(Will Justice) Rumors from several sources suggest a major preparation is underway, and it might have something to do with the contested US Election. What if Trump wins and the deep state goes balistic?
Related OPERATION Mass Arrest the Deep State is Moving At Pace
by Will Justice, December 9th, 2020
The rumor was compiled by the Hal Turner Radioshow, claiming that naval and troop movements, along with unnamed insider sources suggest mobilization of forces are occurring if the election results in the US are overturned.
Before we get to the story, it should be noted that a rumor is just that, a rumor.
Not every rumor is false. Each should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Examining possibilities isn’t wrong, it’s the smart thing to do.
Debunking a rumor involves identifying the claim, looking for evidence to back it up, and if the evidence that is discovered during investigation clearly proves the claim false, then it has been properly debunked.
A claim is not debunked simply because someone thinks it’s stupid, comes from a source people believe to be questionable, or seems unbelievable. Far too many “debunkings” are in fact appeals to authorities or discrediting of the claim by attacking the source instead of an honest look at what the claim says and if there is any evidence for or against it. Finally, the absence of evidence is not proof of invalidation.
When fact-checking this story, we discovered multiple instances of bogus debunking, wherein “debunkers” claimed it was false simply because it sounded unbelievable (an incredulity fallacy) and the source, Hal Turner, is not respected (attacking the source).
Here at Stillness in the Storm, we’re making no claim that the story is true, or false. We’re merely offering it as a clue to what might be going on, given an unprecedented situation. And that situation is that for the first time in decades, an open insurrection against a sitting POTUS is taking place: Biden, via the AP, declared himself the winner of the 2020 election, despite the fact the legitimate constitutional process was not complete and massive evidence of voter fraud has been discovered. If one examines history looking at how a coup d’etait takes place, they’ll quickly discover that almost all the indicators are present.
Naval Movements and Economic Indicators
Let’s review the story from Hal Turner:
Today (Tue.), the US Navy is positioning Aircraft carriers and their strike groups off both the US east and west coasts. It appears we are preparing to defend ourselves from an invasion. China?
Late Saturday, no fewer than 25 C-17 aircraft were in the skies over the USA, carrying troops and equipment from around the nation . . . ALL going to Nellis Air Force Base. (Story Here).
Also late Saturday, no fewer than 12 C-130 aircraft were also on the move, ALSO ALL heading into Nellis.
On Sunday, locals on and around Nellis reported the base was “swarming” with soldiers and Marines. They also reported seeing a vast array of land fighting vehicles coming out of cargo aircraft.
This morning, according the the US Naval Institute, the Navy has deployed THREE (3) Aircraft Carriers, plus a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) off the US West Coast, and TWO (2) Aircraft carriers and their Strike Groups plus another LHD off the US East Coast.
Off the West Coast is the USS Carl Vinson in the Pacific (NOT AT PORT) along the Oregon/Washington Border,
the USS Essex (LHD) off the coast of San Francisco,
and the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its Strike Group off the coast of Los Angeles . . .
Off the East Coast are the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower off the Coast of Connecticut,
the USS Gerald R. Ford off the coast of New Jersey,
and the USS Iwo Jima off the coast of South Carolina . . .
The map below lays out the approximate location of the vessels:
Given these new naval deployments, and the very large, sudden, movement of troops into Nellis AFB, one gets the impression that the United States is preparing to defend its homeland from actual invasion.
Hint: That may actually be the case.
Word in Intelligence circles says that if the Supreme Court voids any or all of the November 3 election due to the massive fraud and violations of the US Constitution with changes to election laws, the lawless extension of voting for weeks, in violation of 3 USC 1 & 2, the Democrats are planning on asking the United Nations to INVADE to depose Trump as a “Dictator.” There is also word within Intelligence circles that the states of California, Oregon, and Washington, plus New York, might actually try to secede from the Union if Trump gets four more years, and may need to be forcibly brought back under US control, the same way renegade southern states were handled back in the 1860’s Civil War.” (HT Note: It would gladden my heart to see the US military bombing egomaniac Governor Andrew Cuomo and filthy Commie NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio back into the Union . . . or to Kingdom come . . .)
China and Russia are deploying their naval assets in such a way that transit to the US would not take long!
China is positioning out in the Pacific.
Just this morning, the British revealed they have been tracking “the entire Russian Northern Fleet” off the British Coast this month, as the Russians head out into the North Atlantic for . . . . something. (Story HERE)
One possibility is they are heading toward the Mediterranean to deal with Syria and perhaps Turkey. But what if they’re **NOT** going into the Mediterranean? What if they’re positioning out in the Atlantic to arrive as “requested” along the US East Coast?
It sounds corny, but we won’t know until we know and that will be a few days.
Stay tuned folks. We’re seeing history unfolding.
