(Joseph P. Farrell) This amazing series of photographs was spotted and shared by V.T., who deserves a big thank you. My reasons for sharing these with the readers here are manifold, firstly, because of their inherent interest, secondly, because I have myself personally seen similar types of formations in clouds, and thirdly, because those formations that appear in some of these pictures, and which I myself have personally seen, merit some commentary by way of some very high octane speculation.
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by Joseph P. Farrell, November 27th, 2019
Here’s the article with its amazing satellite photographs:
NASA Accidentally Shows Evidence of Large-Scale Weather Manipulation In Satellite Photos
Counting from the top of the article, I want to draw the readers’ attention to two of the photographs, the 3rd, and the 11th:
Image off Africa’s west coast
Cloud “ridges” from an ionospheric heater
Buy Book Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
Why do these two pictures interest me? Well, as I said in the introduction to today’s blog, I have personally seen both types of formations. I’ll never forget the evening when I was visiting my mother in Topeka, and stepped outside to smoke a pipe as the sun was setting. I looked up, and my jaw dropped, for above me were high cirrus-type clouds in a perfect checkerboard pattern. I stood for some minutes looking at the formation, and was struck by something else: the clouds appeared to be stationary, i.e., they may have been moving, but if they were, they were doing so so slowly that it was not visible to my eye. I finished my small bowl of tobacco, returned inside, only to go outside once again a few minutes later – perhaps not more than ten minutes – to check on the formation, and it was completely gone, and the checkerboard pattern had been replaced by a few wispy normal-looking clouds. It was as if someone had turned on, and then turned off, a switch. My immediate thought was “interferometry.”
Which brings me to the second of the pictures I’m interested in, the 11th, purporting to show a “HAARP” station, or ionospheric heater, and a triangular formation of clouds. Clearly, there is no interferometry here; the clouds are responding to one source of electromagnetic pulses, but in the 3rd picture showing the cross-hatching checkerboard pattern, a second source is needed to produce that effect.
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OK… so what’s the big deal? Where is the high octane speculation? On this one I’m walking right to the end of the twig once again, and right off of it altogether, and my reasoning is a bit subtle and may not even be grasped by some people, but I’m going to give it my best shot: most analysts of this type of phenomenon, as the article itself suggests, argue that these formations are due solely and simply to the spraying of heavy metals into the atmosphere used in conjunction with the ionospheric heater technology and electromagnetic waves. I am certainly not disputing either the spraying, nor the purpose for it: to increase the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere. But that said, I have to wonder if we’re looking at a dipole phenomenon at all here, or if we’re looking at something very different, perhaps occurring in conjunction with the dipole, but which is a much more fundamental effect. So what’s a dipole phenomenon? Most people are aware that lightning arcs and strikes during storms are caused by differences in electrical polarity in regions of clouds, or between clouds and the ground; positive charge builds up here, negative charge there, and eventually lightning arcs from one region to the other. Certainly chemical spraying of certain heavy metals in the atmosphere can contribute to ionization, and therefore to that dipole phenomenon.
But what we’re looking at in these two photos are certainly odd formations of clouds – and indeed, they could be building regions of electrical polarity. The problem is, these types of clouds in the pictures are not the types of clouds ordinarily associated with storm clouds, and hence, with electrically polarized regions and lightning. In other words, the dipole is missing or is simply not very strong. So what exactly is causing the clouds to bunch together in these strange patterns? If one assumes that there is not a strong polarity present, then something else is making them bunch together. There are two possibilities. One might be a kind of homo-polar magnetic wave that would react the same way to any dipole phenomenon. In other words, a kind of “east-or-west” magnetic pole that responds to both the north and south poles of a conventional dipole in exactly the same identical way. The other would be gravity. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not discounting that what you’re seeing is an effect of the use of ionospheric heaters in single and multi-beam-mixing (interferometry) modes. But I’m now wondering if we’re looking at live experiments in the production of gravity wells and peaks via electromagnetic means on a highly non-linear, non-dipole medium…
… like the atmosphere…
See you on the flip side…
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Geoengineering, solar radiation management, cloud seeding or chemtrails is one of the many wide-scale conspiracies that have the power to activate curiosity, helping to awaken minds that are brave enough to honestly investigate the phenomenon. It is also one of the more well-documented conspiracy realities, and as such, has the power to dispel the false reality pushed by the Deep State propagandists. The preceding article reveals this agenda with substantive evidence.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
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