(Cassandra Fairbanks) The Gateway Pundit has obtained horrific photos taken inside the grotesque donor-funded walk in freezer at the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals headquarters in Virginia.
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by Cassandra Fairbanks, August 19th, 2021
The former employee who took the photos says the black trash bags contained dead dogs and cats, many of which were healthy and adoptable — including puppies and kittens.
In 2019, PETA killed 1,500 cats and dogs. The following year, PETA’s so-called “shelter” took in 2,650 animals and euthanized 67% of them — 1,763 animals. The “animal rights” organization does not promote adoption, but is still registered with the State of Virginia as a “humane society” or “animal shelter.”
In 2017, the Huffington Post published a shocking expose on the slaughter taking place within PETA’s Virginia headquarters, including the purchase of a “freezer that cost $9,370 and, like the company which incinerates the bodies of PETA’s victims, was paid for with the donations of animal lovers who could never have imagined that the money they donated to help animals would be used to end their lives instead.”
The Gateway Pundit has obtained photos of what a former employee said is the walk-in freezer, which contained multiple trash cans filled with corpses of dead dogs and cats.
A former employee has alleged that PETA stores tofu turkeys that they send out to their big donors in the same freezer.
The former employee said that the company PETA contracts for cremations picks up the bins once a week to incinerate the remains.
PETA’s freezer was purchased after two of their employees were arrested in 2005 on 31 felony animal-cruelty charges for picking up dogs and cats from shelters, killing them, and discarding their dead bodies in dumpsters outside local businesses.
PETA’s brutal actions led to a Chinese food restaurant being accused of selling dog and cat meat, nearly destroying their business.
More on that can be seen in this video (story continues below):
The Gateway Pundit has also obtained a photo of a pile of syringes that were said to contain barbiturates for PETA to end the lives of many animals in one sitting. Our source explained that when they are overburdened with animals to kill — the deaths have taken place in the office of PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk herself.
Documents uncovered by PETAKillsAnimals.com indicated that following an inspection of the PETA facilities, the Commonwealth of Virginia was so shocked by the number of animals that they kill each year that the state inspector attempted to revoke their license to operate a shelter.
Dr. Daniel Kovich, the investigator with the VDACS that conducted the inspection of PETA’s animal shelter at its Virginia headquarters in July, 2010 determined “the facility does not contain sufficient animal enclosures to routinely house the number of animals annually reported as taken into custody.”
It turns out, this is because PETA has never intended to keep animals that are surrendered to them.
“After reviewing two months worth of records, Kovich found that 245 of the 290 animals–84 percent–that PETA took into custody were killed within 24 hours. Only 17 were reported as adopted or in foster homes. Kovich noted that PETA’s shelter did not meet PETA’s own published guidelines for operating a humane animal shelter,” PETA Kills Animals reports.
In 2017, the organization paid up $49,000 in a settlement after stealing a little girl’s pet chihuahua and killing it three years before.
The organization’s aim is to cease pet ownership altogether.
“If people want toys, they should buy inanimate objects. If they want companionship, they should seek it with their own kind,” PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk has said. “In the end, I think it would be lovely if we stopped this whole notion of pets altogether.”
The Gateway Pundit recently revealed that PETA received $2.6 million from the taxpayer funded COVID Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) — and nearly $2 million of that loan was forgiven in June.
PETA’s total revenue in 2020 was $66,277,867, according to financial records posted on their website — hardly making them one of the small businesses that these loans were intended for.
PPP loans over $2 million were being audited and borrowers were asked to justify the reasons that they needed so much. Interestingly, in late July 2020, PETA partially paid back their loan, which brought the total of their loan to just under $2 million.
The $1,905,465 balance that they owed was forgiven on June 11, 2021.
How much of our tax dollars went to PETA discarding dogs and cats like common household trash?
The Gateway Pundit has repeatedly reached out to PETA for comment on this and our many other stories on their actions and has not heard back. This story will be updated if and when a response is provided.
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About The Author
Cassandra Fairbanks is a former leftist who came out in support of Donald Trump in 2016. She has been published in the International Business Times, RT, Sputnik, The Independent and countless other publications.
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Johanna Zee says
This commentary has been quite common throughout the years. One expects an animal organization to not euthanize animals. Oftentimes, these come from those who have not spent much time working in the field of animal control. The percentage you mention of animals of dogs adopted seems reassuringly high compared to the national average. At last check, though statistics vary is that only 25% of the animals entering shelters actually get a home. Having lived in other, 3rd world type areas, it remains about 10%. That is 75 to 90% euthanized. And we have been doing this for decades with little improvement overall. Lots of talk, lots of complaining, but little long term action addressing the root cause of the issue: we believe we have the right to own any type of designer animal we want. It is an industry, and anytime we involve animals in an industry, there is abuse.
The point Ingrid is making in her statement is that in an ideal, humane world, we would not have pets. Why? Because of the inherent cruelty involved. Millions of dogs every year, are neglected, discarded, tortured, killed and yes, euthanized in the U.S. As well, most people feed conventional animal feed, which is again, inherently cruel (many feeds contain dog and cat meat). We can make better choices.
I have seen the alternative: house large numbers of animals simply because an organization opposes euthanasia. They can attack and kill each other or simply live a life in fear. Is this more humane? I do not have the answers, just a few ideas to ponder. Perhaps your article can bring to light a darkness that has pervaded this country for decades. As long as we glorify pet “ownership,” as a human right, then we will continue to do a disservice to this species. If you have ever been in the cold room or walk in freezer of any city animal control facility, you know it is never pretty. We need real solutions that include a change in our mindset. PETA just has a way of putting it in our face. Someone has to. Do I agree with everything they do? No, but nor do I agree with housing large numbers of dogs, whether in kennels, where they exhibit self-mutilating behaviors from boredom and anxiety (“cage crazy”) or with numerous others they may not get along with. There never seems to be enough staff. I am talking generally here. I am sure there are exceptions to this.
The writer here seems to have a concern for the welfare of animals, but it is not clear. It feels more like a personal vendetta against a particular organization. Where is the call to action? What can someone do to prevent the apparent overpopulation issue? Are there other countries who do not have this issue and what are they doing? There are those who only allow you to breed your animal if there are enough homes for them (including ones in shelters).
I would love to see a follow-up to this article addressing humane actions we can personally take. We are in a time of personal accountability, not blaming others. We are standing up, making decisions to live from a new paradigm, not holding on to old ways.
Thank you for bringing this issue to light. It is one of our societies’ dark areas that is asking for healing.