While most of the time I refrain from the “He said” “She said” type crap that proliferates the Internet, occasionally something get’s posted that jacks up my ire so much that I HAVE to respond ….. otherwise my head might explode.
These were brought to my attention about 15 minutes ago. After I cleaned up the floor from all the exploding brain matter, I decided that I would finally address this openly and with full transparency.
Here is the first link for those of you who haven’t read it yet:
THEN DONATE NOW! We require funding for the One People, by the
One People, no matter how small! Take the first step and make a commitment
even if you are still too afraid to speak or step forward.
There is a new system rolling out. Go to www.i-uv.com;……
THEN DONATE NOW! We require funding for the One People, by the
One People, no matter how small! Take the first step and make a commitment
even if you are still too afraid to speak or step forward.
There is a new system rolling out. Go to www.i-uv.com;……
Before we even remotely delve into any of the finer details I want to make this perfectly clear to anyone out there that has read this and started scratching their heads:
The OPPT- The One People’s Public Trust, nor the Trustees of the OPPT are involved with either ITCCS nor SWISSINDO. Now…. I haven’t been able to get a hold of Randall Hilner yet, but I just got off the phone with Caleb Skinner who has verified for 100% without a doubt that he has never asked for a single donation and he never had contact with anyone from these perceived organizations. I know for an absolute FACT that Heather has not asked for or received any donations and has nothing to do with ITCCS nor (no matter how much they want her to) SWISSINDO.
So, if someone sends you a link or a document asking for donations on behalf of OPPT…… go tell them to jump in the lake.
As for the actual logistics of this ridiculousness…… OPPT was reconciled, along with all other Trusts, and the Trustees have retired from serving the now defunct One People’s Public Trust. So, as the OPPT no longer EXISTS…… they can’t actually receive donations ANYWAY!!!!
The next document that was brought to my attention is this one that was released last night:
Next, my questions and comments on these documents:
– As the OPPT is no longer in existence, who is taking in donations under that former Trusts name?
– The only donations info is for the ITCCS and it gives a bank account number- WHY is the ITCCS asking for money/donations?
– Since when has ITCCS had anything to do with SWISSINDO and/or the UCC filings that were made by the OPPT trustees and then used by SWISSINDO to further their own political agenda?
– If the ITCCS needs money then why doesn’t Mr. Sino just release some of it to them?….. oh wait!
– As the Donations paper sets out that all debts (in only South Africa?) are to be wiped out by the end of September, then WHY do they need donations?
– …. ask for money then they have the gall to say right on the document that uninformed questions just waste time?! Seriously?!? *thud*
– SWISSINDO has never asked for or received any permission to make any statements/demands/negotiations to the United Nations on behalf of OPPT or it’s Trustees. Any Statements/demands/negotiations that SWISSINDO has made to ANYONE is solely based on their own actions and the actions of those people working with the perceived SWISSINDO group.
Here’s my take on all of this: we KNOW that we are the Value. We KNOW that our Value is exponentially and perpetually increasing as we each DO for the betterment of humanity and our planet….. yet SWISSINDO wants to limit the Value to a monetary/financial tool and limit the amount of funds that each person is to have to a mere $6million with monthly limitations on how that money is to be handed out, and to set up 5 new kingdoms with rulers to oversee the governance of our planet (my interpretation of all the info I’ve received over the past few months). Who gave SWISSINDO the RIGHT to hand out OUR Value? Who gave SWISSINDO the RIGHT to choose rulers and to set up “new governance” on OUR behalf?
Yea……. bite me.
Anyway, I’m tired today and trying to cook dinner for my family so I probably should of written this when I wasn’t hungry and grumpy, but……. Oh well.
In Closing, I would like to thank everyone involved in these documents for so fully and transparently outing themselves and their agendas. I love Transparency and I love you.
Thank you for playing your role so well.
i hear you very well, i am in south africa and part of all these groups, organisations and events unfolding; i'm asking the same questions, though i've come to understand, that various groups around the planet are busy, all with a similar goal, but maybe different approaches. A lot of my friends a seriously upset by the OPPT, who, without their (my friends) consent, just bundled everything into one trust and refers to a creator, that some have not come to meet… i know the ITCCS has been operating pretty much pro bono, well, the SA appointed field advocate did, he even applied OPPT methods (UCC filings) before the OPPT for impoverished communities in limpopo. He's absolutely broke now, yes there're ways to create value/money or off-set accounts with common law tools, like an A4V etc, the latter only feeding large sums back into a system we won't to dismantle. Apparently there'll be funding coming form the ITCCS soon, i also understand we might need to engage in a transition phase, i.e. still using money/gold/currency, before we all got our infinite value and monetary systems are abolishes altogether…
sorry, supposed to read 'want to dismantle' not 'won't'…
Oh how these attachment entanglements seem to drag down flow , purpose and productivity on this vital work. Which I understood to be all resonating around solutions for the greater good.. When bad PR is adopted it is only a clear representation of unprepared mixed perception approaches.. we are all one, that's something we know. If one or two are pressed beyond their means they need to pass the torch to suitable souls who are still in their means and can take work further.for those pioneers and trail blazers, deep respect and strengthening, abundance and listening to the Way. To the author. Thanks for truth speaking. When we stand in truth without ego we can see further and un imaginable things happen xxx
Interesting that people talk about wanting truth, yet when someone speaks it people suddenly close their ears to it. Back when I heard about OPPT I became aware that Kevin Annett had contacted Heather Tucci-Jarraf demanding control over OPPT's seized assets. This was revealed by D. Zelaney to a Canadian Blogtalk radio show host who interviewed Heather. When asked the question regarding OPPT and ITCCS (Kevin Annett)the audio mysteriously cut off and none of Heather's response was audible by the audience. The transcript exists now on the I-UV site which is true and accurate compared to archived audio. However, it appeared to many, including myself that Heather was involved (at some level) with ITCCS as Mel Ve, Angel Lucci, and Heather Tucci-Jarraf appeared on many shows together. Many OPPT/Peoples Trust 1776 sites and others publish Kevin Annett's work HEAVILY and although to Heather and others this doesn't mean an alliance exists, most common people (and newbies) to this movement would not know the difference. Hence the recent uproar over Brother Thomas and his .pdf asking South Africans to donate money to an account on a publication using both ITCCS, OPPT and the Two-Row Wampum symbols/logo's as headers to his solicitation. Few people care to dig deep into the origins of ITCCS, Kevin Annett and his trail of devestation and lies. When bloggers bring this to peoples attention they are threatened by the very same people who claim to be supporters of OPPT. There is no love and light for dissenters who take issue with Kevin Annett and his methods. Few people demand the same kind of transparency from Kevin that they hold as one of OPPT's principles. Many view his mis-deeds as minor offences… foibles that are a means to an end if it means they can advance their own vision and agenda. While Brother Thomas of Gift of Truth, has rectified the allusion to an OPPT/ITTCS partnership, so long as Heather Tucci-Jarraf herself ignores this latest chink in the armor of OPPT and now I-UV Kevin Annett and his supporters (or someone just like Kevin) will use OPPT to their full advantage, creating greater skepticism and a return to the old paradigm. Perhaps this is mission accomplished for Kevin Annett, whose reputation for infiltrating movements leaves them broken and scattered to the wind.
I have heard a lot of people say kevin has the fairies intention yet nobody has produced for me any day to you have any links for data to support your assertion just curious thanks for your feedback.
I have heard a lot of people say kevin has the fairies intention yet nobody has produced for me any day to you have any links for data to support your assertion just curious thanks for your feedback.