As a precaution, we remind you that your firearms need cleaning and oiling; especially if you haven’t used them in awhile. They collect dust, develop surface rust in the barrel. Now might be a good time to take them out, clean them, oil them, and make sure they are in pristine condition. Don’t want any jamming or misfires if we suddenly find ourselves having to shoot and kill invading foreign troops, invited here by Traitors . . . who would also have to be shot and killed.
Attorney Lin Wood, who is known to be working closely with President Trump concerning the theft of the November 3 Election by crooked Democrats, posted __this__ interesting item on his Twitter feed. Related???
Good advice to keep a very close eye on everything Communist China does over next several days & weeks. https://t.co/jIhehyAWxj
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 9, 2020
Might Lin Wood know something thanks to his work with our President?
It seems that China has been snapping-up every Barrel of Oil it can get its hands on; far in excess of what it normally consumes. Storing-up because they intend to wage war, perhaps?
China and many other corrupt forces are working very hard to ensure Biden takes office so the Great Reset and other globalist plans (Green New deal, Agenda 2030), can be implemented.
Fast Tracking the Great Reset Under a Biden Administration
Days ago, John Kerry, openly said that the Great Reset will be implemented with haste as soon as Biden takes office.
According to the Hill:
There has been some evidence suggesting that Biden and some of his biggest allies back the Great Reset and would attempt to impose it on the United States. But Biden and his team have never explicitly stated that America would be involved — that is, until now.
At a panel discussion about the Great Reset hosted by the World Economic Forum in mid-November, former Secretary of State John Kerry – Biden’s would-be special presidential envoy for climate – firmly declared that the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset “will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.”
When asked by panel host Borge Brende whether the World Economic Forum and other Great Reset supporters are “expecting too much too soon from the new president, or is he going to deliver first day on this [sic] topics?,” Kerry responded, “The answer to your question is, no, you’re not expecting too much.”
“And yes, it [the Great Reset] will happen,” Kerry continued. “And I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine. In effect, the citizens of the United States have just done a Great Reset. We’ve done a Great Reset. And it was a record level of voting.”
Kerry later argued that the Great Reset is necessary to slow the “climate crisis” and that “I know Joe Biden believes … it’s not enough just to rejoin Paris [the Paris Climate Accords] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to just do the minimum of what Paris requires.”
Kerry also said that because of the Great Reset movement, he believes “we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time” and that “the greatest opportunity we have” to address social and economic problems is “dealing with the climate crisis.”
Trump has openly opposed the Great Reset, the Green New Deal, and pushed an America First policy that greatly undermines the globalist agenda. If Biden loses, due to a SCOTUS decision, which could take place in the coming days and weeks partially due to a major lawsuit filed by Texas earlier this week, the globalist agenda, and the forces working to see it through, will not be happy.
The SCOTUS Case is Bigger Than We’ve Been Told
Despite the fact the media and so-called legal scholars claim the Texas lawsuit lacks merit, it apparently has the power to deal a huge blow to the rigged election.
Here’s what a retired constitutional lawyer had to say.
Via Vox Day (Emphasis Added):
I received this email from a lawyer with a background in Canadian constitutional law, which I would not consider particularly relevant, but it’s never a bad idea to get the outsider’s perspective, especially that of a well-informed outsider, as this gentleman obviously is. I note that as of this writing, 9 States have already signed onto the Texas lawsuit.
I’m writing this email with the proviso that it’s been several years since I last practiced law in a professional capacity, and that my Con Law training was in Canadian Con Law, but on the face of it, the Lawsuit by Texas (and now Louisiana and apparently a bunch of other states) in the Supreme Court probably opens the way to a Trump win. You’ll probably have other correspondents on this issue with more relevant legal experience but here’s my tuppence worth. I’m viewing this strictly through a legal lens although politics inevitably creeps into it. I take no view of or make any predictions concerning the likelihood of Trump crossing the Rubicon. I’m just laying out why this case matters, and why it may succeed.
This is the case that SCOTUS has been waiting for. There’s nothing the Court would be more loathe to do than to wade directly into disputed factual allegations of fraud when time is of the essence and the election hangs in the balance. As the court of ultimate appeal SCOTUS’ role is primarily to decide questions of law, not of fact and in the usual course of events, they would hear the appeals of the Trump campaign and others of the dismissal by various judicial hacks of their election Fraud cases and if they had merit return them to the lower courts with an order that they be heard. What they would not do is weigh the evidence, make a finding of fact and a dispositive order in favour of one side or the other. That’s not [sic] how it’s supposed to work and given that the majority of the Court now is now comprised of originalists, or those with originalist leanings, it would go against everything they supposedly stand for to wade into what is a very political controversy and start busting heads right or left where their authority to do so is questionable. The ordinary course of these cases would be to appeal up through the appellate court system to SCOTUS if necessary until their case was returned to a lower court with an order to that court to hear it. No doubt the various low level judicial hacks would then make adverse judgements even after hearing the evidence and the whole process would begin again until the SCOTUS was forced to issue a dispositive ruling. But that process could take months, if not years.
