“From conception, through planning and during the tour, to expand and stretch ourselves to BE Absent Limits”
The above is a quote from the description of the OPAL Tour that I wrote a few weeks ago. Little did I know at the time what opportunities to step into being absent limits would look like, and they have been many and varied.
From watching both myself and others go through the ‘spiritual bootcamp’ phase of preparation for being together in density, to dealing with BE’ings who are still holding onto the paradigms of fear, control and ownership.
The announcement of this tour has triggered those who know nothing of the former ‘oppt’ or the One People. BE’ings who have no idea the spiritual, legal, lawful, corporate, patent, copyright landscape has been reconciled and as a result fear, uncertainty, anger and doubt are presenting to be addressed. The opportunity for myself and others giving our energy to this tour, is to address ALL opportunities from the space of ONESNESS, ABSENT LIMITS.
Is it a challenge? Yes!
Is it exciting? Yes!
Is it confronting? Yes
Is it joyful? Yes!
So what is the OPAL Tour really all about? I think we each have our own answer to that and it varies form person to person. For me it is a spiritual journey, to re-walk the songlines of the not only the USA but as many parts of the world we can get to. To support the awakening of both humanity and the planet, to trigger activations of energy vortexes in the land, to trigger the absolute internal tech that lies within each of us. To create a space for those who have lived their lives as quiet spiritual warriors to come out into the light and be seen, recognized and welcomed.
For others I know it is more about the suppressed technologies that will be joining us for the journey and rightly so. For too long we have known we have all the answers to the problems the world has faced and felt much frustration at their suppression. This is also the area of the tour that has presented the most challenges. There are individuals who still want to maintain control of the distribution who are attempting to stop us.
For those of you who have been with us at 5D Media Network over the course of the year and had the opportunity to hear Heather explain the mechanisms of control over humanity, you know it always comes down to control of distribution. He who controls distribution, be it financial, food, technology or anything else, controls US.
This is why the OPAL Tour is doing what it can to network individuals from all over the world; we CAN create and be our own channels of distribution, owned and controlled by no-one.
People from all over the world are supporting this tour, people who we may never get to meet and thank in person, because they know within their hearts that this is BIG. It is an energetic event in and of itself that they just know is making a difference. The messages I am receiving of love and gratitude are at times overwhelming and I feel so blessed to be a part of this. Like many of you I have been working towards this moment my entire life (maybe many lifetimes ☺)
I would like to take this moment to extend the hand of co-operation to anyone who feels threatened, to anyone who is attempting to shut us down and stop the support, be it financial or otherwise. The time is NOW, if not us then someone else will……….our reality is changing right before our eyes and we can grow into it with grace and ease or we can be dragged into it kicking and screaming, we each have that choice to make and NOTHING to lose.
I look forward to meeting each of you IN DENSITY real soon.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for…and we’re DONE waiting
If you’re done waiting and can feel the call, step into Absent Limits and find out how you can participate in the O.P.A.L Tour
In Lak’esh
Lisa Harrison
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