(Aether Force) Through Ken Wheeler’s lecture series on Magnetism and his books “Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism“, “The Indefinite Dyad in Plotinus’ Metaphysics & Mysticism“, & “Pythagoras, Plato, & the Golden Ratio“, he describes the role of magnetism and gravity as expressions of dielectricity in a conjugate universe. As a linguist and meta-physician, he has re-envisioned modern physics with Platonic Logic. His work, if taken seriously, provides much support to the theories of Walter Russell. Below you will see a collection of Videos where Ken describes the lost Pythagorean secrets of incommensurability and the golden ratio.
aether force
Physics of Pyramids and Crystals | Ancient Tech for a Betterworld – Les Brown
(Ken Adachi) This rare documentary takes a look at the true nature of magnetism, electricity and gravity. Crystals, Physics of a fractal universe and Spin on orbiting bodies. Also speaks of pyramids and how to make one to grow large crops. Dive into the natural world of shape power and Russellian cosmogony with Les Brown.
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Magick, Alchemy, Language, & Resonance – Eugenia Macer-Story
(Olav Phillips) I found out about Eugenia Macer-Story by talking with Radionic Practitioners at the USPA conference in 2018. For days my mind was saturated with stories of some of my personal favorite Aetheric Researchers. Some stories included warping the fabric of reality in a hotel room to being able to hear attached entities to some members through interference with audio systems, including Tom Bearden and the author of this article Eugenia Macer-Story, a UFO investigating psychic with very in depth theories on the mechanics of the ethers.
Hidden Ancient Technology Revealed: The Luxor – Atlantean Seal
(John Echel) The Atlantean Ring and Atlantean Bar have their origins in France. Since the discovery in the early 1900’s, they were almost forgotten until the 1960’s when they were brought back into the attention of new age seekers. The Atlantean Ring became quite popular in Europe and subsequently in America, while the interest in the Atlantean Bar was very low, until recently and limited to Europe.In the past decades the Atlantean Ring was attributed with certain properties.
Chestahedron – The 7 Sided Etheric Geometry of the Heart – Frank Chester
(John Echel) Frank’s exploration of the relationship between form and spirit led him to do deep creative research on the number seven. By applying an alchemical transformative process to his seven-sided form, he has discovered many previously unknown geometric structures that demonstrate a remarkable correlation to the form and functioning of the human heart. These forms and Frank’s artistic process have much to teach us about the objective realities of Living Thinking.
Chestahedron : Remarkable Seven-Sided Form and the Sentient Earth: Part II – Kaye Williams
(John Echel) I have something to tell you that is no small thing. I wish to introduce you to someone—someone who you will want to know, and know completely.
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Gold Powder | ORMUS is a Gas by John V. Milewski — Mana From Heaven
(John Echel) In the 80’s and 90’s David Hudson coined the acronym ORMEs. This is a name for what he defined as a new state of matter. ORMEs is an acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements”. He demonstrated, through his very detailed experiments and multiple testing, that at least 13 of the transition elements (Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd Ag, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg.), which are in the center of the periodic table, can exist in a heretofore-unidentified state of matter. He claimed that this occurs when they are in a monatomic state.
Vibrational Applications of Crystal Therapy by Robert Gilbert of the Vesica Institute
(John Echel) Dr. Robert J. Gilbert has a multi-faceted background in both spiritual and scientific studies. He is a former U.S. Marine Corps Instructor in Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Warfare Survival; since leaving the service in 1985 he has conducted independent research into the Geometric basis of modern science and new technologies. Dr. Gilbert holds a Ph.D. in International Studies and is a published academic author in that field, contributing to the first academic textbook in the new field of Transformational Politics.
The DNA Wave Computer by Peter Gariaev
(Peter Gariaev) This paper reports experimental work carried out in Moscow at the Institute of Control Sciences, Wave Genetics Inc. and theoretical work from several sources. This work changes the notion about the genetic code essentially. It asserts: – Related: The Kybalion – The Ultimate Hermetic Introduction (Complete pdf) Source – Aether Force by Peter Gariaev, September 19th, […]
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Golden Ratio in Science
(Nick Seewald) 1. Hydrogen Bond Distances It has been found recently (in 2005, actually), that the golden ratio plays a significant role in atomic physics in that it governs what is known as the Bohr radius (the radius of atoms and ions that enables quantitative discussion of bond lengths between atoms and partial ionic character […]
Composting with the Life Force and Planetary Alignment
(Dave Robison) Review Of Basic Concepts In the plant, we see life forces at work in the growing and forming of a living being. The physical and etheric forces (life-growth forces) work from within outwards, the astral forces work around it and spiritual forces of the archetypes from the far distance (zodiac). Physical forces work in […]
Russellian (Natural Law) Interpretation of Double Slit Experiment — The Double Slit Experiment Resolved! | Color Perception and Electricity
(WRC) The purpose of this presentation is to explain the infamous Double Slit Experiment (DSE) in a spirit promoted by Walter Russell, and to offer his gift of truth and clarity in simple, plain language as proposed at the Copenhagen interpretation of 1926. Related Nature is Implosive – Modern Technology is Explosive | The Secret […]
Visualize Dolphin Communication with Cymatics | See What Dolphins See & The Discovery of Dolphin Language
(John Stuart Reid) Dolphins and Cymatics Animal communication has been studied for decades although reliably identifying animal sounds has proven to be extraordinarily difficult. However, some good work has been achieved in this area and recent research in the field of dolphin communication, using the CymaScope, is beginning to show promise, as the following […]
MUST READ: Schumann Resonance, Advanced Science — Psychophysical Regulation and Psi | Gaining Clarity on a Misunderstood Topic
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Iona Miller wrote the following extensive research paper discussing the infamous Schumann Resonance. While it might be challenging to review this kind information, I highly recommend doing so because it will provide the essential first-hand knowledge needed to understand the energetic nature of existence. There is one thread to this […]
Life Energetically Generated from “Lifeless Environment” | AbioGenesis – The Frankenstein Effect by John Mount
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article details the work of Andrew Crosse, who during the 19th Century, conducted several experiments that inadvertently proved the validity of AbioGenesis theory—the generation of life from lifeless environments. Crosse did not set out to discover this principle. He originally wanted to generate crystals by electrifying […]