(Exploring your Mind) Human sexuality had remained unaffected by technological advances for thousands of years. Nowadays, however, technology is starting to take the limelight and sex and technology are closely related. This is due to the existence of technology itself, but also because the way we understand and experience sexuality has changed. Let’s delve deeper into this.
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by Staff Writer, February 18th, 2019
Technological advances have provided new spaces for humans. Undoubtedly, they have allowed us to create new ways to socialize in every area, including the most intimate. Since sexuality is very important, any element that shapes it is also important. In regards to this, technology, mobile apps, the Internet, and social networks have greatly influenced sexuality.

These days, nearly everyone carries a cell phone with them wherever they go. However, we call each other less than ever before. Instead, we opt for more distant forms of communication. Technological advances are happening so quickly that it’s difficult to study and draw conclusions on how we relate to technology.
But there’s no doubt that technology is really influential, both personally and socially. Although it might seem unpredictable at times, we must remain up-to-date on the relationship between technology and sex.
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The Internet and sex
The Internet is infinite. Therefore, there is also an infinite number of web pages with sexual content. The Internet is a preferred destination for both informational and recreational content.
On the other hand, it’s common for teenagers and even minors to share sexual content nowadays. This practice has attractive qualities: it’s highly visual and it doesn’t require much time.
Adult content
Sexual content can be found in various formats and it’s very easy to find. What’s more, statistics show that many people of all ages search for sexual content.
But it’s far from being harmless. This is because sexual content shapes sexual expectations. For some reasons, our brains don’t process the information we receive as fiction.
One dangerous practice that unifies sex and technology is sexting. Mostly young people and teenagers engage in it. This practice consists of sending pictures or videos with explicit sexual content taken as “selfies”.
Even though this can be a way to spice up an adult’s sex life, it’s become an erotic and risky game among teens. Material and footage can fall into the wrong hands, which can lead to inappropriate content being shared without permission.
Unfortunately, the perversion of this practice can lead to grooming. A groomer is an individual that seeks to hurt a minor through social networks. A groomer uses technology to disguise their appearance and contact people who are generally much younger than they are in order to obtain explicit material from them.
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
-Albert Einstein-

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Sex and technology: A controversial connection
Referring to the topic at hand, we could say that sex and technology have a controversial connection. Technology opens up a world of possibilities. However, many of those possibilities harm us rather than help us.
What’s more, technology has revolutionized the emotional bond between people. Applications that result in relationships in which all of the stages pass quickly, such as Tinder, seem to fit very well in a design that’s somewhat warped: love as a consumer object.
Technology has also developed haptic devices. These devices simulate the feeling of touching or being touched by another person. But virtual sex has created conflict and distrust and intimate communication is worsening day by day.
In conclusion, we could say that it isn’t the technology itself, but rather how we use it. Technology applied to sex isn’t bad in and of itself, but its use or abuse will determine how beneficial it is for each person or couple.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose. More simply put, technology is the use of any knowledge to express one’s values and desires. But not all technology is beneficial. To understand this, consider that the purpose of human life is evolution, to grow wise and competent in all areas possible. In this respect, technology can help humanity by enhancing human consciousness, or it can hinder it. In today’s world, we have yet to grapple with the question of ethical technology with respect to the actualization of human potential. If technology limits the development of knowledge, wisdom, and competence, it is not a beneficial technology. Consider GPS systems as an example, which make life somewhat easier for navigation, but by robbing the individual of the ability to intrinsically learn how to navigate. Thus, if technology takes growth potentials away from humanity, as much of our modern-day technology does, it should be replaced with something more conducive for human growth. Comprehending the difference is vitally important so as to activate the urge to chance the status quo. Additionally, once one has gained the ability to discern beneficial from malevolent in the technology domain, they can use that same skillset in all other areas of life, profoundly improving life for themselves and those around them.
– Justin
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