(Patty McMurray) On Saturday, we reported about a hostage situation in a snyogogue in Colleyville, Texas.
100 Percent Fed Up
While Americans Were Told To Hide Under Their Beds, Dr. Fauci and His NIH Employed Wife Raked In $1.7 MILLION…Their Total Net Worth Will Blow Your Mind!
(Patty McMurray) Americans have been locked down, shamed, humiliated, and made to feel like serfs for refusing to follow the orders given by government overlords based on the advice of unelected government bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci, whose been calling the shots for over two years now.
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Is Ray Epps The Key To Uncovering a Deep State Conspiracy?
(Patty McMurray) Is Ray Epps the key to uncovering a deep state conspiracy that many of us have suspected for years? With what we have witnessed with Midyear Exam, Crossfire Hurricane, the Whitmer Kidnapping, the 2020 election, and now the January 6 “insurrection,” it has become obvious that our government is not that of a healthy functioning democratic republic. But the depths of the corruption, and how far bad actors are willing to go in corrupting our society, have largely remained hidden. But there are encouraging signs.
UFC President Dana White Goes Off On Reporter “They [doctors] hand out pain killers like f**kin Tic Tacs” But Won’t Give Ivermectin and Monoclonal Antibodies For COVID [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) UFC giant Dana White is the president of the multi-billion dollar UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), the largest mixed-martial organization in the world.
BOOM! VA Gov Youngkin Signs 11 Exec Orders On First Day In Office: Bans CRT…Ends School Mask Mandate…Rescinds Vax Mandate For State Employees [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) LET FREEDOM RING!
Supreme Court Makes Decision On Biden’s Vaccine, Testing and Mask Mandate
(Patty McMurray) On January 7, the United States Supreme court heard oral arguments regarding OSHA’s COVID vaccination mandate for large companies with 100 or more employees or COVID testing mandates. The Supreme Court was being asked to decide if the Biden administration had the power to ask OSHA to enforce such a mandate?
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DAD OF SICK CHILD Confronts Mgr At Ronald McDonald House Over Decision To Evict Unvaxxed Family Members and Patients Over 5-Yrs-Old [VIDEO]
( 100 Percent Fed Up) Austin Fergason and his wife have a 4-year-old son fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Having a young child with a life-threatening disease is terribly stressful, but the stress was ratcheted up when Austin and his wife received a letter from the Vancouver, British Columbia Ronald McDonald House informing them that anyone inside the house under the age of 5 must be vaccinated against COVID.
Ghislaine Maxwell Gives Up Battle to Keep Names of 8 Anonymous John Does in Sex Trafficking Operation Sealed
(Adam Wilson) While Ghislaine Maxwell’s highly publicized trial came to a close last month, where she was found guilty on 5 out of 6 charges, another legal battle is still happening to unseal the names of eight anonymous “John Doe’s” named in a civil lawsuit against Maxwell. The right names are all allegedly high profile individuals, ranging from politicians to business leaders and members of the royal family, one of whom is rumored to be Prince Andrew. After fighting to keep the names sealed for months, Maxwell’s lawyers have given up on attempting to protect their identities. The Daily Mail Reports–
Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett Fold On Key Issues, Side With Liberal Justices
(Adam Wilson) Today, the Supreme Court blocked an OSHA mandate that would have forced private employees to be vaccinated. While many conservatives are celebrating the 6-3 decision as a victory, the court refused to put a stay on a healthcare worker vaccination mandate that could result in even more healthcare workers being fired after thousands already have been. The Epoch Times Reports–
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Bob Saget’s Death Might be More Complicated Than Initially Thought
(Patty McMurray) On Sunday, Bob Saget, the popular “Full House” actor, and comedian was found dead in his room by a Ritz-Carlton hotel worker around 4 PM.
World Health Organization Joins EU In Opposing Continued Booster Shots
(Adam Wilson) Just weeks after many European countries changed the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ to include the booster shot and made plans to include it in their vaccine passports, the World Health Organization joined the European Union in condemning continued booster shots as potentially harmful to the immune system.
OUCH! Fauci Gets Fact-checked On Lie He Told About His Records Being Available Online During Senate Hearing
(Amber Crawford) Yesterday, Dr. Fauci testified under oath that both his financial documents and conflict of interest documents are public knowledge and suggested they could be easily accessed. This is a complete and irrefutable lie.
NYC: Progressive Leader RIPS UP Vaccine Card in Solidarity With Anti-Vax Mandate Protestors [VIDEO]
(Amber Crawford) On January 5, crowds of protestors gathered outside the NY State Capitol building in Albany to fight against COVID vaccine mandates. Local lawmakers and activists showed up at the rally in support of the movement, but one man’s speech was particularly powerful.
Stunning Facts Released About Unvaccinated Vs. Vaccinated COVID Patients In Australian Hospitals
(Amber Crawford) New South Wales (NSW), a state in Australia, has had a much higher rate of vaccinated patients hospitalized with COVID than unvaccinated patients.
Strippers, Viagra, Drugs, Prostitutes, and More…Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Will Release Tell-All Book Before 2022 Midterms, Including Story Of Hunter’s Affair With Dead Brother’s Wife
(Patty McMurray) After almost two years of non-stop scandals that involved multi-million dollar overseas ventures aided by his former VP dad, Hunter Biden was front and center during the Christmas festivities at the White House this year with Jill Biden.