(Amber Wheeler-Dwight) What a year! 2020 has been unlike anything we could have anticipated. There is so much disinformation, soft disclosure, and deeper partial disclosures hitting the collective consciousness right now. The impact has been exponential each passing day; interpreting current events has become difficult for everyone. Finer details aside, there is a big picture to be looking at that helps us understand the underlying details more clearly. Everything is connected, but most of the things we find ourselves at odds about will work themselves out in the end of we can get to the core of the situation at play and stay focused.
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by Amber Wheeler-Dwight, October 14th, 2020
We have been waiting for decades for this moment. People with knowledge have been seeding public perception with information as long as there has been duality. In the information age this has become the art of war, and it is with this that we are winning. Wielding the power of the internet and film has turned the tables in the biggest of ways. Humanity was inspired by what they would soon learn to be not far off truths and made huge progress despite muddling through a great deal of disinformation and programming.
There are many ways we’ve been helped along, one of the most significant being soft disclosure in film, which gives viewers some bits of truth mixed with some misconceptions or misdirection. Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Gate, Battlestar Galactica, even recent Marvel movies, are all examples of soft disclosure in pop culture. Filmmakers meet with high ranking members of the military with top clearances, who tell them what they can and cannot include. Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, is perhaps the most intriguing of these cases; his connections trace all the way back to WWII, to a group of Navy officials who worked together to help America in its earliest stages of Secret Space Program developments.
A deeper understanding of this group is important to get a true appreciation for Star Trek and all its implications. Dr. Michael Salla has written many novels on this topic, with each chapter having up to 4 pages of resources. He uses authenticated documentation, whistleblower testimony, and circumstantial evidence, all of which hold up in a court of law, to paint a very clear picture of what truly transpired during and after WWII. I cannot recommend his work enough. He was a world-renown international politician who specialized in building peace treaties between nations but left his career upon realizing the implications of the UFO phenomenon to dedicate his time to the discovery of the truth. His work comparing whistleblowers is impeccable, especially that of Tompkins.
William Tompkins came forward in 2016 as a sanctioned whistleblower for the Navy at the age of 94. We have numerous authenticated documents including his mission statement, which was signed by James Forrestal, who appointed him and Rico Botta. His testimony corroborates many other whistleblower testimonies and builds a solid foundation on which we can expand our understanding of the greater exopolitical issues at play. Rear Admiral Rico Botta was in charge of their covert Navy espionage program; their task was debriefing 29 spies embedded in Nazi Germany, compiling their findings into information packages, and disseminating them to various think tanks, institutions, military bases, contractors, etc., across the country. Tompkins later worked for Douglas building what became America’s first Secret Space Program- Solar Warden. Recently the FBI destroyed over 1500 documents pertaining to Admiral Botta; thankfully Dr. Salla downloaded his service records from the National Archives before they erased what could be some of the most important documents regarding our nation’s history.
Admiral Botta and Tompkins were both present during the LA air raid in 1942. Tompkins was a young man living in an apartment with a beach view, where he saw everything that took place. This incident was a mass sighting on record, where dozens of ships were being shot at by the military to no avail. They were successful, however, in downing 2 craft; one recovered by the Navy and one by the Air Force. Admiral Botta was part of the recovery team which obtained one of the craft. His espionage program found that the Nazi’s had 30 different types of prototypes, that Hitler was obsessed with uncovering ancient knowledge, and that they had an alliance with malevolent reptilians, who they helped build bases in Antarctica, which would be later used to house space fleets. Corroborated testimony suggests these are not “shapeshifters,” however, there does seem to be an evolved mental capacity which allows them to largely invade our minds, including disallowing us to truly see them using overlay images. Spiritual and mental evolution seems to be a common theme in sentient humanoids and other beings, where various forms of telepathy are developed to varying degrees. These commonalities are reminiscent of our various religions; when stripped of their dogma they are, at their core, very similar messages which suggest ET visitation, manifestation abilities, and metaphysical existence.
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These two men were in the thick of the most important transition of our age. They sparked the flames of a paradigm shift that seems to be coming to its climax 80 years later. They were the beginning of what became a secret Star Trek age for humanity. The things that have been hidden away for “national security purposes,” (which really just mean threats to Big pHarma and the PetroDollar,) could heal this planet and free humanity overnight. That would create equality, which is not profitable to some. Still, they found ways to get this information to the public in case people started to talk; soft disclosure through film offered plausible deniability and something to point their finger at if anyone tried to speak out against the programs. Admiral Botta was a contemporary of Navy Vice Admiral Leslie Stevens III; they were both leading experts in aerospace engineering and headed top Navy aerospace facilities at different times. They were also both retroactively promoted to Rear Admiral in 1943, but Botta was dated first, showing seniority. Again, we have authenticated documentation proving all of this, as well as proof of their encounters with each other.
