(Oleg Atbashian) With friends like liberal media, who needs enemies? Their virtue signaling and political spin over Ukraine is so revolting that if I didn’t know better, I’d turn against Ukraine like so many conservative commentators already have. But having lived in both Russia and Ukraine, I know better.
american thinker
It Is Possible To Reform Our Health Insurance System
(Lewis Dovland) We must prevent the Marxist progressive takeover from controlling our access to healthcare. Period. Still, it’s true that, in a free economy, everyone has the right to access care but if you can’t pay for it, access is meaningless. Meanwhile, with a single payor system, you no longer control your access because you aren’t the one paying for it. The only answer is a true market-based reform of our current healthcare system.
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Social Media: The Intimidation and Enforcement Arm of the American Left
(Steve McCann) The American left uses their dominant position in social media to manipulate the legacy media, set the agenda, browbeat the elected members of the Democrat party, and intimidate corporate America.
The Irony of Progressive ‘Anti-Nationalism’
(Paul Krause) Progressives like to assert that nationalism is toxic, poisonous, and dangerous.
The Fallacies and Foolishness of War Fever
(J. Robert Smith) Concerning the Russo-Ukraine war, passions are running high and hot words are flying like lead. That’s not just in Ukraine, but also here at home. Cable news and talk radio have some of the worst offenders. “Putin is mad,” declare the talking heads, as if they’re modern-day Freuds. But not to be outdone, others insist: “No, no, Putin is mad and Hitler! Stop him now before he rampages across Europe!” Damn the torpedoes! Break out a chorus of “Over There,” because, gosh darn it, the Yanks are coming!
The Great (Destructive) Reset of Capitalism
(Janet Levy) The World Economic Forum (WEF) is promoting a dystopian vision, and it is closer than you think. By 2030, it says, “You will own nothing and you’ll be happy.” Ownership and control will be vested in a handful of government leaders and a cabal of the wealthiest individuals in the world. You will lose more than just your possessions.
The COVID Vaccine is a Civil Rights Issue
(Eileen F. Toplansky) The insistence on being forced to receive the COVID “vaccine” is a civil rights issue.
How CNN Twists the Racial Narrative
(Alexander Riley) Could it be any clearer that the mainstream media actively wants to divide the country and make us hate one another? How else to explain that they are constantly running stories like this at the top of their website front pages: “Video showing how police treat Black and White teens in mall fight sparks outrage.”
The War in Ukraine Is Racist, Too!
(John Klar) Per the mainstream media, the war in Ukraine is entirely about white supremacy. Articles by the usual far-left racist agitators have proliferated, analyzing the conflict through a race-only lens. Instead of proffering any solutions to save human lives (of any color) in Ukraine, or to maintain global stability, these efforts will achieve the opposite. Conflating foreign conflicts into a global race war has no redeeming qualities.
How ‘Social Justice’ is Killing the Military
(Brent Ramsey and Michael D. Pefley) “Some 41 percent of the military identify as members of minority groups,” the Department of Defense (DoD) reported on Feb. 9, 2021. That number is much higher than the 24 percent of the U.S. population who identify as non-white. “We all bleed RED,” service members say. Years ago, when a commanding general asked for a report on all disciplinary cases by color, a black Chief Master Sergeant from rural Alabama whose parents grew up under actual racism, reported back, “All our soldiers with disciplinary cases are green.”
COVID Did Not Panic Chiropractors. Why Not?
(Robert Curry) If you have been troubled by the rapidly declining claims for the efficacy of the COVID vaccines and boosters or by the rapidly rising reports of problems with the vaccines and the boosters, you might be interested to know how it came about that COVID did not panic chiropractors. It’s a fascinating story, and I was privileged to learn it firsthand.
Surprise: Mussolini Was Not the First Fascist
(L.K. Samuels) Charges of fascism are often flung around like paper confetti, sometimes to cover for actual fascism. Almost every political faction has been subjected to such claims, especially ones that are polar opposites of historical Italian fascism and German National Socialism. Even Canadian truckers seeking an end to COVID-19 lockdowns have been savagely attacked as Nazis, along with freedom-based organizations that supplied the intellectual ammunition to oppose Hitler’s and Mussolini’s ideologues.
The Strategic Threat from Net-zero Emissions
(Christopher Monckton) The retreat of the United States and her allies before the Chinese-backed Taliban in Afghanistan and the failure of the West’s feeble attempts at diplomacy in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine share a sinister aetiology that has attracted remarkably little attention. A relentless, targeted campaign of desinformatsiya – systematic reputational destruction or “unpersoning” by Communist front groups posing as environmental campaign entities but in reality fostered, funded and too often founded by Moscow and Beijing – has all but silenced thousands of skeptical climate researchers who had formerly been able to debate the climate question in the sunlight of the agora, and has deterred tens of thousands more who would have spoken out in their support but dare not do so.
The Collapsing Covid Narrative is Being Replaced with Putin and Ukraine
(Vasko Kohlmayer) Game-changing news has emerged out of Iceland.
No, Nope, No: It Is Not Time for a Civil War
(Jeremy Egerer) Charlie Kirk was asked recently, at one of his lectures, whether now is a good time to “use the guns.” He answered that it isn’t, and I agree with him but only partially for the reasons he stated.