(Arjun Walia) David Huggins, a man from New Jersey, is one of thousands of documented abductees who have come forward to share their story. The most fascinating aspect of extraterrestrial abductees is the fact that all of them share practically the exact same story, the same description of the beings involved, and similar experiences during the abduction coupled with telepathic messages.
Alleged Mars Discoveries That Show the Ruins of a Type Two Civilization
Alleged Mars Discoveries That Show the Ruins of a Type Two Civilization
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Spacebound Prisoner feat. Tony Rodrigues | BREAKAWAY | Season 1
Spacebound Prisoner feat. Tony Rodrigues | BREAKAWAY | Season 1
“I Have Had ET Contact My Whole Life” — Ken Rohla
“I Have Had ET Contact My Whole Life” – Ken Rohla
Alien Encounters: From Contactees to Abductees
(Nick Redfern) Thanks to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts of both the United States and the United Kingdom, we know with complete certainty that various military and intelligence agencies have opened secret files on countless people who claim to have encountered otherworldly beings.
Mars Was Inhabited — Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt: Review the Evidence
Mars Was Inhabited — Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt: Review the Evidence
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The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History
The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History
Amazing NASA Mars Photo Anomalies! Billy Carson Exclusive [Part 1]
Amazing NASA Mars Photo Anomalies! Billy Carson Exclusive [Part 1]
The Solar Flash-Mininova — Government Cover-up, ET Intervention & Technology, UFOs, Anti-Gravity, Science, History, and more
The Solar Flash-Minnova — Government Cover-up, ET Intervention & Technology, UFOs, Anti-Gravity, Science, History, and more
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NASA Study: Alien ‘Artifacts’ Made By Civilizations From Mars or Venus Could Be Hidden On Earth
(Humans Are Free) You might think that humanity’s best chance of finding alien life involves peering deep into space and analyzing faraway galaxies. But a NASA study has suggested the truth about extraterrestrials could be lurking right under our noses.
Does This 15th Century Painting Depict A UFO With The Virgin Mary?
(Corbin Black) A Renaissance painter’s large mural in an Italian church is seeing a resurgence of interest. The attention isn’t from the religious people who would, of course, appreciate the depiction of the Virgin Mary, but from ancient alien conspiracy theorists who noticed the otherworldly object in the skies above her.
Alien Messages That Are So Bizarre We Cannot Even Begin to Grasp Them
Alien Messages That Are So Bizarre We Cannot Even Begin to Grasp Them
DAVID WILCOCK: Military has Terminators for Alien Invasion? [Part 2/5]
DAVID WILCOCK: Military has Terminators for Alien Invasion? [Part 2/5]
Alien ‘Artifacts’ Made By Civilizations From Mars or Venus Could Be Hidden On Earth, NASA Study Suggests
(Jasper Hamill) You might think that humanity’s best chance of finding alien life involves peering deep into space and analysing faraway galaxies.
UFO Contactee Changes Everything You Thought You Knew About Aliens
UFO Contactee Changes Everything You Thought You Knew About Aliens