Admiral Botta headed the Naval Air Material Center in Philadelphia Shipyard where Solar Warden began taking shape to combat the Nazi presence in Antarctica after the war. Stevens was quoted as having a hand in all naval aircraft, carriers, and landing apparatuses; all made at the shipyard. His expertise suggests knowledge of Botta’s intelligence on Nazi projects in 1942, after the LA air raid, and Bill did, in fact, confirm Stevens was briefed on Navy info regarding Nazi UFO’s. Documents show Botta and Stevens also served together on a line selection board for Navy Commanders. Two documents requested a group meeting between the two and other admirals were sent to Admiral Botta by the Bureau of Naval Personnel. This confirms they had a chance to meet and talk about the development of Solar Warden. What’s more, while on the board together, declassified CIA documents show Stevens was assigned responsibility within Joint Chiefs of Staff for clandestine activities and covert ops. He would have had very high clearance.
Soon after this, Stevens was appointed head of the Joint Subsidiary Plans Division, which was formed in 1949 under the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During peacetime they coordinated the development of psychological warfare and covert ops capabilities in the Department of State and CIA. In wartime, they coordinated commanders under their control in specialized fields. His position of Chief suggests similar work to Botta, and we can see he certainly seems to specialize in manipulating the mind. Stevens would have been a key Navy official in helping the Army’s Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) achieve its objectives, which included UFO investigations and psychological operations aimed at hiding the units’ covert operations. They seemed to have both been part of a covert Navy group of officials in charge of overseeing the formation of the Navy’s SSP in the ’40s and molding public opinion on the topic. This group, as stated by Dr. Salla in his book Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances, “would in time join an interplanetary alliance.” The Navy made the most sense to build a space fleet as they are similar to aircraft carrier battlegroups operations, and submarines were easy to retrofit since they were already pressurized and prepared for long voyages.
Shifting gears, Admiral Stevens worked as a Navy Officer at the US Embassy in London in 1935. His son, Lesley Stevens Jr, was eleven when he saw Shakespeare at the Old Vic for schoolwork and decided he wanted to become a playwright. At 15, now in the US, he sold his first play, The Mechanical Rat, to Orson Welle’s Mercury Theater and ran away to join the theatre troupe. He was found by truant officers, finished school with his Bachelor of Arts degree, and became Air Force Intelligence Officer at just 18. He became the youngest serving captain and because of his skills as a playwright was utilized in psychological warfare operations important to the UFO coverup. Sound like someone else we know? The apple doesn’t fall far. As he already had the clearance, he may have learned of the IPU set up to investigate UFOs. Psychological operations are important to the UFO coverup and his father’s investigations. Here we have Jr. and Sr. involved in psychological warfare and covert operations, as well as the IPU. Admiral Stevens being head of the JSPD in 1949 suggests we could reasonably conclude that he recruited his son as a military intelligence asset for disseminating key psychological warfare ideas via plays, TV, and the film industry. Psychological warfare through soft disclosure; programming people to feel or think a certain way to prepare them for certain disclosures, or even to distract and deter them from a certain pathway of information or line of thought. Fear porn is a good example of this. People who are fearful are easier to control…
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The ability to properly discern what the truth is, most people agree is vitally important to human life. But due to the limitations of perception and mind, absolute certainty, 100% confirmation, of anything, is not possible. Instead, human beings have to contend with relative certainty, based on our capacity to gather evidence and make sense of it. The preceding information is difficult to confirm, hard to know if it is really true. In discernment, evidence points to confirmation or invalidation, that something is likely true or likely false. However, in most cases, we won’t really know for sure and have to accept uncertainty with whatever conclusion we make. In order to deal with uncertainty, one of the best techniques is to assume all possibilities could happen, then take the time to contemplate each one to see how you’ll react if it turns out to be true. Furthermore, from a philosophy of knowledge perspective (epistemology), of which pragmatism is a subset, it’s OK and reasonable to pick the possibility you feel the best about and act as if that is true, looking to see what happens, changing your position if it doesn’t seem correct after testing. While the challenges of certainty will likely forever be at the feet of humanity, there are proven and established methods available. The exercise of considering information trains your mind in discernment, if you learn how to think properly. With this skill in hand, arguably a skill of skills, all the challenges of life become a little easier to bear. With discernment in hand, one can propel their growth forward with leaps and bounds, even becoming an emissary of truth that qualifies them for great positions of honor in a world progressing toward true freedom and prosperity.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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