(Fnord23) It’s a global phenomenon. The Orion constellation is a pattern of stars that is repeated in monuments throughout the ancient world, from Egypt to Mexico, this constellation has been the center of the skies for our ancestors, but why was Orion so important to the ancient civilizations?
by Staff Writer, September 15th
The whole city of Teotihuacán seems to be aligned astronomically. It is consistently oriented 15 to 25 degrees east of true north, and the front wall of the Pyramid of the Sun is exactly perpendicular to the point on the horizon where the sun sets on the equinoxes. The rest of the ceremonial buildings were laid out at right angles to the Pyramid of the Sun. The Avenue of the Dead points at the setting of the Pleiades.
Another alignment is to the dog star Sirius, sacred to the ancient Egyptians, which has led some to suggest a link between the great pyramids of Egypt and Mexico. Orion, more than a constellation, s global phenomena.
The Orion constellation
Orion is clearly visible in the night sky from November to February. Orion is in the southwest sky if you are in the Northern Hemisphere or the northwestern sky if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. It is best seen between latitudes 85 and -75 degrees. Its right ascension is 5 hours, and its declination is 5 degrees. Alnilam, Mintaka, and Alnitak, which form Orion’s belt, are the most prominent stars in the Orion constellation. Betelgeuse, the second brightest star in Orion, establishes the right shoulder of the hunter. Bellatrix serves as Orion’s left shoulder.
The Orion Nebula—a formation of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gasses rather than a star—is the middle “star” in Orion’s sword, which hangs off of Orion’s Belt. The Horsehead Nebula is also nearby. Other stars in the constellation include Hatsya, which establishes the tip of Orion’s sword that hangs off the belt, and Meissa, which forms Orion’s head. Saiph serves as Orion’s right knee. Rigel forms the hunter’s left knee.
Orion and the Constellation Cygnus and may others ( a northern constellation lying on the plane of the Milky Way. Its name is the Latinized Hellenic (Greek) word for swan. One of the most recognizable constellations of the northern summer and autumn, it features a prominent asterism known as the Northern Cross) have been so important to all of these ancient civilizations and somehow this importance is linked to where we came from and probably where we’re going.
In 2006, The Hubble Space Telescope captured a never-before-seen images of the Orion Nebula– a massive star formation 1,500 light-years from Earth. The panoramic photo reveals more than 3,000 stars in various stages of life and gives researchers new insight into the formation of celestial objects and planetary systems and according to modern scientists, it is here, in this mysterious cloud of dust and gas, that stars and planets may have been created billions of years ago.
Astronomers usually refer to it as M42 and it is there where stars are being born, so the Orion constellation is one of the most prominent star formations in the night sky and has been revered by ancient cultures around the globe for thousands of years. Named after the Greek demigod Orion in the 8th century B.C., when connected, the stars form the head, shoulders, belt and feet of a man and according to Greek mythology, Orion was a giant born with superhuman abilities, a mighty hunter who killed animals with an unbreakable bronze club. When the Greek hero was eventually slain, he was placed among the stars for eternity. His father was Poseidon.
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Teotihuacan and Orion, in “perfect” alignment. Credit: History Channel
According to Egyptian mythology, the gods descended from the belt of Orion and Sirius– the brightest star in the sky. The ancient Egyptian civilization firmly believed that from Sirius and Orion beings came in the form of humans– Osiris and Isis and they instigated the human race.
Sirius and Orion are critically important because they represent Isis and Osiris, the god and goddess from which all of the Egyptian civilization and, ultimately, all of the human civilization, supposedly sprang. The ancient Egyptians were very clear, and we find evidence in writings that Orion was linked with creation, Orion and Osiris are the same in ancient Egypt, and the Egyptians believed that Osiris will return from Orion one day, and not only in Egypt we find tales of “Gods” promising to come back and we can find this practically in every culture in antiquity which had the knowledge of somebody who would return one day. The concept that the three pyramids at Giza are in a unique alignment of Orion’s Belt is fantastic. Why does the Great Pyramid have air shafts that point to Orion? These are just some of the question that– until today, do not have a clear answer.
If we move 500 miles south of Cairo, we will find on a desolate plain in the eastern region of the Sahara Desert the mysterious archaeological site known as Nabta Playa. Discovered by a team of scientists in 1974, researchers believe the stones scattered here were once part of a vast ritual center for an ancient civilization that thrived from 6400 to 3400 B.C., just before the rise of the Egyptians. Nabta Playa is different it wasn’t a settlement. One of the centerpieces is a circle that has been called the “mini Stonehenge of the desert.” For more than three decades, this circular stone structure and its intricate alignment to the stars of the Orion constellation have baffled archaeologists. The builders of Nabta Playa seem to be aware of a level of physics and understandings of mathematics that allowed them to build these structures in relation to the Orion constellation.
