(American Kabuki) This is a fascinating interview by Red Ice with Clif High on January 16th. He discusses at length his misgivings with the information coming from David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Drake. Many of the points he makes are very salient ones. Source – Deus Nexus by American Kabuki, January 18th, 2017 Clif’s take on […]
american kabuki
COBRA | Solar System / Planetary Situation Update: Kuiper Belt Bases, Yuan SDR Inclusion, Andromedan Ships, Finland Income For All
Source – COBRA 2012 Portal Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants […]
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China launches global yuan payment system | CIPS Competes with Swift
China has started doing transactions using the the CIPS system backed by the Yuan, an alternative to SWIFT, the HSBC owned and operated mega-giant of financial transaction institutions. Related More Russian, Chinese Companies Switching to Yuan Transactions – Bank Some have contended that this move is a decisive blow to the US controlled financial markets, but […]
Central Banks Scramble To Stabilize Crashing Markets: China Fails, Switzerland Succeeds (For Now)
Source – American Kabuki Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/29/2015 06:51 -0400 Following a week in which the Chinese stock bubble popped and a weekend in which the Eurozone bubble followed, it was all up to central banks to stabilize the devstation that would follow should the Plunge Protection Team, now global, not show up. And while US […]
Occult Meaning and Psychology of ‘Currency’ or ‘Money’ | The Relation Between Energy and Currency
This is a nice article to help understand how the Dark Occultists, the Cabal, use the systems of nature as a blueprint for various control systems on Earth. This is not arbitrary or done at random. They use these words and concepts because at a very deep subconscious level we respond to them and make […]
Finally: List of 80 People With as Much Money as 1/2 of Humanity
If the system were not rigged to produce pocket billionaires, one may consider the list of names here as testaments to hard work and dedication. But banking families, who have trillions of dollars in wealth are suspiciously absent from the below list. For me this is just one more data point lending further credence to […]
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Will 2015 Be The Year of Freedom or More Slavery? | Our Participation Is Needed to Un-Consent – Key Info from Judge Anna Von Reitz
For all the updates regarding this people’s action for freedom, click here. The time for real change has come upon us. More than ever, people all over the world are growing dissatisfied with the current state of affairs on earth, feeling a powerful sense that something is wrong with this world. This is the best climate to […]
Sean Penn: “These are the people, Cheney and President Bush and others, who invented the Islamic State”
“Three things cannot be long hidden, the Sun, the Moon and the TRUTH” – Buddha ISIS: Psyop, CIA, Terrorists, Rebel, Religious Group? Iraqi Army Shoots Down UK Planes Delivering Weapons to ISIL/ISIS Source – American Kabuki Sean Penn, Conan O’Brien Thanks S. for pointing me to this. -AKhttp://stopmensonges.com/sean-penn-ce-sont-ces-gens-cheney-et-le-president-bush-et-dautres-qui-ont-invente-letat-islamique/Sean Penn: “These are the people, Cheney and President Bush and others, who invented the Islamic State”by christophe – March […]
The West’s Plan To Drop Russia From SWIFT Hilariously Backfires – U.S. Begs Russia to Remain in ‘SWIFT’ – The “ONE” Bank Fails Again
See this post End of the Dollar as Global Reserve Currency? | China Has Announced Plans For A ‘World Currency’ for the China Led CIPS system referred to below. – Justin Source – American Kabuki Submitted by Sprott Money on 03/20/2015 11:51 -0400 ……..Submitted by Bullion Bulls Canada – Written by Jeff Nielson Does it get any funnier […]
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Schumann Resonance now at 16.32 Hz??? (years ago it was around 7 Hz)
From: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7 CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE This is a rather interesting data point shared by AK. The Schuman Resonance apparently shifting up an Octave to 16.32 on the 18th and 19th. I can not confirm if this is a permanent shift in the resonance of the earth. This occurred just prior to the rare super moon, eclipse and equinox alignment on friday the 20th. There was also a series of […]
If the Debt is a Fraud, No Forgiveness is Needed | “Bravi Cobra!” – American Kabuki on COBRA’s March 17th 2015 “forgiveness”
Many of the points AK makes below I think have value. Any authority, whether financial, or otherwise, can only gain power over us via consent; a Trust Relationship. The powers that should not be, use coercion and threats of violence to compel consent, but they also use many subtle manipulation techniques get people to agree […]
Benjamin Fulford with American Kabuki and David Wilcock’s Comments – November 17th 2014: G20 Meeting was a total defeat for the Cabal, Bush and Cohen Crime Families on the Run
Source – American Kabuki The following is solely the opinions of Benjamin Fulford. There’s some interesting data regarding the Hyksos people, but I have no idea if its true or the reliability of Benjamin’s source of that information. Others (including Ben) have said the cabal were Sabbateans (builders of Petra in Jordan) and Khazars (also known […]
BRICS Internet | WTF, Russia’s domestic Internet traffic mysteriously passes through Chinese routers
This data is supporting the long discussed BRICS alliance maybe begining greater actions. This goes well with the post Digging up the Past and Digging into the dirt: RV, GCR, New financial system Updates and Fulfords update from November 11th 2014. – Justin Source – American Kabuki This is significant news…this means the BRICS are now separating […]
Heather’s (Ann Tucci Jarraf) final post to her web page…
Source – American Kabuki [10/29/14, 2:48:50 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: Bill, as this next bit is done, and before it gets really wild….I just wanted to say thank you for everything…including, and, especially, helping me to do the website… I just posted the final bit…Source Fource… Source: http://americankabuki.blogspot.com.au/2014/10/heathers-final-post-to-her-web-page.html
Benjamin Fulford – October 28th 2014: The battle for the planet earth is reaching a climax
Source – American Kabuki The views below, other than comments in red italics, are solely of Benjamin Fulford and those he represents. -AK by Benjamin Fulford October 28, 2014 The battle over the psychological process of deciding what humanity does in the future is reaching a climax. The most dramatic development is probably the fact that […]