(Katie Daviscourt) He literally just (said) all lives mattered,” an employee added in Slack during the all-hands meeting on Thursday, seemingly disgusted with their new boss.
all lives matter
Al Sharpton Looks Like He’s About To Have A Stroke As Ahmaud Arbery’s Father Tells Media: “ALL lives matter—Not just Black!” [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray ) All three defendants in the murder trial of Ahmaud Arbery were all found guilty of felony murder this Wednesday in a trial that lasted for 18 months. The jury convicted Travis McMichael of malice murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and criminal attempt to commit a felony. Gregory McMichael and William Bryan were found guilty of all charges except malicious murder. The men pursued Arbery after believing he was engaged in suspicious activity in their neighborhood in Brunswick, Georgia. All three men still face federal hate crime charges after being convicted today.
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George Floyd’s Brother Infuriates Some Activists After Saying ‘All Lives Matter’
(Carmine Sabia) On Friday Derek Chauvin, the officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison, of which he will have to serve approximately 15 years.
The Wokest Place on Earth? Disney ‘Pushes Critical Race Theory on Staff, Rejects Equal Opportunity & Condemns All Lives Matter’
(NWO Report) Walt Disney Co. has reportedly joined corporate America’s rush toward critical race theory, teaching staff that America is rooted in “systemic racism” and that white employees must show special deference to their black colleagues.
Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National Media Fully Ignores
(Cassandra Fairbanks) A 24-year-old mother was killed by a Black Lives Matter mob in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for saying “All Lives Matter.”