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I found some time to listen to this show today and it is filled with empowering information.
During one section Brian asks the question: How do we counter the effects of a “bad vibrations” associated with words? Cullen Answers by saying “Awareness is KEY” and I couldn’t agree more. He also says “all words are neutral and just information,” it is the intention or thought behind the word that really matters.
What is Word Magic and how does it work?
All mind control – suppression of the Masculine – is based on incepting ideas, changing the mind and consciousness without the person’s awareness; because they willingly choose not to be aware. Again looking to Natural Law, the mental plane is where free will (the masculine aspect) can act with the greatest influence. This plane is a function of the masculine and feminine principles of gender; Gender meaning Generation, creation. Hence the phrase “we create our own reality,” the subjective perspective – ‘we make up our minds’ – which affects our choices and what we create in the objective world.
We co-create reality with our thoughts and bodies, our words and actions, the plane of effects. The key is within understanding the Subjective (perspective, the Mind, The Causal Reality) as it relates to the Objective (what is, the Body or Emotions, the Actualized Reality, Effects). Our total experience is a combination of the two. For instance we speak our ideas into the world, which is an objective seed of meaning (a word), and is received and decoded by another person affecting their perspective, which in turn changes their actions. For example, when we discover that cancer is caused by poor eating habits and lack of detoxification, our perspective shifts, and we may choose to change our eating habits. The key point here is the quality of our knowledge – how accurate it is – determines how harmonious our life is within, and without. Negative Knowledge, the acceptance of ideas and meanings which are inaccurate, hinders our ability to see the truth, and manifest our desires completely.
Words and Symbols are received into the consciousness, and decoded via the unconscious mind based on our previous experiences and conclusions of those experiences. The principle works just like a google search for our mind. What we focus on queries our database (stored knowledge); displaying the associated meanings in our mind.
Imagine a hand being held over a flame, and burning comes to mind. This meaning is drawn up from our unconscious mind due to all the past experiences we have with respect to this set of symbols; the objects in the scenario described. If our Masculine aspect is malfunctioning, we never question this meaning, we do not look at it consciously to discern if it is accurate. The challenge is to hold an idea in mind without accepting the meaning automaticly. This is where the intention of looking for the truth is key. Blind acceptance is what makes a spell powerful – an idea powerful – because we allow it to change our perspective – our knowledge – changing our behaviors.
Discernment is key
Natural Law can help us understand word magic. If words in our experience create a bad feeling, we must understand why and act to change our meaning of it by expanding our knowledge. Shadow work is the art of exposing ourselves to ‘negative’ triggers so that we can navigate through them consciously via discernment.
Discernment is the process of reconciliation via juxtaposition, where we compare an idea which might be true to one we think is already true. Discernment is not a process of ignorance where we dismiss things that do not resonate with us emotionally. The process is an attempt to understand ALL things holistically, which will alchemize any negative emotional experience into a positive one because we change fundamentally. This method works because the emotional, subjective experience of negativity is a product of our incomplete ideas of what is; our lack of complete knowledge. Further underscoring why knowledge is the key unlocking all the doors to all our self created cages. The truth will piss us off, make us hurt, compel us to change and then set us free!
Lisa and Brian were joined by blue Star and special guest Cullen Smith for an enlightening and entertaining discussion the MAGIC of the spoken and written word.
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