(Martin Walsh) The U.S. Supreme Court officially overturned Roe v Wade last week, the landmark case that legalized abortion.
Abortion Laws
WATCH: Phony Kamala Harris Goes Off On Dramatic, Pro-Abortion Rant… Gets Wrecked By Former Pro-Life VP
(Amber Crawford) On Tuesday night, Kamala Harris spoke at a pro-choice group’s annual gala, harshly condemning Republicans and Conservative justices on the Supreme Court over their move towards overturningRoe v. Wade. Two nights later, at an anti-abortion group’s gala, Mike Pence publically shot back at Harris for her comments.
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Radical Abortion Activists Gather Outside Supreme Court Justices’ Homes
(Jordon Dixon-Hamilton) A group of radical pro-abortion activists gathered outside the homes of multiple U.S. Supreme Court Justices on Saturday to protest the Court’s expected decision to repeal Roe v. Wade.
Same People Who Defamed Ivermectin as ‘Horse Dewormer’ Now Suggest Women Go to Veterinarians for Abortion Med
(Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal) Maybe it was the one-two punch of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter followed so soon by news the Supreme Court might be ready to overturn Roe v. Wade, but liberals seem to have lost their minds.
Woke Bill Would Turn California Into an Abortion Destination, Offer Pregnant Women Travel Grants
(C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal) If Roe v. Wade is overturned when the Supreme Court rules on a Mississippi law in the coming weeks — as a leaked draft opinion from the court suggested it will be — you would think little would change in the state of California.