Source – American Kabuki The views below are solely Benjamin Fulford’s, as with all posts use your own inner discernment. There is much data in this message from Ben. You gotta wonder though about people who would hold hostage the entire planet with a disease like Ebola as a negotiating tactic… sheesh! Commentary by David Wilcock […]
american kabuki
Benjamin Fulford – October 13th 2014 – Do top Western leaders work for hostile aliens or are they just evil?
Source – American Kabuki The views below are solely Benjamin Fulford’s. There’s a lot of data in this one but like with any post use your own inner discernment. This blog does not advocate killing anyone, Source is doing quite a nice job enforcing the energetic changeover from the current systems and is actively retiring many […]
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Hue-man from Star Trek TNG – “I KNOW WHO I AM” – Hidden in Star Trek – The Reason for Fluoride GMO Poisoning Humanity
Source – American Kabuki This video clip from YouTube is entitled “Hidden in Star Trek – The Reason for Fluoride GMO Poisoning Humanity”. My gut feeling that while there’s some truth in that being the reason for fluoride in water, regarding its ability to calcify the pineal gland. It could never stop what is about to […]
Disclosure: Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank? A phone conversation about the unseen operations of the Federal Reserve System
image courtesy Source – American Kabuki The following is a conversation with Mr. Ron Supinski of the Public Information Department of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. This is an account of that conversation. CALLER – Mr. Supinski, does my country own the Federal Reserve System? MR. SUPINSKI – We are an agency of the […]
Benjamin Fulford with Comments from American Kabuki – July 14, 2014: Nazionist mafia circles the wagons as investigations zero in on Bush/Netanyahu
Source – Hipknowsys The recent brutality by Israel in the Gaza strip, the emergence of the ISIS caliphate in Iraq and the troubles in the Ukraine can now be traced to the same source: the Nazionists. Let us start with the ISIS campaign. Here is what MI5 and other intelligence agencies have been able to […]
“I AM… Back!!!!” by Dani and “Last dance of separation on every channel” by American Kabuki
Source – Removing the Shackles I AM… Back!!!! Good morning my friends!!!!!! Long time no chat! As you may or may not have noticed, many of us here in Aouchtam Morocco have been taking an extended break from the internet and the realms of computer communication. This was a multi-faceted hiatus for myself and many […]
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Oneness is not easy… but its the only route home. by American Kabuki
Bill echos many of the conceptual elements we have upturned in our journey into Oneness. Here in Aouchtam Morocco, we, Julian and I, came here in attempts to create a Sustainable Conscious Community, where the individual is fully responsible and aware of their co-creative relationship with the world outside of themselves; the co-creative arena. This […]
Morocco Diary #5 by American Kabuki
Source – American Kabuki Evening over Martil Morocco Morocco Diary #5 By American Kabuki Its now March and the winds are truly roaring in like a lion in Northern Morocco. One day it comes from desert, another it comes from the sea. Change is in the wind, in the world at large and in me personally. […]
The Border Cafe – A work of fiction (or is it?) by American Kabuki
This is a great short story by Bill, American Kabuki. Heather, over dinner, was discussing how the Energetic System works, Quarrying Eternal Essence to see if something will work; refereed to as A.I below. This post also highlights how the ‘Divines,’ or our would-be masters from another realm, are trying to maintain their plan for […]
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American Kabuki: Morocco Diary #4 – On Heather, Caleb and the life of the former Trustee’s of the OPPT
Another great post by AK! There are a lot of data points about Morocco and I enjoyed reviewing them especially considering our coming Adventure. AK also shares some background about the former OPPT Trustee’s and the nature of their present work and environment. – Justin Source – American Kabuki Andalusian Lamp – Ceuta, Spain Photo by Caleb […]
Affidavit of John Anthony Hill: The Fraudulent Coronation of Queen Elizabeth
Very interesting data about the alleged queen of England and her unlawful usurpation of the British Crown. Which if memory serves is a vassal of the Vatican. – Justin Source – American Kabuki The Fraudulent Coronation of Queen Elizabeth by American Kabuki Source:
Updated: Silence Implies Consent by American Kabuki
Another fantastic post by AK! Source – American Kabuki Update 1/28/2013: A friend pointed out this article (which I hadn’t read) which came out a couple of days before mine along similar lines of thought… only comment that I would make on Zen Gardeners article is that knowledge alone will not get you there, connecting with […]
Updated: NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND by American Kabuki
This is a fantastic story of who we are, why we are here, and how we got here by American Kabuki. At least this is how I interpreted this piece. Great Job Bill! In my view, the big picture here on earth, is all about contrast. And that contrast is to expand consciousness. In this […]
The symphony of life, revealed: New imaging technique captures
Using a new imaging technique they developed, scientists have managed to observe and document the vibrations of lysozyme, an antibacterial protein found in many animals. This graphic visualizes the vibrations in lysozyme as it is excited by terahertz light (depicted by the red wave arrow). Such vibrations, long thought to exist, have never before been described in such detail, […]
Mega Default In China Scheduled For January 31
Source – American Kabuki Caleb spotted this article at the Drudge Report, Heather Tucci-Jarraf has long said China is the world’s most bankrupt economy… – AK Mega Default In China Scheduled For January 31 Gordon G. Chang, Contributor I write primarily on China, Asia, and nuclear proliferation. OP/ED | 1/19/2014 @ 8:08PM On Friday, Chinese […]