But there’s one big exception to this SCOTUS’s appellate role – the Supreme Court is the court of original jurisdiction for disputes between State governments – it can hear evidence and determine questions of fact. And in the current dispute there probably won’t even be much of that – few, if any of the facts that the Plaintiffs will rely upon are going to be seriously disputed and the substance of the case will revolve around the application of those facts to the election framework set out in the Constitution. So not only is this a case that the Supreme Court is almost REQUIRED to hear, it’s going to be about the interpretation of very clear, straightforward clauses of the Constitution, and their application to the present circumstances. It’s an Originalist’s legal wet dream.
This case also presents the best opportunity of the court to deal with the matter cleanly and without appearing partisan (who am I kidding – the court will be labeled [sic] partisan by the media if it gives anything but a full-throated endorsement of Joe Biden). The answers to the questions presented by the Plaintiffs are simple and set out very clearly in the Constitution. The likely best-case scenario for the Plaintiffs is that the Court agrees that the election was irrevocably flawed and throws out the results in some or all of the four states in question, leaving neither candidate with a majority of electoral college votes and passing the matter to Congress to decide. Even if the court declines to take that step, simply reiterating that how electors are selected is solely at the discretion of state legislatures (A state legislature is entirely within its rights to get rid of presidential elections and simply appoint electors as it sees fit and indeed in the early years of the Republic several did just that), it would give authoritative legal cover to the legislatures in the impugned states to nullify the results and select their own electors.
My view is that what path the Court takes will largely depend upon how many States formally support Texas. If it’s only Texas, Louisiana and one or two others then the court may be inclined to take a minimalist approach. But if 15 or 20 States sign on then SCOTUS may see this as evidence that vast swathes of the country have no confidence in the fairness of the recent election and it will be more inclined to nullify election results and put this squarely in the lap of Congress. The fact that there are a half-dozen or so other states apparently joining, including Florida (so 2 of the 3 most populous states in the Union) gives credence to the view that the legitimacy of this election is seriously in doubt and the Court must act.
Lastly, there’s no way GEOTUS [God Emperor of the United Staes, e.g. Trump] did not know that this lawsuit was in the pipeline, nor that states other than Texas would be signing on. The fact that he recently appeared at a Rally in Georgia confirms this in my view. The more Americans get fired up and bombard their [sic] state and congressional politicians with demands that they honour the will of the voter, the more likely additional states will sign on to Texas’ lawsuit, and the more GOP state legislators and congresscritters will find enough backbone to do the right thing. Of course even if SCOTUS puts this in the lap of Congress or State legislatures this does not guarantee Donald Trump will be returned as President. There’s nothing as feckless as a GOP politico being promised by Immigration lobbyists, big tech, and the Chamber of Commerce that the Benjamins will flow and that he’s got a great future as a Senator/Governor/President if he takes the statesman-like approach and ignores the yokels who voted for him. That said from a legal perspective, the outcome of the election looks a lot less certain than it did 24 hours ago.
While I obviously welcome the idea of President Trump winning through the courts, don’t forget that this is only the second of his three primary options, and it may not even be his preferred one. Then again, as Sun Tzu teaches, the best victories are those that don’t require taking the field.
Again, we don’t know anything for certain. We’re doing what any rational strategist would do: explore all possibilities, no matter how seemingly unbelievable.
While writing your elected officials might not force them to do the right thing, each time we make our voices heard, it pressures them and unquestionably declares that we the people do not have confidence in the election results. This can only help the cause.
– Will Justice
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world by forming effective grassroots initiatives.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (RUMOR: Are the Globalists Preparing to Lose to Trump? Navy Movements Suggest Something BIG) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
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– Justin
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So these people want to subject NYC to aerial bombardment if they won’t bow down to Trump, after they have been unable to show any evidence in court this election fraud actually happened?
This is bonkers. It’s like reading terrorist literature from isis, translated into English. WTF is wrong with you, spreading this nonsense?
Li. You’re mistaken. Did you read the article? Do you not see that BIDEN is a traitor and a fraud and a liar and a cheat? Are we to accept tyranny and dictator because people might not understand that Trump is a valid right and basis to stop the fraud?
A military force’s presence doesn’t automatically mean they’ll “subject NYC to aerial bombardment” if they refuse to accept the lawful decision of a Trump win. They are there to protect the peace in the event criminal governors try to violate more of the people’s rights by openly opposing a legal and lawful Trump win.
Nothing is wrong with me. The question is, what is wrong with you?
There are usually 2 sides to every story we are taught…in this case however there is not. The US Constitution is the only Fact that matters!!! Everything else is drivel. Justin is spot on with his comment!!