(Cullen Mccue) During a recent interview with Fox News, U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said that Americans who question the narrative on Ukraine are “repeating Putin’s talking points.” Crenshaw criticized what he called a “tiny minority” and attributed questions over Ukrainian biolabs to them.
America First
‘He Will Be The Nominee’: Hillary Admits Trump Will Win GOP Nomination In 2024, Complains Republicans Don’t Trust Elections
(Andrew White) “We’re still in the midst of a concerted, well-funded effort to undermine American democracy.”
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RINO Adam Kinzinger Calls for Anyone Who Supports “America First” Caucus to Be Removed from Committee Assignments
(Jim Hoft) Why is it that Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney and Adam Kinzinger live for tweaking Trump supporters?
New Donald Trump Plans Revealed: Here are First Details About His ‘America First’ Agenda
(Kyle Becker) Donald Trump is moving forward with a big plan for America. Being dubbed the “America First” agenda, it is drawing favourable comparisons to the 1994 “Contract with America,” which was a major reason for one of the Republican Party’s most successful congressional elections in modern history.
A Full List of Hillary Clinton’s Crimes
(American First) The 2016 election was a referendum on many things that had once been accepted as political norms in our society, including taking the media’s word at face value, believing all the polls, and always choosing the candidate with more beltway “experience,” rather than taking a leap of faith and electing a truly revolutionary candidate.
Rush Limbaugh Calls Out Gen Mattis’ Push to Ditch Trump’s ‘America First’ National Security Policy
(Leisa Audette) When Democrats and anti-Trumpers began commenting about how Trump’s ‘America First’ policy should be ditched, it was a shock. Until we heard about the ‘Great Reset’ plan to drag America back into into the globalist agenda, President Trump had campaigned against.