(Tyler Durden) The FBI’s Cyber Division published a notice this past week warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives, which comes at a time when a curious string of fires and explosions damage major food processing plants across the country.
Monocropping: A Disastrous Agricultural System
(Ocean Robbins) I’ll begin with a simple definition: monocropping is planting and growing one type of plant in the same place, year after year. It’s the type of planting that occurs under a type of agriculture called monoculture. If you’ve ever driven through large agricultural fields completely filled with — say, corn — as far as the eye can see, you’re in monoculture country. Monoculture is an agricultural system that involves the planting of a single crop, over and over.
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Despite Being Banned in Europe, EPA to Approve Toxic Pesticides that Paralyze Bees, Butterflies, and Other Insects
(B.N. Frank) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a long history of NOT protecting the environment or Americans. For example, in 2021, it was exposed that the agency may have been aware for years of a probable link between Roundup’s toxic ingredient, glyphosate, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Now it plans to approve farmers’ use of known toxic chemicals that harm insects.
Shocking Investigation Reveals Top 5 Pesticide Companies in the World Use Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHP) and Concentrate These Products in Developing Nations
(Mary Villareal) An analysis of data found that people from developing countries are more likely to suffer from exposure to pesticides classified as highly hazardous to human health and the environment. This analysis also showed that the world’s top five pesticide makers are making billions from these same chemicals.
Green Scream: Plants Emit “Ultrasonic Squeals” When Stressed by Drought or Physical Damage
(Virgilio Marin) Plants let out “ultrasonic squeals” when they are damaged or stressed by drought. Researchers at Tel Aviv Universityin Israel discovered this after placing microphones near tomato and tobacco plants. Thanks to the microphones, the researchers were able to detect distinct sounds emanating from the plants.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Found to Reduce Hypertension Risk in Postmenopausal Women
(Ralph Flores) An international study by researchers from the U.S. and Iran has found that pumpkin seed oil can potentially reduce the risk of hypertension in women. In their study, published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, the team looked at how supplementing with pumpkin seed oil can impact vascular function in postmenopausal women.
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Biden Agriculture Chief’s History as a China Hype Man
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) Tom Vilsack is Biden’s Agriculture Secretary who celebrates “stronger and deeper” ties between the US and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Man Plants Mystery Seeds That Arrived Unsolicited in Mail From China — Here’s What Grew
(Joseph Curl) Residents in several U.S. states have been receiving unsolicited seeds in the mail from China, prompting warnings from state agricultural agencies.
Walmart Just Filed Six Patents for Robot Bees – and it Sounds Like an Episode Straight out of Black Mirror
(Ethan Huff) As honeybees and other vital pollinators continue their decline into what looks like total extinction, the Walmart corporation appears to be in the process of developing artificial bee “robots” that will presumably one day be used to pollinate plants.