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Engineer Robert Bauval and astrophysicist Thomas Brophy have studied the configuration of this mysterious monument for more than ten years, in their book Black Genesis they suggest the stone circle is a star-viewing diagram that aligns with the belt stars of Orion at the summer solstice. The calendar circle is this smaller stone arrangement, and the calendar circle represents a diagram that teaches how the sky moves long-term. So what we’re looking at right here is a small mock-up of the actual calendar circle of Nabta Playa.
According to mainstream scientists, radiocarbon dating indicates the site was constructed nearly 7,000 years ago. Taking this time frame into account, Brophy studied the positioning of the gates and the center stones, and discovered that it was then, in 4900 B.C., when three of the center stones lined up precisely with three of the brightest stars in the constellation of Orion.
Just 35 miles northeast of Mexico City lie the ruins of Teotihuacán, an ancient city once inhabited by more than 150,000 people. Researchers believe the impressive structures here including two large pyramids and a temple were built in the second century B.C. and like the Egyptian pyramids of Giza, the monuments point directly to the three stars of Orion’s Belt. This is not coincidental; there is just so much evidence, and Orion is clearly an important location in the skies to the Civilization in America and Africa. The layout of the pyramids of Teotihuacán is in the formation of Orion’s Belt it’s clear as water. They say it is a point of creation. And history tells us that in 3114 B.C., the gods came from the heavens to Earth in a convention, and this convention occurred in Teotihuacán.
The construction of Teotihuacán was attributed to the Quinametzin Giants; Quinametzin(Náhuatl), a race of giants who, legend says, populated the world during the previous era and whose survivors were hidden in those days. “The Quinametzin were created during the era of the “Sun of Rain” and its ruler was Tlaloc. His rule ended when Quetzalcóatl made “rain fire” and the Quinametzin burned to death.”
Also what is incredibly interesting is that the pyramids in Teotihuacán reflect the position of Computer chips. “The city layout resembles a computer circuit board with 2 large processor chips. The pyramid of the Sun and the Moon are connected by the long, now called Avenue of the Death, that runs from the North to the South. There is another avenue, of equal length, that runs from East to West. Along the avenue, there are a series of open courtyards with small platforms. The courtyards are 475.72ft./145 m. wide. There are numerous similarities to the pyramids of Giza, in Egypt using the same mathematics as in the Giza plateau. The base of the Great pyramid and the one of the Sun in México measures 750 square feet. The pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall as the pyramid of Giza.” – History Channel
Another amazing site which has a direct connection to the Orion constellation is located in northeastern Arizona. Here the Native American Hopi tribe has called these peaks of the Colorado Plateau home for more than 1,000 years. High above the Arizona desert, their reservation, encompassing more than 1.5 million acres, consists of 12 villages. According to research both the Hopi landscape and the tribe’s mythology are centered on Orion.
The Hopi migrated all over the Southwest and after a series of building villages and abandoning these villages, they came to these three primary mesas in Northern Arizona. They call them first, second and third mesas. The Hopi mesas shape Orion’s Belt image and it is said that the Hopi specifically came here because of the shape, so we know for sure that the Hopi were extremely interested in Orion’s Belt and for them his was the center of their universe. They say it is a place where they can make contact with the gods and according to some researchers, not only do the three mesas represent the stars in Orion’s Belt, but when connected to other Hopi landmarks throughout the Southwest, the collective sites map the entire body of the Orion constellation.
The three Hopi Mesas align “perfectly” with he constellation of Orion. Credit History Channel.
Every major star of the constellation corresponds to a ruin site or a village that the Hopi are currently living in. When we take a look at the left shoulder of Orion we find a place called Wupatki, it’s north of Flagstaff, Arizona the Hopi built this ruin about 1,120 A.D. Then we find another place called Homolovi ruin by Winslow, Arizona, this one corresponds to the right shoulder of Orion and the star Betelgeuse and the Hopi also settled up north of the mesas and here we find that the sites correspond to the star Rigel. So we can find a whole complex of villages that corresponds to the right foot of Orion the star Saiph. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
If you look at the Sumerian, the Egyptian, the stories of the Maya, if you look at all these cultures, what you’ll see is the same story told in different ways in different languages. Those who came from the stars came here, and they started human civilization. And what is incredible is that all of these stories, legends and tales have to do directly with the constellation of Orion, and having said that, it cannot be a coincidence.
What we need to do is focus our research into Orion, we need to try and understand why the ancient civilizations that ruled the world, thousands of years ago, gave so much importance to this constellation that they decided to build monuments, and cities depicting the stars on the ground. We need to study the history and look for further evidence now that we have the technology that will allow us to obtain answers to hundreds if not thousand’s of questions that the human race has in regards to the origin and the purpose of life altogether.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
History is the tapestry of events of human activity that have led to the present. Without understanding where we have been, we can’t properly understand and shape the future we want to create. The preceding information discusses history in some respect. With a proper understanding of history in hand, one can better comprehend their place in the present, as well as positively, contribute to the guiding of civilization toward a benevolent end.
– Justin
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