ice
Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica — Massive Structures, Pyramids and Lost Civilizations
Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica — Massive Structures, Pyramids and Lost Civilizations
Incredible Discoveries in Antarctica: Advanced Prehistoric Civilization
Incredible Discoveries in Antarctica: Advanced Prehistoric Civilization
Hypnotic Time-Lapse Shows The Surreal Patterns of Antarctica’s Tempestuous Winds
(Carly Cassella) Antarctica is known for its tempestuous weather, and the surface winds surrounding this icy southern continent are some of the strongest and most persistent on Earth.
Massive Underground Cavern Discovered In Antarctica
(Robert Sehepr) South Polar explorers have discovered a monumental “lost” ice cave with three floors, a giant hall, 200 meters of walkways, several lakes and a river hidden in Antarctica.
34 Million Year Old Structure Discovered 2 Miles Under Antarctica
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