(Gaia) It depends on who you ask. Some Subaru owners would say they are.
NASA Believes Alien Life May Be Hiding in Caves on Mars
(Aaron Kesel) Some scientists believe that flexible robots should be created to explore the cave systems on Mars.
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Researcher Claims: Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.) Recently Destroyed—And Has Some Evidence to Prove it
(Will Justice) An online researcher claims Deep Underground Military Bases used by the so-called Illuminati or Deep State were recently destroyed using highly advanced technology. What’s even more mindblowing is that he seems to have evidence to back it up.
Dr Steven Greer: The Atacama Humanoid Remains A Profound Mystery
(Steven Greer) After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford University, the Atacama Humanoid remains a profound mystery.
The First Documented Alien Abduction: Greys from Zeta Reticuli
(Aliens-Everything You Wanted to Know) The first abduction on record, this case was discovered almost by accident. On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were driving home on a road in rural New Hampshire.
Reptilians Among Us, Underground Antarctica Space Base, Ret Air Force, Project Blue Book, Disclosure (Video)
Reptilians Among Us, Underground Antarctica Space Base, Ret Air Force, Project Blue Book, Disclosure (Video)
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“I Have Seen the Bodies.” — UFO Crashes and Military Retrieval (Video)
“I Have Seen the Bodies.” — UFO Crashes and Military Retrieval (Video)
Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians (Continued)
(Arjun Walia) Despite the fact that this topic has been considered a “conspiracy theory” for years, any intelligent person who actually decides to take a gander at the evidence cannot really deny the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) as well as the idea that some of them may actually be piloted by extraterrestrial beings from somewhere else in the multiverse.
Former UK Astronaut Suggests Alien Beings Are Here On Earth
(Arjun Walia) Dr. Helen Sharman was Britain’s first astronaut. She went to space 28 years ago and recently made headlines by stating that there is no doubt whatsoever that “All sorts of forms of life” exist in the universe, and it’s possible that “They’re here right now” and in some cases we “simply can’t see them” as they are so different to humanity.
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The Dulce Papers – Chapter 4b – 1992: Dulce New Mexico & The Nazi Connection
(Orbman) “A group of 21 people led by an individual we will call Rick, went to Area 51 in 1989 in a small bus to watch ‘saucers‘. They were stopped on ‘mail-box road‘ by two individuals carrying automatic weapons and wearing camouflage togs. One individual popped a can of ‘gas‘ in the aisle of the bus, and that’s all for three hours. When they came to their senses, they cut their trip short, returned to L.A. and five persons got separately regressed using hypnotic regressors that did not know one another, and found that during the lost time their memories had repressed similar events. They had been marched off the bus, taken in jeeps to a building nearby, and had their lives threatened by military personnel…
Not From Our World — Valiant Thor: IQ of 1200, Spoke 100 Different Languages (Video)
Not From Our World — Valiant Thor: IQ of 1200, Spoke 100 Different Languages (Video)
British Queen “Is Not Human” According To The Official Royal Website
(Will Justice) A few days ago I stumbled upon an article with the headline “Queen Elizabeth ‘Is Not Human’ – Confirmed By Buckingham Palace”. Of course this piqued my interest and my first impression was “surely not!”
The Dulce Papers – Chapter 3a – 1988: Dulce New Mexico and a Cosmic Conspiracy?
(Orbman) John Lear, a captain of a major U.S. Airline has flown over 160 different types of aircraft in over 50 different countries. He holds 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet and is the only pilot ever to hold every airman certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. Mr. Lear has flown missions worldwide for the CIA and other government agencies. He has flown clandestine missions in war-zones and hot-spots around the world, often engineering hairs’-breath escapes under dangerous conditions.
Archons: Are They Interfering With Our Lives?
(Patrick Herbert) I wanted to talk a little more about Archons and the reality that we are all currently experiencing. When it comes to these non-physical entities, there are many things to consider.
The Dulce Papers – Introduction, Forward, and Chapter 1 – 1991: The Octopus, Black Projects and the Dulce Facility
Related The Dulce Papers — Complete Series Source – Think About It by Orbman, November 10th, 2012 1996: The Dulce Papers – Forward The Dulce Files “HAVE RESPECT UNTO THE COVENANT, FOR THE DARK PLACES OF THE EARTH ARE FULL OF THE HABITATIONS OF CRUELTY.” — Psalms 74:20 WHAT’S GOING ON NEAR DULCE, NEW MEXICO? Above Top […]