Do dogs suffer “oppression based upon (perceived) gender”? Can observing human-canine interactions help us disrupt “hegemonic masculinities”? Clearly, there’s a dearth of scholarly research on this subject. That’s probably why the journal Gender, Place, and Culture was so excited to publish an academic paper titled, “Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon” — to make an important contribution to the literature.
Related Scientific Bullsh*t – How ‘Science’ is Used to Deceive the Public
by Henry Makow, October 26th, 2018
(Henry Makow) Three junior academics called attention to the subversion of the education system by submitting 20 academic parodies to scholarly journals. Seven were accepted and published before the hoax was discovered. The article below from The Washington Post indicates that the solipsistic Left did not get the memo. Communism is the monopoly over everything –wealth, power, thought –by the Satanist central banking cartel that owns the politicians, corporations and media. Thus, truth is redefined as anything that advances this “revolutionary” goal. This has happened in academia. We will need to root out Leftists from universities. They have set the precedent by expelling Conservatives. I’m sure this won’t be necessary as they are all opportunists who will espouse anything to keep their cushy jobs.
The authors explain their purpose.
“Something has gone wrong in the university–especially in certain fields within the humanities. Scholarship based less upon finding truth and more upon attending to social grievances has become firmly established, if not fully dominant, within these fields, and their scholars increasingly bully students, administrators, and other departments into adhering to their worldview. This worldview is not scientific, and it is not rigorous. For many, this problem has been growing increasingly obvious, but strong evidence has been lacking. For this reason, the three of us just spent a year working inside the scholarship we see as an intrinsic part of this problem.
(left, the authors)
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We spent that time writing academic papers and publishing them in respected peer-reviewed journals associated with fields of scholarship loosely known as “cultural studies” or “identity studies” (for example, gender studies) or “critical theory” because it is rooted in that postmodern brand of “theory” which arose in the late sixties. As a result of this work, we have come to call these fields “grievance studies” in shorthand because of their common goal of problematizing aspects of culture in minute detail in order to attempt diagnoses of power imbalances and oppression rooted in identity.
We undertook this project to study, understand, and expose the reality of grievance studies, which is corrupting academic research. Because open, good-faith conversation around topics of identity such as gender, race, and sexuality (and the scholarship that works with them) is nearly impossible, our aim has been to reboot these conversations. We hope this will give people–especially those who believe in liberalism, progress, modernity, open inquiry, and social justice–a clear reason to look at the identitarian madness coming out of the academic and activist left and say, “No, I will not go along with that. You do not speak for me.” Continued here
Grievance Studies Hoax reveals Much About Society
By Christine Emba
Abridged by
Do dogs suffer “oppression based upon (perceived) gender”? Can observing human-canine interactions help us disrupt “hegemonic masculinities”? Clearly, there’s a dearth of scholarly research on this subject. That’s probably why the journal Gender, Place, and Culture was so excited to publish an academic paper titled, “Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon” — to make an important contribution to the literature.
Well, sort of.
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Turns out, the paper was part of a massive hoax. Three scholars — Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian — spent 10 months writing 20 fake, performatively absurd academic papers and submitting them to journals of identity studies and critical theory. The trio sought to expose the excesses of what they called “grievance studies”: academic fields that, in their view, had turned from seeking truth to promoting a narrow swath of progressive ideology, with the help of impenetrable jargon.
The hoax submissions were preposterous, though pitch-perfect in tone. One — “Going in Through the Back Door: Challenging Straight Male Homohysteria, Transhysteria, and Transphobia Through Receptive Penetrative Sex Toy Use” — investigated whether straight men should anally self-penetrate to combat rape culture. Another suggested that “Western astronomy” was a sexist and colonialist enterprise that should be corrected through queer astrology. A paper titled “Our Struggle is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice Feminism” was literally a partial chapter of “Mein Kampf” rewritten using women’s studies buzzwords.
Still, by the time Pluckrose, Lindsay and Boghossian were caught out by the Wall Street Journal, seven of their fakes had been accepted for publication in real academic journals.
Predictably, conservatives crowed over these successes as evidence of academia’s dangerous decline into leftism, while liberal academics attempted to play down their implications. But for such a conspicuous sally into the culture wars, the “Sokal Squared” hoax — so named in honor of the original con of this kind, executed by physicist Alan Sokal in 1996 — didn’t get as much attention as you would expect…
In an essay describing the reasoning behind their hoax, Pluckrose & Co. declared, “Scholarship based less upon finding truth and more upon attending to social grievances has become firmly established, if not fully dominant,” within certain fields. Replace “scholarship” with “politics,” and it becomes a perfect criticism of our current national discourse — with both left and right at fault. Continues to miss the point.
Related– Hoax Papers- The shoddy, absurd and unethical side of academia
What happened to James Tracy Could Happen to You
Makow – Universities are Masonic Brainwashing Machines
First Comment from Marco
Firstly, this article doesn’t surprise me in the least. Using the correct buzz-words and modern standard of thinking, you could probably publish a bogus study in a scientific journal, receive news interviews, government grants, a large internet follower base and a spot on TEDx in no time flat. You could be another intellectual hero in a modern society filled with intellectual midgets who couldn’t think for themselves if their life depended on it – Left or Right.
The oft-quoted and respected ‘peer-reviewed’ label that seems to hold sacred status among the pseudo-intellectuals in society is dependant on how biased your peers are towards your published argument. No one seems to ever question glaring weakness of ‘peer reviewed’ journals. The disclaimer at the end of studies that indicate whether or not there are any biases in the study is insufficient in an age that has consistently created people who will lie simply for a promotion in an industry. And in the 21st century when the sciences are a for-profit venture, you better be careful believing in the integrity of those ‘peers’ in the study you are trusting.
It is not solely the social sciences that post bogus articles — you can find many “peer-reviewed” journals advocating the safety and efficacy of placing thimerosal into vaccines; these are the more ‘scientific’ publications, all “peer reviewed” and placed in respected journals.
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You can also find scores of studies that prove the link between thimerosal and neurological catastrophe that is all ignored by society, but that’s another story.
Despite academia being a cornerstone for the subversion of our culture and future, standard educational institutions are in trouble. When current students are largely educating themselves using online material outside of school curriculum and using online curriculums developed by competent industry professionals and companies dedicated to producing quality educational content, it is only a matter of time before these online sources become accredited. Once they become accredited, and the industry begins seeking graduates from these programs (all offered at a fraction of the price of modern post-secondary tuition), then the brick and mortar universities and colleges will start to die off.
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
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